Red Sonja (1985)

If I liked Arnold's Conan movies, should I watch this?

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yeah it's bretty good fantasy flick, used to always be on TBS and TNT when I was growing up.


>he hasn't seen Red Sonja

It's decent. Same level of campiness as Conan the Destroyer.

it's garbage

i saw this for the first time the other day honestly it had some good shit. the sword fight at the end... they really go at it. it was impressive to watch a couple females go ham at each other like that. i recommend.

>put conan in a sword and sorcery movie but dont call him conan
its decent, not as good as conan, but if you like that kind of stuff you should enjoy it. have you seen krull?

This? Not yet. Doesn't look particularly good, but I may check it out because it was supposed to be the 3rd Conan movie.

NO NO NO that movie is garbage KRULL with an R, its also terrible, but terrible in a good way. has a young quigon jin in it

>Millennium Media has announced that it will finance and produce a new Red Sonja movie. Millennium's Avi Lerner (who specifically named Wonder Woman as one of the reasons this new Red Sonja story is moving forward) and Joe Gatta will produce the reboot alongside Mark Canton and Courtney Solomon.

cast it Sup Forums

Red Sonja is gonna be black, calling it now.

>Red sonja
>Not replacing her love interest with an ULTRA HGH GIGGA NIGGA 9000 and having a wimpy effeminite Jew as the secondary male lead
>Not putting them against a FUCKING WHITE MALE

Do you even understand Hollywood anymore?

Idris Elba

Rose Leslie could work. Atleast she's red. It will probably be some nobody skinny jew or some indistinct race token flavor of the month girlpower figure. Fuck remakes anyway.

This has been on my watch list for yes because of how how Brigitte Nielsen is, but I never came around to watching it

yes, but it's awful. that's part of the charm.

add Beastmaster to your list too.

RIP Kodo. or was it podo

I wouldn't go for a known actress if I could help it, find some muscly nobody who actually knows some martial arts and is willing to dye her hair red. Would also be nice if she has curly hair with some volume.

But the suits will probably force them to get a "name" on the movie to help it sell, which almost certainly dooms them to some scrawny starlet who will need so much coddling through action sequences that she'll never make a convincing warrior.

>dye hair red
Fuck you. Real red or gtfo.

It'd be hard enough finding someone of my specifications who can act, nevermind one that has all that shit, can act, and is also a natural redhead.

Do you? Hollywood has a boner for recasting gingers as black people

desu it's probably a bit better than destroy tho


It's a fun sword and sorcery flick. If you like Arnold it's definitely worth a watch.


>Arnold Schwarzenegger signed up for a glorified cameo, as a favor to producer Dino De Laurentiis. Much to his surprise, he was stuck on the set for four weeks, three weeks longer than expected. He discovered after watching a rough cut of the movie that his role had been expanded to co-star, thanks to crafty angles and multiple cameras. Soon after, Schwarzenegger decided to terminate his 10-year contract with De Laurentiis.