He ain't wrong

He ain't wrong.

>of a nation that doesn't exist
Ignoring all other factors, it's objectively an unjust comparison.

isn't Starship Troopers a white nationalist movie? how about The Man in the High Castle series?

>White nationalist movie

You mean basically every single Fuck Yeah USA! USA! USA! shit war flick from the past fifteen years?

>if someone made a white nationalist movie


>isn't Starship Troopers a white nationalist movie?

The main character is Argentinian.

the black nationalist is the villain and dies at the end

hell yeah

>isn't Starship Troopers a white nationalist movie?
Why would you think that?

tor is basically is a white nationailists movie
small group of half god whites live in supercity and they are half gods

Nah, black Africans, hate American black people.

because the nation is a fantasy nation this excuses it? just create a white nation and call it KKKeon and see how that flies

How the fuck is Starship Troopers a white nationalist movie when in the movie itself they promote a black woman to the highest command in the government? Fuck off brainlet.

forgive me for my broken english

argentina es blanco

>it's diverse because there's no white people

What is Captain America

not an argument you sub 80s iq nigger. if you made this EXACTLY same fucking movie, but with an all aryan white cast that promotes and glorifies whiteness and portrays them as the most intelligent, the most wealthiest, the most rich culture while deliberately and openly belittling and insulting niggers, even if all of that was made-up capeshit fantasy land, this would cause another shoah in all of media.

No, that movie was basically WarHammer 40k, also the main character is castizo I believe and is multi racial and doesn't mention race at all, you're just reading into it

You beat me to it. This is constantly lauded by film schools as one of the greatest films of all time.



just imagine if most alliens were black/asian like they are europeans now in most of marvel/dc universe

what a frustration would be around internet


why do europeans live in asgard or krypton?

That was always what diversity really meant, they just disguised the language so that if you fight against it they can claim your trying to play the victim or your "fragile" kek.

>black nationalism is the same as white nationalism
No it's not, blacks never enslaved a fuck ton of whites. Say what you want but it's as simple as this.

This. It’s silly to call this a black nationalist movie, it’s capeshit

it's been more than a decade since i've watched the film (not the novel), but I was under the impression that since all the actors were white they represented a white globalist (nationalism on a global, sci-fi scale) agenda. if that's not the case, my bad.

How is that movie explicitly pro-white in ANY way? That movie is basically multi-racial patriotism =good, Nazi wypipo= bad

No, or at least the book isn’t. The main character is Filipino, and from a wealthy Filipino family

I'm mad they made Supergirl a whore.

fighting Nazis' is less pro america and more anit-Nazi

>t. Tyrone

Blonde, blue eyed aryans having their own civilization that is way more advanced than all the multicultural nations in the world?

Nationalism is for low iq retards


Get the fuck out

Needs a reboot.

You're right, the blacks only enslaved a fuck ton of blacks. There's still widespread slavery all over africa, many times more slaves than were ever in the US.

So? They enslaved themselves and sold them to whites, is that any better? They also enslave themselves to this day, you just hate wypipo. The most backwards and dangerous parts of the world today are places filled with blacks, the parts that didn't get colonized like the Congo are worse to, they still think cannibalism is normal.

but the movie ends with Black Panther embarrassing multiculturalism and foreign aide


I don't hate white people, I'm just explaining why blacks will be forever pissed.

>Ehrlich is a Yiddish surname, meaning "honest" or "honorable". Notable people with the surname include: Abel Ehrlich (1915–2003), Israeli composer of symphony music. Alojzy Ehrlich (1914–1992), Polish table tennis player.

Slavery isn't a factor in the argument, brainlet. Who would want to go through the effort to enslave a bunch of useless, idiotic darkies in the present day anyway. Halfbreeds are the future of the slavery game.

meant for and nice try this dude is a kike

>every smart person can be a rich internationalist in a world of finite supplies
u dum

what comparison? hes not making a comparison. hes saying if you made the same movie with a white guy the media wouldn't be touting it as someone for kids to look up to.

It doesn't matter. Blacks are told "white people used to enslave you" and that's all it takes. People love to have reasons to be angry and to feel offended.

why? because they lost?
sounds just like a bunch of sore losers.

>black panther is so important and a movie of the present!
>its about an ultra nationalist african society that builds walls to ensure its survival

huuuuuuh...........makes you think...............

Black Nationalist Movie? That makes no sense. It's a fictional fucking story. I can't even count how many fictional movies there are about white people doing shit for some made up country, I mean Jesus Christ. There are good arguments to be made here about how Black Panther is advertised, but this one sure as fuck isn't one of those.

That's because white leads are the default so no on needs to say that, it is simply implied. But Black Panther is a superhero movie where almost everyone is black. It's something different.
Idk if you people are just trolling or actually think what you write.

except theres black and Asian asguardians so that doesn't work.

my sides

If Black Panther is a Black Nationalist movie, then Captain America is a white nationalist movie

Yes, that's exactly what they are.

It's not but of course that won't stop altright idiots from circlejerking

Wakanda’s isolationist policies have more to do with resource hoarding than ethno-nationalism; the overwhelming majority black populace is due to the fact that it’s a country in Africa. T’Chaka specifically started the process of tearing down boarders and trading with other countries, and T’Challa has allowed Cap and Bucky to immigrate as refugees.

Quintessentially Shakespearean

>Peter Sweden

So glad to see Sweden fighting back by posting "If x did y it would be different" on twitter and also praising Israel.

based Peter Sweden

Bond is basically a white nationalist film series. It's basically an imperialist white man travelling around the world, killing their men, and stealing their women.

>He ain't wrong.
Isn't he?
How can a movie be nationalist if it's about a nation that does not exist?

what is the Barbary slave trade?

>what is the Barbary slave trade?

What are your thoughts on slavery in Brazil? They had ~10x the amount of slaves that were in America and were treated much worse? They also had slavery until the 1890s. Brazil brought 4.9 million slaves from Africa to Brazil. Many Caribbean Island imported more slaves than there were total imported to the US. Only 350,000 slaves were taken from Africa and brought to the US. Most of the slaves in America were generational slaves, which in some ways is worse I think, to be born into being a slave rather than made one. I'm not trying to defend slavery here, and the racial aspect of it in the US, but it's funny how American slavery is the only slavery anyone ever talks about.

The problem is that in English, we don't have enough words to represent slavery. However,
slavery is not all created equal. Slavery in most parts of Africa is more like indenturement. After period expires, the slave becomes a full-fledged member of the community.

In ancient Rome, there were former slaves in the Senate.

What we think of as slavery is a particularly brutal institution that doesn't subjugate people; it subjugates generations.

Not quite, it's specifically a white British imperialist series. Filthy colonials and JF's can get fucked.

>be me, Arab
>never get asked to apologise for the bazillions of wh*Te europids we enslaved over the years
>3abeed never ask us to apologise for forcibly enslaving them, converting to a religion that worships our race, selling them to white dudes, and castrating the rest
>they still think we are their allies against wh*Tes and convert en masse to an Arab supremacist religion
>can make any racist joke against any race and get away with it cause I'm not whitey

Feels good senpai.jpg

He's right, anyone who disagrees is a nigger or a nigger lover.

I'll bet he ejaculated white too

I like how a capeshit movie triggers Sup Forumsfags so much

Lets make a movie called Naziopolis then
all the white people created their own nation on the moon, and left earth for the inferior earthlings
While the moon prospers earth is buring, and earthlings are trying to invade the moon.

didn't read, but you wacky white supremacists and your petty, deluded victim mentality really should've found a board of your own by now

Berbers aren't black, though.

>a people's right to self-determination is decided by how oppressed/oppresive their history is

>of a nation that doesn't exist

Nations are not governed states with borders. It's a large community of people with common cultural and ethnic characteristics.

When I made that point here a couple of days ago I didn't think nazis were going to "retweet" it

I was hoping some normies would read it 2bh. Let them make something of it. Now that the alt-rights have it, it's now in the garbage

American blacks believe that ANYONE who is in Africa is "black" like them, why not hold them to their own standard?

>wh*Tey subhumans still being forced to apologise for slavery from 200 years ago cause they are beta cuckoldry fetishists
>meanwhile Arabs in 2018 are selling niggers as slaves for a cheaper price than a used PS4
>tfw never get forced to apologise


It's still not real

they were north African and according to black people, ancient Egyptians were black because Egypt is in Africa. therefore, berbers were black too.

that's not really the point though. the point is that all races have been enslaved and enslaved other races at some point through out history but whites are the only ones that ever get shit for it. its just a blatant double standard.


People are STILL making documentaries crying about The Birth of a Narion

/our goy/

>according to black people, ancient Egyptians were black because Egypt is in Africa.
Ancient Egypt was not a singular thing; it was a string of civilizations that happened over three millennia in the same place and adopted similar trappings. The early kingdoms (the rise) were likely black. The middle kingdoms (the zenith) were brown, and the late kingdoms (the decline) were white.

good man

They are not black nationalist. They are wakanda/country nationalist. They refuse to help other African countries and non wakanda blacks even. Huge difference. A white versions would be like a white country that refuses to help other white countries

Name 5 in the last 5 years then dipshit. Wanna mention The 15:17 to Paris? A film that was largely panned and proves the OPs point exactly?

>>never get asked to apologise

No, we just wish to kill you on sight instead. Nothin personell

For filmmaking techniques it pioneered. The actual story and content have been heavily shit on for years.

What new techniques does Black Panther pioneer? PS2 graphics?

Nearly every movie that is based on historical events celebrates white people, what more could you want?

Every viking movie, every roman empire movie, every British Empire movie, all of the dozens of movies about American settlers, any movie that takes place in the industrial revolution era, every WWII movie.

If you think Black Panther is “black nationalism”, then by that same logic Sherlock Holmes and Pirates of the Caribbean are white nationalist movies because they feature ZERO non-white actors in the main cast and 99% of the side casts, sans a token black pirate crewmember.

You're right. I think Peter Sweden was triggered by the word "black."
Why are so many white guys triggered just by the mention of a common color?

arabs are subhuman, go step on a landmine ahmed

best review I've seen for this movie

Silly cracker, minorities can't be racist!

that's nice but it has nothing to do with what you quoted. ill try again.

according to black americans, part of Africa=black. so if we go by that logic, the berbers were black. like I said in my last post though, that's really not the point.

Welcome to modern politics. The right is predominately pro-Israel and the left is predominately anti-Israel, especially in Europe/Sweden

What did niggers call it when they put their own kind in cages to sell to someone?

>What did niggers call it when they put their own kind in cages to sell to someone?
I don't know; I'm not a nigger. Are you?

>Starship troopers
>A satire of Heinlein's classic that features female and multi-racial troops in an authoritarian republic
>A white nationalist movie
There are no white nationalist movies.