TPB or The Office?

TPB or The Office?

trailer park boys is the objective answer

What? It's not even close. The office is enjoyable, TPB is GOAT

Kill yourself

The answer is clear bub

Mister Jesus, is this you talking or the holy spirit?


TPB is funny, but the office I can watch the series 100 times and still laugh. It's my go-to when idk what to watch



Fuckin fag


samefag just stop


I generally only pirate shit at home

what did he mean by this


>implying you weren't posting a dumb opinion to collect (you)s

We see thru you

I feel the opposite way. I could watch TPB all day, but I don't think I'd watch The Office on my own again.

For me? It's El Chavo.


I don't get The Office :/

Reminder that Ray did N O T H I N G wrong.

His trailer burning down is Karma for his misdeeds frig off

who is the hippie?

What about ripping off insurance companies by pretending you are in a wheelchair, getting caught, drunk, dancing with hoes making porn flicks?

Way she goes, bud

TPB S1-S7 > The Office S2-whenever the fuck Michael leaves > TPB S8 > The Office S1 >>> Literal shit >>> everything else

Anybody need to get rid of their piss jugs?

It's open to interpretation Julian, it's the bible