Why aren't people listening to film critics anymore?
Why aren't people listening to film critics anymore?
In all honesty what the fuck was wrong with Bright
Cause they're bought.
Most of the great critics are dead or retired, so it's not like people pay much attention to them. They glance at the Tomatometer or whatever and maybe read a few posts on Letterboxd and that's about it.
Film critics are just another branch of advertisement at this point. Online discussion and word-of-mouth are now the best ways of gauging a movie.
What does it take to be a critic? A website? Maybe that's why no one cares what they think, it's basically no different from literal who's on Twitter
Jews = Elves
Is it because film critics take a stand against racism and problematic content?
I really like this trend. Crap, half formed movies were the mainstay of the 80s and a load of those have become comfy classics. Not being pressured into producing a money-spinning classics time after time can free up a lot of creativity.
>listeing to guys who openly praise every Marvel capeshit, whole 20 years ago they fairly railed them
>listening to faggots who glorify nonsense TLJ while decade ago they railed much more interesting prequels
>listening to faggots who give movie a high scores only coz of woman/nigger cast
geeeez wondering why...
99% of film critics are a joke and everyone knows it
Bright was good. Fuck the (((critics)))
Wait. Is Mute even fucking out yet? Was is screened during Sundance or something?
Pay no attention to what the critics say; no statue has ever been erected to a critic. -Jean Sibelius
Nothing, they just shit bombed it because "le ebul rapist Max Landis".
>I'm going to pretend to like Clovershit just to make a political statement against (((critics)))
It was decent,calling it good its a stretch
the critics of yore would be able to realize what people would like but still call it for what it is now I don't even bother to read movie reviews because they are always reviewing them for things that have absolutely nothing to do about how they work as a story or emotionally or visually
"Netflix and chill" culture is too much of a thing for them to bank on getting paid for reviews. I'm not talking about fucking during a movie but most normalfags get home from work and flip to Netflix for something to take their mind off their day. That can't be bought like movies at the theater can since you can either pay $10 for one movie that critics say is great or pay a little more a month for a vast array of good and shitty movies while the movies the critics review positively might end up on Netflix eventually.
Critics are bought to bring you to the cinema.
And I used to consider Netflix to be the mark of quality not too long ago with Beasts of No Nation.
They played a few sensitive strings with the whole racism thing. Difficult to imagine they didn't know that backlash was coming.
I thought max landis was a fag
Because if you’re already paying for Netflix it costs you nothing to watch these movies. For a movie in theatres a critic can help save you $12 from a shitty movie. If I’m already bored on my couch and a movie like Bright looks even slightly interesting I’ll probably watch it.
>being so engulfed in the current year that you can't enjoy movies anymore
Well, I stopped giving a shit about how the average of film criticism rates movies when I saw too many high ratings being given out to capeshit and similar crap. There are some good reviewers out there, but in my view anyone who gives capeshit more than a 5-6/10 should not be taken seriously, and there are also lots of reviewers who do just that.
Mute isn't even out yet?
>wow eebuuul white nepotism launched writer :o
>but ignore all this jewish nepotism in the media business, disney's young han solo was chosen because spielberg met him in a bar mitzvah and that's okay *bazinga* *dabs*
>also I am really fresh and brave for swearing and insulting people in articles
Why does anyone pay attention to internet "critics"? Literally anyone can publish text on the net, like I did just now
>every fantasy movie has to be a parrallel for real world issues
wew lad
Suicide Squad director. Really I have seen a lot of people complaining about the movie while mentioning Suicide Squad. Is a shame really, I think the movie could have been better but it is still a decent urban fantasy film.
Someone said the worldbuilding was lazy but I think it was more "show, don't tell". There were centaurs acting as mounted police, I thought it was cool even if they were just background extra.
The world is a hive mind and todays critics are no.different. They just go whichever way the wind is trending and is socially accetpable.
End of watch and Fury are both great though, relying on a DC movie to gauge a director is a bad plan.
Anyway Bright was a solid 6/10 at best, the first 45 mins dragged like a bastard.
>give every mediocre superhero movie a 99/100
>fill the top 100 films of all time with corporate trash designed to make a billion dollars by councils of executives in suits
>"waaahhhh why won't the people listen to us anymore"
I had more fun watching schlock like Valerian than I did the new Star Wars, because it was a dumb fun movie that knew it was a dumb fun movie. All these self-aggrandizing Important Movies are BORING. If I want to watch a real movie I'll go watch something like Phantom Thread or Three Billboards or whatever. Dumb movies are best when they're unashamedly dumb.
If you keep giving EVERYTHING a 10 out of 10, then a 10 doesn't mean anything anymore. This shit's like IGN-tier vidya criticism
It was alright, just the same as the standard blockbusters Hollywood shits out yearly, the ending is a bit disjointed, especially the weird comedic part straight after the (way too long imho) climax, but other than that it's just your standard flick. There's nothing special about it.
The Cloverfield paradox was similarly alright, again nothing special. Putting aside its place in the weird cloverfield film series, it too is best at setting up the story, but once it comes to resolving the various plot threads in the second half of the film it struggles to maintain the flow the beginning had (seriously though, the beginning, am I the only one who got some major even horizon vibes from that?)
No idea why the critics are shitting on them so hard, they're passable, if a bit mediocre films.
And then the plothole-ridden, cheap "lol I subverted your expectations there didn't I? aren't I smart?" mess of a film with a stupid, insipid, and inconsequential subplot and characters that almost act like literal retards to get the plot contrivances moving along gets praised?
It's making it real hard to deny people are getting payed off. And I think these "critics" only dare to really hammer on the stuff netflix puts out because they don't take the company seriously enough to hold back.
Nearly everything about your post is wrong.
Valerian was a boring cgi fx ridden quipfest just like 90% of blockbusters today. The problem is todays movies don't take themselves seriously enough because lol just turn your brain off dude!
>hot mess movie
>not even out yet
I'm guessing this soygoy gargled Black Panther's balls before even seeing it
After The Last Jedi, none will listen to critics.
I mean even Kermode did not avoid to gargle on Disney's cock this time.
critics lose credibility, rating average superhero movies like some masterpice is not a good step
whole shitty Marvel universe is rated higher than "serious" (mean non fantasy/sci fi) movies, which is pretty tiresome now.
in addition crappy movies like Ghostbusters or Get Out are praised only coz of niggers or women in it. People are not buying it anymore.
So.. why JJ Abrams's TFA is good while Cloverfield is not?
Nonsense vs nonsense, I would expect a fair treatment.
What's going on?
Bad writing, bad characters (but with good chemistry), bad script and terrible world building.
>Max Landis
Lots of movies thrive on bad reviews. Majority of Disney's live action films. Transformers. Any summer blockbuster. The prequels of Star Wars. The hell is that article trying to prove? Not to mention, they said like 3 years ago they're trying to increase the amount of Netflix Originals they have each year, so that's no surprise.
Why is this person attempting to shit on a movie that isn't out yet and no one has seen?
>netflix has been releasing bad movies for years
>suddenly it's a hot topic
>Netflix releases niche films that wouldn't do well with a wide audience but have loyal fans of the genre/director
>(((Critics))) are furious
>terrible world building
Nailed it.
>dude everything is exactly the same except the niggers are orcs and the jews are elves
>good world building
Because critics are more afraid of losing early access than they are of swimming in a sea of irrelevance
>Why aren't people listening to film critics anymore?
because it is not a profession and they spread SJW propaganda like having Black Panther @ 100%
That was a lot of text just to say "I don't like Max Landis, therefore this movie is shit"
Movie "critics" are becoming as big of a joke as game critics are nowadays.
You are already paying for Netflix, you can afford to watch a movie because it gets a lot of press, even if it's negative.
Studios are realizing they can sell garbage to netflix with no real risk.
The public will devour said garbage because in their minds they aren't paying (directly) for it and in turn be less harsh on it.
If people had to pay actual ticket prices for Bright and Paradox, they would of been massive failures
If you need bright to have world building, you probably need someone to spoon feed you all your meals.
>Max Landis
>”””white””” screenwriter
The Last Jedi was the last straw, people know critics are shills now
>I really like this trend. Crap, half formed movies were the mainstay of the 80s and a load of those have become comfy classics.
Same here user. Tbh Bright is what even convinced me to be interested in Netflix in the first point. If they can have more stuff like this and Cloverfield, I'm definitely interested
>world building.
>>listeing to guys who openly praise every Marvel capeshit, whole 20 years ago they fairly railed them
>>listening to faggots who glorify nonsense TLJ while decade ago they railed much more interesting prequels
>these 25 year olds thought differently 20 years ago
wtf is wrong with Lagunitas?
creator of pic probably thinks all craft beer is same lel
>being this edgy without any irony whatsoever
A SJW friend of mine (I don't use that word lightly), posted on facebook that he couldn't believe that it made a 'fairy lives matter' joke or something. Said it was one of the worst things he'd ever seen. He actually said the same thing about Ghost in the Shell because Batou (or Major's partner with no eyes), quizzically looked at the transgender robot in the bathroom. Said it was transphobic hahah
I'm still going to watch it
When we first met is really comfy
>Bad writing, bad characters (but with good chemistry), bad script and terrible world building.
Then why did The Last Jedi get a pass?
>drinking beer over the age of 25
IPAs are babby drinks for children and manchildren
I really don't get why this site is so defensive about critics not liking a will smith comedy.
>But wait a minute if niggers are still niggers in this world but orcs are niggers then who was the nigger first the orcs or the niggers?
I'm allergic to soy
When a normal film gets released, the "critics" get treated like VIPs and are invited to advanced screenings and premiers. They then write their review before the public see the film and therefore the Normans hang on their every word and give them views.
Netflix cuts them out completely so people aren't reading reviews for a film they've seen the day it got released and now critics are super salty about.
You mean they make shit up to make it seem like they're doing "good works", rather than just yattering about movie, like every other slob who yatters about movies online.
Hiding behind a "progressive" agenda doesn't stop you being a worthless cunt.
See yourself for the perfect example of this.
>I’m 19 :D
Losing early access would be swimming in a sea of irrelevance. As early access is all that makes critics relevant.
So yea, some are definitely trying to say to netflix "if you don't schmooze me imma poo on u!" others are so used to the schmoozing they take it for granted and are, of course, too stupid to realize the effect it has on their objectivity.
Hi max.
It wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen, I just thought it was pretty boring and uninteresting. Just made me want a proper Shadowrun movie.
>kills fairy and then makes reference to political movement
>critic asks what that was all about
>Waah! Why are these critics bringing politics into this? Just turn your brain off!
It's a valid question.
grrr it makes me so mad
At this point it's very obvious that there's some sort of agenda going on trying to "devalue" Netflix. It doesn't have anything to do with movies, it's a delusional attempt at keeping the people subscribed to cable and going "to the movies".
>Why aren't people listening to film critics anymore?
(((Hollywood))) is losing it's relevance.
Every year fewer people go to the movies percentage-wise. Every year, "bankable" (((stars))) and "summer tent pole" movies and "safe bets" fail spectacularly. People don't go to the movies to see certain actors, or certain directors, or certain franchises anymore. The audience has caught on. The best jokes are all in the trailers, the featurettes and interviews are as scripted as the movie itself, everything is meant to appeal to the lowest common denominator as it forces globalist leftist propaganda down everyone's throats, the reviews are fake, nobody knows what they're doing, the virtue signaling liberal elite are all con-artists and rapists… and YOU'RE the misogynist for not giving them money.
This is it. The final media blitz. The desperate ploy to shame YOU into swallowing what they're selling: propaganda. Swallow it, you cow. Give us your money, you sheep. Aren't you ashamed of yourself, you sexist pig? How dare you criticize Hollywood? Bow down, and don't forget to disable your ad blocker to read our articles shaming and brainwashing you.
Bright was fine and Cloverfield Paradox was great. These bloggers are just pissed they're not indoctrinating normies anymore.
Netflix is producing top quality Cuckino though
doesn't Cloverfield Paradox has like 50% audience score? Or was it like Iron Fist that everyone hated it but was one of their most watched shows?
it inadvertently named the jew
nah, you're an idiot.
The OP guy is not-so-subtly demanding early access to mute or he'll shit on it.
They managed to take the "fantasy creatures living in modern day society" and make it boring/repetitive as hell. Seriously, the script sucks and the Sup Forumstoddlers only praise it because ELVES == JEWS. You gotta wonder why Ayer would even bother with it, because it's just Training Day with green people
>as it forces globalist leftist propaganda
Its always funny when people are right a bunch of times then spout some total insanity, making all their correct points look suspect.
You don't need some moronic political/racial conspiracy theory to understand why hollywood is dying. You've already nailed actually relevant points. The rest is just shit you're bolting on to vindicate your preexistent beliefs.
Some more actually valid points as to why hollywood is dying are the bits about how people have huge televisions and comfortable rooms to watch them in, in their house and they'll have full control in their house.
Mute looks interesting
This was entertaining
What's it like to need everything spoonfed and spelled out for you? Because that was L.I.T.T.E.R.A.L.Y. the point if the movie to have the world be the same as ours but different.
Movie wasn't good but it was average, like 5/10. Critics would make you believe Cloverfield Paradox is literally 90 minutes of diarrhea and child murder whilst TLJ is not just the greatest Star Wars movie of all time but one of the greatest movies ever
Whats it like to squeal excitedly at "same shit different paint?"
The problem with bright is it throws out all sorts of world-changing plot elements but does nothing with them.
You have convinced me that you are absolutely 100% correct and your jewish boogeyman who is responsible for all the world's problems (and the reason you live in a trailer) is the real.
Bright was the most watched movie on Netflix ever, critics are just seething that people don't give a fuck about their agendas and sponsored reviews anymore
>Mute's not even out yet
>They're already lumping it in with the others and calling it a mess
It's no wonder that people don't care about critics. It's very obvious even from this article that journalists and critics are on the take and shilling for a dying distribution model.
1. It was directed by Ayer who did Suicide Squad. Suicide Squad is considered the “Trump” of movies and hated by critics as the holocaust of films. That movie left a stain on him and now all critics will never forgive him (unless he works for Disney because well y’know).
2. Critics HATE Will Smith. Will Smith is pretty much considered a white guy by critics now. If the actor was Boyega then they would go easy on the film because they love him. Heck, they got super triggered when the Chinese audiences hated TLJ and said Finn would be better played by Will Smith.
3. Critics were looking for an obviously bad movie to jump on to distract people from The Last Jedi (and to make themselves look like good critics). They thought everyone would hate Bright and that they could use it to meme articles. The plan backfired when more people enjoyed Bright than The Last Jedi. This led to everyone in the media becoming so butthurt that they write articles denying anyone ever liked Bright, that no one watched it, and that it was a failure.
>In all honesty what the fuck was wrong with Bright
Third act was a mess. Looked sorta like straight to dvd film.
>but does nothing with them.
Its even a step further than this. The actual plot of bright is people fighting tooth and nail to ensure all the plot elements don't actually do anything to make the setting different from real life.
>At this point it's very obvious that there's some sort of agenda going on trying to "devalue" Netflix.
It’s almost like there’s another certain rodent planning on making their streaming service and doesn’t want competition. Said rodent just so happens to have an extreme grip on the media and the youthful soy journalists. Hmmmm.