>when the movie mentions the city you live in
When the movie mentions the city you live in
Made Boyhood a little fun
so is it canon now that he has webbed hands?
Yes, but not because he's a frog. Apu is just deformed.
>"this place is a shithole!"
>When the movie mentions the city you live in but gets the location of everything wrong
>sopranos mention my frozen russkie shithole
The only mention I ever saw
>movie mentions my home city
>they actually meant another city
>when the movie destroys the city you live in
My city has never been mentioned nor has been used as a setting in a film before but the movie San Andreas was shot here for some strange reason (Brisbane, australia)
wichita and wichita falls?
>tfw live in a small town in northern europe
I'm happy when even my country gets mentioned
I was there a month ago
God awful city
when I learned Gotham City was in New Jersey
>We're going to Chad
>actually visiting a chad named Chad, not in Chad
the only time I've seen it mentioned was when Furio was talking about Columbus in the Sopranos
>tfw I live in a shithole Balkan country and Breaking Bad mentions it
which one is it ?
The only reason I’m watching Grimm
To laugh at all the changed names and location inaccuracies
I'm guessing czech republic
>grew up in Sacramento
>Lady Bird was like an exact version of my childhood except with a Catholic Schoolgirl as the main character
>Movie says Tucson, AZ
>It's a boring shithole
T-thanks movie.
Wrong. Brisbane was New York in Thor Ragnarok, and will be Tokyo in Pacific Rim 2.
>movie is set in my city
>not actually filmed there
>tfw your city is only known for being the birthplace of George Lucas and never gets mentioned in mobies
>movie has a scene in your city
>it isn't a normie city like Austin or Dallas
>czech republic
>Balkan country
i bet your an american
>tfw I live in a shithole Balkan country and The Sopranos mentions it
Transformers 3?
>only movies that take place in your state are horror movies
Up yours Stephen King.
tfw the only movie that mentioned your city was Departed ;__;
>Live in Richmond
>Never heard it mentioned in a movie
I know they’ve filmed some movies here, but I’ve never heard it mentioned
>we need a cheap location to film this!
>I already booked us two tickets to vancouver, sir
Honestly cant think of any other reason this place might be relevant.
[/spoiler]they should nuke bs as tho im going south anyway
> The only time your hometown is mentioned is in John Grisham adaptations
Hustle and Flow won an Oscar, dammit.
>When a qt actress says your name in a movie
MEW said my name in 10 cloverfield lane
ayyy wichita
>when the movie mentions the city you live in and inaccurately portrays it
>when your name is Jeff and people treat it like a joke name
What's so funny about that name you fuckers? Stop making fun of it.
It's ok to be Jeff.
tfw this will never happen until they make a film adaption of my autobiography
That doesn't mean it's used as a setting.
>when the movie mentions autism
Mine probably was mentioned in Salvador or Romero I imagine. Haven't seen them so idk.
>that time gary indiana was mentioned on spongebob
>Im from Buenos Aires and I say kill them all
>movies and tv shows concordantly display your city as a shithole
Imagine that our meme has become so bastardized that we have to invent a character and a backstory to distance ourselves from it... Fucking alt-right and stormfags have ruined my pepe folder.
tfw in movies they give my name only to mexican boys
No Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums please.
>tfw you live in a dope city that frequently gets mentioned in movies/tv
Based Seattle-bros represent
at least your name isnt tyler. a name only given to faggots and joke characters
>takes place in Seattle
>clearly filmed in Vancouver, BC
I drew the original Praise Kek image. Pic-related. I can't even go to Sup Forums anymore it's such a disgrace.
back to Sup Forums stormfag
pic related
I also hail from the 316
I hardly see the pepe meme on pol, tv uses it way more
>living in the Detroit of Indiana
>hehehe can you say your name again?
It's a pretty shitty city.
Only film I know set in it, and it's awful.
The biggest thing to reference the place was Assassin's Creed IV.
That only happens every other movie, manhattan fag here.
I now love movies that DON'T do that
Mighty Duck 2 did almost name my city
Ben or Colin?
>when one of the characters has your name
Feels good man
Mainly 80s movies. Apparently "John" isn't so popular anymore, fuck if I know why, it's a cool name