What if H. P. Lovecraft's "The Call of Cthulhu" were not simply a work of fiction?

What if H. P. Lovecraft's "The Call of Cthulhu" were not simply a work of fiction?


it would be incredibly stupid

Why do so many people have such a chub for lovecraft? Pic very much related

legendary flop
120M budget and 60 M boxoffice
find me another movie with twice higher budget than it's boxoffice

This is the only decent Lovecraft-ish movie to come out recently, as much as I fucking hate the "DIS FILM IS SO LOVECRAFTIAN" meme

Well every legend and cthulu is partly based on some, is based on past relations of which few are true, so I tend to think there is such possibility.

It looks very Kafkaesque

that's cause nobody gives a shit about monster designs except like 3 people on this board

"Ok Bill this is all I can tell you for now but... The USS Fubar incident wasn't an accident... There is something in this trench, and it's big. I mean BIG".

Sneedian, almost

The Cloverfield series is Lovecraftian as well.

Chuckesque I'd say

well, still deserves a place in movie history, can't really find that big flops

How I wish for a movie similar to "At The Mountains of Madness".
Too bad nobody can portray such settlements of high magnitude on film.
That would be the most kino expedition movie ever.

Pic related. Comedy-neonoir about the stolen Necronomicon and summoning Cthulhu, in a world where magic is real. 6/10

Night Land adaptation when?

that tagline though

del toro was gonna do one but the studio didn't let him :( rip

Japanese Lovecraftian horrors.

>the ancient civilization was of black people
>the eldrich horrors disguise themselves as white people
>turns out they actually sacrificed themselves to protect the future
>we wuz martyrs n shieeet
>the explorers are gay men and lesbians + a token black male who is the most intelligent despite his lack of experience in geology
I'd rather not.

>I have never read Mountains of madness