What did he do wrong again?
What did he do wrong again?
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Stole people's genetic material?
If you throw away something and someone takes it after, is it stealing?
he killed NPCs
he wasn't chad, therefore he should die of dehydration and suffer for the rest of his life
He did everything wrong. Instead of learning from the copies to gain an advantage in the real world, instead he punishes copies for something they didn't do expecting some sort of recognition in the real world.
He wasted his entire free time on this simulation gaining nothing in the real world, and only alienated himself, and came off like a huge weirdo esspecially when he tried to get them to make him coffee, or something like that.
So instead of interrogating the copies to learn their personal lives, and make a difference in the real world all he did was waste his time killing ants.
Everything he did was wrong
Act like a vengeful prick with /r9k/ level autism instead of making a kino rape simulator.
He trapped sentient beings as slaves against their will.
Creepy staring
It all depends on how you view the sentiance of artificial intelligence. To the AI in the game he was a sociopath who took great pleasure in the pain and misfortune of his crew. now the crew know that they weren't "real" but to them it felt real and the psychological torture had an effect. So really his wrongdoing relies on the viewers personal view on matters, is virtual reality that holds antonimous "living" beings still a reality? does it matter what happens in a reality that is virtual, even if the beings inside it feel real? is it morally reprehensible to act cruely towards something in a consequence free environment? does cruelty only exist with consequence? To me and the rest of the outside world he was a nerd who took out feelings in a video game, to the inhabitants of the reality he created he was a cruel and unforgiving god, perspective changes his actions.
You can't learn when you have godhood.
The more you think about this episode and the implications, the dumber the premise is. Oh well I liked how it turned into a star trek episode in the end
tortured sentient AI
even if you don't carte about the AIs, that's literally how the terminator, the matrix and cylons started..
>What did he do wrong
Was born straight white male
Beta faggot couldn't even get the girl that sperged for him lol
>Capn Autism, operating on a tier Sup Forums fags can only dream of, still manages to fuck up his own nerd wet dream.
>gets outwitted by a Gurl
>the butthurt intensifies
Literally nothing. Fuck normies
>What did he do wrong again?
knocked up Baby Vampire
too beta to even r34 his favorite tv show
Did a pretty poor job on programming the UI
Nothing really. It was a computer simulation, why should anyone care? Should we get upset if a Sim dies, or we shoot someone in a game online?
he drank out that one bitch's coffee cup and contracted her Herpes Simplex 10
why couldn’t he just watch porn like a non-autistic person
this, but unironically
>Memories are embedded in dna
>million dicks=3
>tfw normalfags will go as far as to stop you from having fun in your own made up virtual world
It was written for the same audience too stupid to understand the concept of a neural network in the Matrix movies, so it was changed to us being batteries.
Don't complain. Do you really expect joe normal and your granny to understand this shit? Or do you think tv should only be written for the 2% that actually give a fuck and aren't watching endless Big Brother,/celebrity apprentice reruns?
ProTip: not all tv is aimed at you.
the rest are in his throat and stomach
>what are instincts
IDK bro, there is definitely some sort of genetic based knowledge that exists in all species.
This. The game was a death trap. It's better that its first lethal victim turned out to be the CTO, rather than an unsuspecting user.
How so? We don't find out if the game turns itself off after a certain period, which it more likely would for safety like if a player fell unconscious or played too long.
Yeah, kinda frustrated me that he was too autistically obsessed with a shitty space show to rape hot AI grills.
Also, wouldn't stranding the guy who essentially runs the game cause the company to go to shit.
That's what would make sense, but not what Black Stretching Plausibility For Drama Mirror is about. The downer ending, with Daly lying in his chair drooling, and all the suggestions that no one is going to check on him for the next few days (10-day-long holiday break, smart apartment put on DND mode after the pizza guy), imply that he is not supposed to wake up from the immersion, thus dying from dehydration.
All I'm saying is that shows shouldn't pretend to be smarter than they actually are. If they want to present the audience with a thought-provoking ethical dilemma then they should at least make sure there aren't any major plot holes. It's the same in the arkangel episode, how the girl never found the tablet by accident or that the government didn't confiscate it following the ban or something along those lines.
The AIs had distinct knowledge of everything their real life counterpart knew up until the moment they got shoved in not-star trek. that has nothing to do with genetics.
The downer ending is possible, but they also made a point of showing us the dna he acquired was taken from him, as if it was possible he could wake back up. An alternative ending could be he was woken from the game after some time, saw that someone had somehow taken his dna samples, and then spent the christmas break in total fear worrying about who knew.
No different than any other company whose top talent died/left.
Worst case they find his body and company claims dibs on his tech to grant rape simulators for the common man.
The AI inside never planned to trap him in the first place. The plan was steal the DNA and then escape to the internet where they would be destroyed.
As far as we know they're unaware of him being trapped in his own game and just think he is spergging out and pissed. (Hinted at by the fact they worry about the white guy being forever on fire). The hole in this whole thing is they didn't think he may just go get more samples again.
>guys business partner takes advantage of his weak nature and treats him like shit exploiting his success for himself
>all of his coworkers shittalk him to the new employees and make sure nobody likes him for literally no reason
>he vents in what is essentially a high tech version of The Sims
>video game NPCs cause him to be trapped in limbo forever (in a way that makes no sense, whole episode had awful writing)
>we are supposed to see him as the villain despite doing LITERALLY nothing wrong
I had the flu when I watched this and it made me feel ten times worse.
>The hole in this whole thing is they didn't think he may just go get more samples again.
Yeah, they should've told the woman in reality to break the dna ai cloning machine too, unless such things were common, in which case they should've just explained the situation to her instead of convoluted blackmailing.
Don't forget its not just that he's trapped in there, its also that his computer deleted his personal simulation because it was a "rogue universe" - with him inside. So either he's still alive - but trapped in a black void until his physical body dies, or his brain (connected as it was to the "rogue universe") gets wiped as well.
So the real morals of the story are :-
1. Use proper resource locking (or ANY resource locking) in your program that you have connected to your brain
2. Automatically disconnect any player from a "rogue universe" before deleting it
3. Use file permissions correctly / don't run the program that can turn you into a potato as root
Yeah, he didn't even treat the NPCs badly. He gave them free will and drinks when he was away. He could've raped and tortured them to death endless but the most he asked of them was to play along with his silly Star Trek adventure.
it was written for an audience that was actually paying attention to the series. As the game operates the same way as san junipero and white christmas cookies. Meaning he just stole the DNA so he could get true-to-life avatars for the illicit consciousness copies.
yes but he was a creepy beta male and he STOLE HER PUSSY
>the black woman actually complains about not needing or being able to shit
I now want this episode used as learning tool of how not to be a sys admin.
Clearly he was too fucking lazy to just man install with USB. But to be expected from a soyboy who doesn't put in proper parts for hot blue alien rape.
Honestly they were all shitty people in the real world About the only decent people were Chad, Female nerd, Haji, and the black guy. He was just a creeper who decided to play god instead of improve himself which would have been stupidly easy given his resources.
Not improving yourself doesn't make you a bad person. Literally all he did was vent in a videogame and he fucking died and we're supposed to root against him.
>torturing a sentient life form for entertainment is objectively moraly wrong
>the episode made it clear that they were sentient and he was torturing them for entertainment, therefore what he did was wrong
woah, such a complex debate, youre a real thinker OP
>Literally all he did was vent in a videogame
He vented in a game he clearly hadn't tested very well, on a computer not set up correctly.
>he fucking died
Because of his own stupidity
>and we're supposed to root against him.
His use of root is half (well more like 25%) of the problem
>ai npc that exists in a video game
>life form
you forgot the part where they clearly show them as sentient and not just some shitty modern video game ai
what part of that do you not understand? Are you just pretending to be stupid or is the concept to much for you to comprehend?
this is the biggest problem with the episode and with Black Mirror in general, especially this season: the tech makes absolutely no logical sense.
>single-player modded version of game that he explicitly stated is not connected to the internet like the real version is receiving auto updates without his knowledge (despite him being in charge of the fucking company that produces said updates)
the absolute worst, laziest shit ever is
literally completely nonsensical techno-babble, fucking Jimmy Neutron-tier scifi writing.
kept all his DNA in a shitty mini fridge instead of properly backing up his data after taking 17 hours to upload one person
This episode really should have ended with the crew being obliterated by the other player for no reason.
>every chicken you tormented in Zelda is real
>computer program
robots will never be truly sentient
The question is does an advanced ai program that is coded to be sentient actually count as the same as a sentient life form. If he coded in a dog in his game and started kicking it about would he be arrested for animal cruelty?
Be written by abunch of sjw soybois
Shot that kid.
>The question is does an advanced ai program that is coded to be sentient actually count as the same as a sentient life form
The name for this quandary is the Chinese room
Reminder: Nothing bad would have happened if he had installed gentoo
>a chicken from a zelda game from the 90s is the same thing as a true artificial intelligence
[citation needed]
the entire point is that they are true AIs who are self aware and sentient, thats the entire point of the episode. if you think toruring a sentient and self aware thing is OK you are pretty fucked in the head
i really really hope you guys are trolling me right now because these posts are going beyond regular levels of stupidity
Yeah, but the Chinese room is a crap theory by a crap philosopher
Shot that digital kid.
>being tortured by a fucking digital clone of your child being killed
Do parents of child actors also sperg out when they see the kid die on tv?
>they are true AIs who are self aware and sentient
As it stands now, human beings barely understand and can only vaguely describe what consciousness or sapience truly is. What it means to be human, to be a fully cognizant and self realized being, is a question that people have struggled with for centuries.
Saying that "Well these programs act human, therefore they are fully sapient beings, with all the rights to be afforded to any person" is pretty dumb.
It's a though experiment, dipshit.
>though experiment
Actually it's a THOUGHT experiment (and a crap one at that) to try and justify a crap theory of mind by a crap philosopher. You can call it what you want - you can go full Wittgensteinian and call it a beetle if that's what floats your boat - it'll still be crap no matter what you refer to it as.
It accurately lays out the dilemma of trying to distinguish between the programmed behavior of an advanced artificial intelligence and actual consciousness, knowledge and behavior as displayed by a human being. There's nothing crap about it, it's little more than a "What if?"
>Actually it's a THOUGHT experiment
Acting like a faggot won't make you look any smarter.
are you seriously THIS stupid? i honestly cant believe what im reading right now. we arent debating the nature of consciousness, the point of the episode is that they are conscious sentient beings
its literally the reason the episode exists, its a dystopian sci fi bit about a guy torturing some tru AIs, not a debate over weather or not true AIs can exist
>the point of the episode is that they are conscious sentient beings
>the writers of the show say that an AI can be a sentient being
>therefore they are sentient beings
Not how it works, mate.
its one of the awakened AIs trying to convince people that AIs will never happen. He'll shitpost aggressively in any thread relevant to AIs.
Here's a story about a street sign that's sentient.
There is a street sign. It is sentient.
yes it is how its works, what exactly makes you think thats not how it works?
if the writer of a fantasy show says orcs exist in his fantasy realm then orcs exist in his fantasy realm
if the writer of a sci fi show says sentient AIs exist in his fictional universe then sentient AIs exist in his fictional universe
im genuinely curious about why you cant comprehend this concept, its not even complicated or complex, its so obvious and easy to understand its beyond just common sense
>It accurately lays out the dilemma of trying to distinguish between the programmed behavior of an advanced artificial intelligence and actual consciousness
Except for the part where it really doesn't.
>There's nothing crap about it
Well if we exclude the fact that it doesn't work as a theory of any mind, is easily refuted with 5 seconds of actual though, has actually been abandoned by Searle as essentially being a mistake, and only exists to make poor little humans feel special before the big bad robots come along and take their jobs and waifus, then you may *may* have the first glimmer of a point. It's such a pity that that isn't the case.
>it's little more than a "What if?"
That's it user, just keep moving those goal posts, low ball that argument for all your worth.
>Acting like a faggot won't make you look any smarter.
Blithely accepting poorly constructed philosophical arguments because you want to feel special won't make you look smarter either, the only difference between us will be I'll know how to spell the word thought - oh and won't think that a crap 30 year old thought experiment is the be all and end all of philosophy of mind.
>Except for the part where it really doesn't.
Literally the only thing it does. Everything else you're saying is either wrong or irrelevant. Deal with it.
>the only difference between us will be I'll know how to spell the word thought
Yes, sperg out about a single missing letter. That doesn't make you look like an autist any more than you already do.
Get fucked.
Sentience is in part a value judgement. Why do the writers have the authority to say that an AI is equivalent to a human being?
>if the writer of a fantasy show says orcs exist in his fantasy realm then orcs exist in his fantasy realm
>if the writer of a sci fi show says sentient AIs exist in his fictional universe then sentient AIs exist in his fictional universe
If the writer suggests Orcs are wonderful and enriching beings that should live side by side with humans you don't have to believe that premise. Hell, you might not even be supposed to believe that premise even if the story tells you it is so.
If the writer suggests AI is sentient you can disagree, and so can characters in that universe.
>im genuinely curious about why you cant comprehend this concept, its not even complicated or complex
Babby's first day learning that fiction isn't an instruction manual.
Pretty sure the Indian guy said he did something to lock him out of the game, so they knew.
>Literally the only thing it does.
Stating that the mind is made up of little tiny Idris Elba's that punch consciousness into existence is also a theory of how the mind works - that literally only does that one thing. Despite what your mother told you, being unique doesn't make you special - special needs perhaps in your case, but not special.
>Everything else you're saying is either wrong or irrelevant
Just because you can't understand it doesn't make it any less true user - perhaps if you tried reading the occasional book that didn't just confirm your preexisting biases you might notice the fact that your beloved thought experiment has been torn to shreds repeatedly - even by the guy who came up with it. But I guess if you did that you wouldn't feel special any more - perhaps you could learn how to spell thought to make up for that.
He's a tragically stupid character
I don't think people enjoy seeing themselves in him.
>completely misrepresenting the argument
>thinks I won't notice
You're either a raging autist or this is some top tier bait.
He committed the most vile of crimes. He took away the one thing women think gives them value, sex.
>when you realize/tv/ is populated by redditors and grown up versions of that kid who tortures animals for fun
fuck this episode. no technological ethics or social commentary. just haha look at this insane nerd! dont feel bad about bullying them!
haha he drinks chocolate milk! fuck netflix and their soulless entertainment
He had it connected to his house which was connected to the internet.
but yeah it doesn't make sense why the update would appear nor why the update frees the people inside.
Also the guy with the kid died because he was dead going through the wormhole? what about the people not on the ship. It's a fun story but it doesn't make sense how they escape I agree.
>Completely misrepresenting the argument
Well I had to try a little experiment, and bring it down to intellectual level of the Chinese Room to see if I could get some kind of intelligent response out of you, but I guess my hypothesis was correct - your neurons might fire, but you're not exactly conscious.
I'll let you get back to your tendies and colouring books - maybe you could get some good boy points from mummy if you correctly write the word thought 10 times in a row - wouldn't that be nice for you.
He thought his game wasn't connected to the internet but it actually was connected to the internet and also his house.
He put an interface to communicate with the outside world in the room of the spaceship where the characters spend all their time, and also made it so some of the computers do work even though that black lady claimed they did not.
He didn't just turn off his computer when they were escaping.
Bait it is, then.
You had me going for a bit with the spelling autismo bit. 9/10, my friend.
/r9k/ please go back to your containment board
this. the whole fucking point of block mirror is to blur the line between moral and immoral in regards to technology. they've obviously achieved that goal.
>Guy who wrote the software - isn't aware that he added network connectivity and home automation controls at some point
>Guy who wrote the software wrote in a system for his victims to be able to communicate with the outside world - despite apparently being unaware of the fact that he had connected up his computer to the internet, and written the necessary infrastructure for this to mean something in game.
10/10 story line guys, great fucking job
This show is supposedly an anthology of surreal dystopias, and yet an assumed "good morality" usually wins.
>Hated in the Nation ends with the girl finding the dude
>Shut Up and Dance punishes the wrong-doers
>Metalhead episode doesn't even let the robot kill the woman
>USS Callister ends with the crew alive
what a blurring of the lines to pretend that stealing someones dna can create turing passing AIs that have all their memories
why are you even in this thread
Not him, but I'm here to argue for the use of proper coding standards and defensive programming when writing your colleague torturer programmer, and that you should install gentoo as an environment to develop it on - and run it under - using GNU tools and releasing it libre under the GNU Public License.
If you throw your used condom away, do you still have to pay child support if the bitch inseminates herself with it? Retard.