28/100 on Metacritic

>28/100 on Metacritic
How did the critics get the Twin Peaks movie so wrong?

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>Filmmaker Quentin Tarantino, who was also in attendance, said in a 1992 interview, "After I saw Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me at Cannes, David Lynch had disappeared so far up his own ass that I have no desire to see another David Lynch movie until I hear something different. And you know, I loved him. I loved him."

And yet he ripped off the movie for the poster of Reservoir Dogs. Truly a hack

They wanted pie, coffee and a comfy murder mystery like the show. But they forgot the murder mystery was about a highschool girl who was being raped by her dad and using copious amounts of drugs.

the critics were right, this movie sucks

>teenage girl being a slut and getting raped by daddy for 3 hours

It's a miracle that this film was even released

go back to watching your capeshit films

I'm positive the negative reception is based on the first act of the film alone. People weren't satisfied with the way the show had progressed and ended, and seeing 40 minutes of Lynch's nonsense (and not even particularly good lynch) at it's most purposefully alienating probably turned everyone off.

It's long since been reevaluated and appraised though, and all the not great parts have context to flesh them out now

I meant for the poster of Pulp Fiction, not Reservoir Dogs lmao

the Judy stuff and David Bowie scene also 100% confused the audiences.

It wasn't "comfy" enough for the plebs

that's literally like one scene though. If one scene confuses you enough to hate an entire movie, you're autistic


Just like the soyboys did with season 3

time will prove it is a masterpiece yet again

Anyone who'd watched Twin Peaks was already well used to weird confusing shit. It simply wasn't what people were expecting and they trashed it as a knee jerk reaction.

I dont hate it, I'm just saying that those scenes confused the audience. "Did that monkey say Judy? who the fuck is Judy?" Took 25 years for that to be answered

It premiered at Cannes. I'd like to give people more credit than just "muh pie", and think that Lynch skeptics in the audience were even more put off than normal by what I'll say is a bad scene. The whole Bowie bit is terribly edited, one of the worst things Lynch has done, and ironically it's one of the most pivotal scenes in the entire series.

I find the film weirdly comfy despite being three hours of a qt being raped and abused, I’ve probably watched it more than the actual series

What is wrong with me

the movie with the missing pieces is a masterpiece. and season 3 is a legendary revenge stroke against people for hating the film

well you're still wrong in any case, you fucking retard.

This is lynch’s second most coherent film, and has two amazing performances

The story is simple as fuck too, we see an investigation, connected to something mysterious (and a ring). Then we see twin peaks and the relationships of Laura, and the seedy underbelly of the town. Like the town, Laura’s father is shown to also have a hidden dark side. We are then connected back to the beginning with the father and the ring.

It’s littered with strange scenes but the story is simple as fuck. Critics are moronic and always have been

>Critics are moronic and always have been
except for when they like lynch's other films, right?

Hi Tarantino, H8ful 8 was pure garbage

I’d like to put my seed in Laura’s underbelly if you know what I mean.

I think some of his best work is in this film. It's just littered with great scenes.

H8 was a self indulgent mess, FWWM is a fucking great film and you're still a fucking retard; the pulp fiction poster comes from pulp fiction novel covers. kill urself m8

That’s why it’s pure kino

It's a comfy movie, senpai.

>H8ful 8 was pure garbage
Hateful Eight is Tarantino's best film.
Lynch hasn't made anything worth watching since the 90's.

..implying that Mulholland Drive is garbage?

Weak bait frenlo

>Hateful Eight is Tarantino's best film.
you should be ashamed of bait this weak user. i'm more disappointed than anything else tbqhwy my absolutely desu non-senpai. 3/10: raise yo game.

oh no no no no no no no

>That scene with Leland asking Laura for the neckless
fucking kino

>tfw Bobby got cucked yet again

Sheryl Lee is a great actress and posting images of her on anonymous imageboards improves your life quality!
CUTEpost magic please work again before I BOB myself

Cuteposting don’t fail me now

I wish Lynch kept those extra Laura and Leland scenes in, the dinner and fan scenes are pure kino



you´ve mispelled jackie brown

I enjoyed the first season. The first episode of the second season posses me off so much that I stopped watching it. In sure the movie is as shit as the second season.

>How did the critics get the Twin Peaks movie so wrong?
Not even Lynch was entirely happy with it, half the movie was fucked around with by executives stop making excuses for a shitty product.

In fact, so much of FWWM was removed Lynch re-edited the deleted shit and released it as a companion.. twinpeaks.wikia.com/wiki/Twin_Peaks:_The_Missing_Pieces

I don't get why everyone is thinking this movie is kino great when almost 90 minutes were cut from it.

>..implying that Mulholland Drive is garbage?
Yes, it is.

The opening to that episode is fucking amazing. You've been pleb-filtered, or, as we like to say around here, Lynched

You're fucking retarded. Lynch has stated he's 100% happy with the way the film is. Hence, he didn't make a "director's cut" but released the scenes as a separate feature. Because they're great scenes, but they didn't fit into the movie and would completely ruin the pacing. Also, FWWM is a masterpiece.

it's bait, m8. why the fuck is you responding to that negroid

Most of the posts on this site are so retarded they might as well be bait, and maybe they are, but who cares. It's wasted time regardless, I don't mind responding to bait

Forrest, I love most of his other films, and I hate Mulholland Drive. I like the opening and the scene at the diner and that's pretty much it.

If I had to rank

FWWM > Blue Velvet >Wild At Heart > Eraserhead > Lost Highway > Dune > Elephant Man > Mulholland Drive

When did Lynchfans on Sup Forums reach BR 2049 levels of awful?

This way of asserting superiority while saying nothing at all doesn't really work too well on an anonymous medium, you know

>he didn't make a "director's cut" but released the scenes as a separate feature. Because they're great scenes, but they didn't fit into the movie and would completely ruin the pacing.

YES because we all know Lynch never lies about how much he hates studios interfering.

there's no directors cut of dune either

I have no idea what you're on about. In any case, I think FWWM is amazing and it's one of my favorite movies of all time.

But he's disowned that movie, whereas he's perfectly happy with FWWM as far as I know.

>Lynch invented lying down and smoking

>I enjoyed [David Lynch film] but I think [very minor criticism]

>haha you just didn't get it fag... LYNCHED!!! coffee and pie fag lmao [autistic screeching]

>I think FWWM is amazing

What do you love about FWWM explain to me why this is the best version of the film there is, and what makes it stand out more so than the television series.

because Dune would show that given an original story and not an adaptation or without weirdness Lynch is a director with one solid movie and the rest is garbage. Who decides you need your main characters to narrate their surprise at something instead of just cutting to reaction shot? Oh wait, Lynch did.

Because it's like the tv show but more grimdark and has tits.

The first act of the movie is the best part.

>What do you love about FWWM
Everything, pretty much. As I said, I think the scenes would detract from the pacing and the mood. Some of them, of course, would be completely out of place. I like the Missing Pieces very much as its own thing, though. Which is what it's supposed to be.

it's a very abrasive change from the quirky and comedic season 2 to a much more darker tone that would be used again in season 3
also cooper shows up for like four minutes and then disappears

Who are you quoting?

Not bait. It was genuinely annoying and uninteresting. You just hate that someone has a different opinion than you because you had a weak father figure who didn't teach you social skills.


The movie should've followed the beginning investigation more.

It was far more interesting than the main plot.

Check out this fan poster somebody made

the main plot, the last days of laura palmer, are the entire fucking point. kill urself


tarantino made one good film. on accident.

goddamn, that's aesthetic as fuck.

I don't care. I want to see more of the other investigation.

Fuck you.

That's a great poster. Extremely rare to see a "fan" anything of this quality. Does whoever made it have any other posters?

Literally LYNCHEd

Lots of fantastic scenes. Focused on Sheryl Lee and Ray Wise who get plenty of screentime showcasing fantastic acting. Amazing soundtrack, even better than the show’s IMO. Seeing the last week of Laura’s life unfold is fantastically heartbreaking. There’s four reasons for you quick


You got me. I know Chads prefer the show.

There’s nothing fundamentally different about that episode from Season 1, you fucking pleb

Pretty kino overall but Laura looks a but funny

I love the first part of the movie, I don't know why people dislike it, but I haven't read any reviews of this movie.

those are terrible reasons..

Same, I love it too. I have no idea what that user is on about with "40 minutes of nonsense" and "purposefully alienating"

Your face is a terrible reason.

because of the movie is edited in a way that left 90 minutes of material that expands of scenes or otherwise makes most scene have a context on the editing floor in order to LYNCH IT

Mmhmm, whatever you say. That's why the show wasn't picked up for another season for over 20 years.

>hurr twin peaks is weird? Never heard that before
No wonder you're stuck in this circlejerk general.

We were talking about why Twin Peaks viewers disliked the film, retard.
>No wonder you're stuck in this circlejerk general.
What? Are you hearing voices?

What do you think happened to him Sup Forums?

This post is retarded on so many levels I can only hope it's supposed to be "bait"

What's wrong with them?

>see this thread expecting some good ol' /tpg/ style thread
>it's autistic arguing over the movie


>want autistic circlejerk
>get "autistic arguing" aka daring to criticize lynch in anyway

You're this guy, right?
I suspect you're an actual autist. I can't even begin to imagine the mindset one has to be in to consistently shitpost in threads that you don't like. In any case, user DISCOVERS PEOPLE DEFEND THINGS THEY LIKE: more news at 11! Also, people who share a common thing they like and talk about it without these hallowed and very important "criticisms" of yours is a "circlejerk", how horrifying! People like things I don't like!
Neck yourself.


Not able to refute my point?

Someone should shop this into that Mad Men meme image.
>Tarantino: I feel sorry for you
>Lynch: I don't think about you at all

what an idiot holy shit

Here's a point for you: you're so dumb it's bordering on a mental disability. Are you able to refute my point? Thought not.

look at this smug little mug

>ywn be choked to death between those thighs