Anyone getting tired of these Sup Forumsturds projecting all over this board? Get it through your heads, Sup Forumschumps, nobody likes you, so fuck off back to your containment board or r/the_donald so you can suck Drumpfy's fascist dick. Oh, and take your shitty colbert and WE memes too. Fucking rural and suburban retards.
Other urls found in this thread:
dumb frogposter
looks like someone's mad
t. faggot
bro we are not Sup Forums
t. soyboy
>hates nazis
>goes to a neonazi cheese admirer taiwanese forum
>posts nazi frog
what did xhe mean by this?
>Redditor shows up dosent fit in at all
>Is an asshole soyboy, kills threads
>Better make a thread complaining about muh Sup Forums
How original.
Never heard of that movie before, OP
At least I assume that's what you're talking about becuase it would be wierd if you made non tv related threads on the Sup Forums board like a fucking pleb
Pepe is with Her, sweetie.
Sup Forums invented the soyboy meme
t. guardians of centepede
imagine being the soyboy who would use this image unironically after the election
t. numale cuck soyboy
>imagine being the soyboy who would use this image unironically after the election
imagine being a 50 years old soccermom who thinks that's not a trollpost
t. nu-soycuck
>so fuck off back to your containment board
Right after niggers fuck off back to their containment continent.
To some extent I agree but there's no stopping them. Distance yourself from your emotions on the subject and just try to appreciate the absurdity of twentysomething white guys posting frogs on an image board about tv shows to, in their minds, save the white race from extinction. It's pretty fun and not worth getting mad about.
fucking state of Sup Forums
imagine putting your tongue in a 50 year old soccermoms braphole
OP again. No, I'm not a soyboy or cuck unlike most of you. And btw, I've been browsing here for 4 years before any of you start calling me new or reddit.
Fuck off back to tumblreddit, you numale, soyboy cuck.
get the fuck out gamergate Sup Forumsedditor
hello numale cuck soyboy
go back to gaia you fucking 9fag
Sup Forums has milfs now? based