Dumbing of Age

Tonight, I'd dare say we actually have a decent comic.

I even considered for a second about not mentioning how terrible and screwy the line work looked, or how janky Joyce's mouth looks in panel 6.

But then I read Willy's one word comment below the comic which read "slay". Fuck you and your normie garbage memes, Willis.

Other urls found in this thread:


i hear 'slay' more on 4chin than anywhere else

I'd dare say you are a moron and those Comics are all Fabulous, lol

I honestly haven't seen it here at all. I only know it and hate it from the occasional YouTube video forcing it in as a meme.

If you have seen it here, maybe you've been in cancerous threads, or maybe some people are just trying to kill it by over-using it ironically (which almost never works).

So basically this entire plotline is designed to push JoexJoyce?

I don't hate this one. Weird.

Maybe. If we're retreading Walkyverse shit, I liked JoexRobin best.

JoexJoyce comes in a close second, and Rachel is dead last.

but what about the Jacob Sarah love triangle

What about it? It hasn't been mentioned at all in this current arc.

I honestly wouldn't hate it if they ended up together though; they have their conflicts sure, but out of all the pairings that do get pushed in this comic, they actually sound like they're trying to understand one another better in their conversations.

It's mostly used in the context of Carol Danvers threads to mock her push by Marvel.

... Huh. I remember they were almost a thing in the Walkyverse. I wouldn't mind it, honestly -- imo it's one of the few pairings Willis has made that gets along well on screen without feeling forced or toxic (or some combination).

Kinda thinking Willis is going to be Willis and make something awful happen next comic, though. Especially with the preview panel (angry Joe) from the 15th.

Can you tell us about Joe and Robin?

About to hit the hay, but you can read about it here:
>During the construction of the USS Destiny, he began an online friendship. It quickly became apparent to Joe that he was falling for his internet girlfriend, despite never seeing her or knowing her name. In the process, he changed his horndog attitude after thinking his online girlfriend was first Robin and then her former squadmate. Focusing more on the personality behind the person, he ended up becoming better friends with Robin. She later helped him get on with Rachel when he first met her and his reputation preceded him.

There was one last burst of JoexRobin shipping in Shortpacked! when Rachel was missing iirc, but the Wiki doesn't link to it, and I'm too tired to look right now.

The IW! archives are literally unsearchable unless he's caught up to a particular strip with his reposting website.

>There was one last burst of JoexRobin shipping in Shortpacked! when Rachel was missing iirc

there was. It's what led to the final butchering of Leslie's character as she got jealous, traveled to another universe, and sentenced a woman to die and widow her husband and leave her child, all so she could bring Rachel back and she could have Robin to herself.


If Willis makes JoexJoyce happen I will have a higher respect for him. Which is to say I will have more than none at all.

>This faggot has a wiki dedicated to his shitscribbles, probably maintained by fans

Fuck this, I gotta finish my comics, get them out there. I can't be less successful than this asshole.

Sounds like some solid motivation.

It might not be healthy, but if it works, it works.

Question of the day: who do you ship Sarah with?

This is actually a good comic! Funny how the best one tend to not have a punchline tacked on at the end.

an empty room

Yeah, you look ecstatic to have that rating, Joyce.

Anyhoo, it is a decent strip, Joyce Joe strips seem to be generally fine.

Now I art of joyce with a muffin top from eating too many donuts

Dina, Joe, and Joyce in no particular order.

Oh god, I think Joe just got sexier than Mike just now. For me anyway

If I remember correctly, Joe united with Robin after Mike and Amber's wedding. It was like one of those point of reaching maturity or something.

And Leslie who even tho she was cheated by Robin to that political guy before, she got jealous and decided to find Carla's mother/ Joe's wife in the parallel dimension before the drama tag was ever pulled.

Ah his wiki. We've had fun there.

>/doag/ starts editing the articles, like changing the pronouns in Carla's page, Willis and his wife's pages, etc.
>Willis takes notice and write this long, drawn out, masturbatory request on the chat pages
>Basically "Hi I'm David Willis, and I write webcomics like Dumbing of Age (somehow thinking the people obsessed enough to maintain a wiki dedicated to his work don't know, or maybe just yanking his own horn), and people have been vandalizing the articles here. Please lock them down"
>Wiki fans respectfully let him know that there's not much they can do besides repair damage when it happens
>Willis flips out, insults them, and lets them know he'll "go back to pretending this wiki doesn't exist"

One of my favorite examples of Willy being a massive Grade-A cunt, no matter whether you love his shit or not.

Joe and joyce met back in 2010




>that guy in the background

Anyone who overhears the conversations the characters are having at any given point would more than likely be alarmed and confused.



I'm not sure if Joyce x Joe was the plan all along and Willis has just been playing the long game, or if Willis realized that Joe is the last heterosexual character that would be compatible with Joyce at all in the cast.

And this is when she discovered lewd






I can understand not toting around a bass violin, but have we ever seen Joyce at the piano in the dorm?


This is how the infamous date ended, Joe trying to treat Joyce like a woman and Joyce being toopure4youfu.




This is really cute.

>It's just like Twilight, except with, like, Jews instead of vampires.
That's... legitimately funny.

Are we sure Willis wrote this?

Seems crazy, I know

Willis should switch to a pure melodrama format and save the punchlines for when he's got a good one.

She's canonically thinking about Joe rubbing his thing all over her belly

Wow, reading these reminded me of when I actually didn't hate this comic. Kinda sad.

What do you think? Willis is allergic to character development.


There was some vague hints that Jacob might have a thing for Joyce, which Sarah was kind of okay with because hey, at least it's not Raidah. Of course, this whole thing arose purely because Joyce was invited to a Bible group that Jacob is part of (Jacob is now the Good Christian, presumably so Willis can go "See? I don't hate ALL Christians!") i.e. fucking nothing


...Shit that's kinda funny.


It can be fun.
