Admit it, youre gonna see it

Admit it, youre gonna see it

Other urls found in this thread:

i'm not, i read the book

Nope. Have no interest in it at all. Read the book and it was absolute fucking trash.

Don't know a single person who is interested in seeing it. I've been in theaters half a dozen times when the trailer has played, entire audience was uninterested.

I hope it bombs spectacularly. And I'm feeling pretty good about the chance that it will.

>Pop Culture Reference: The Movie

Lol no

im not

Chun-Li is there so...

does the book have a gundam or the delorean in it, when i look at that movie poster i see a mess of things to get the pop culture normies to flock to it.

Ive seen the animatics. Its pretty cool.

yes, main character has a delorean in the game universe and one of the high five (the 5 players with the high score) pilots a gundam in the final fight

ernest cline (the author) owns a delorean so the main character obviously has to have a delorean as well

Nah it looks fucking awful

Didn't read the book and won't watch the movie
Both sound horrible

it's literally nothing but pop culture references sharted out at an impressive regularity

>Haven't seen Thor Ragnarok
>Haven't seen TLJ
>Haven't seen any movie in the theatre since Blade Runner 2049

sickfu from bates motel is in it so yeah I am

this is the car that the author drives, literally re*dit,the license plate reads "ecto88" and has the ghostbusters logo on the side

No, i'm not. I haven't been to the theater in 3 years.

>RX-78 on the poster
Wonder if it's in the movie beyond a few frames here or there.

of course you faggot how else could I provide mindful critics otherwise?

As a kid, I would've been jealous. But now I fear for the guy's mental health.

mr bean's holiday in 2007 is the only film I've ever seen theatrically

How come Wade looks like he's the only one "Ready" and everyone else looks lost?

This seems like a contentious opinion given the tone of the thread, but the book was... ok. Not awful, just generic and overfilled with pop culture references.

Cline's characters actually do have a modicum of depth to them, and his prose (minus the constant nostalgia-fapping) is FAR from the worst in the genre. Had he been a much more mature writer, doing this 15 years into successful authorship, he could have played more with the concept of a sad kid trapped in a fantasy world that isn't even his, that he's borrowed from his grandparents; a real world so broken that humanity is retreating into a virtual nostalgia orgy to escape it's existential horror. He stumbled into a few moments like that, almost accidentally it seems, which I argue are what REALLY drove the book into popularity and prevented it from getting absolutely slaughtered by critics.

If Spielberg embraces the above themes, and really works hard to embrace the inherent existential horror underneath the glittering 80's virtual wonderland (and Penn isn't afraid to play rough with the script), it could legitimately be a good movie, even an incredible movie.

Is that likely though? Absolutely not - It's going to be a sparkly looking pile of shit with an expensive, ill-fitting soundtrack.

you missed out on blade runner 2049, and that's about it

8 0 S

I am just not interested to see bazinga the movie

I couldn't even finish the book. Anti-capitalist whilst also worshiping pop culture. The irony was too much.

I'm scared my brother-in-law will invite me to see it and I'll accept because he likes to pay for my ticket whenever he invites me to see a movie.
If not I might pirate it because of all the references to stuff I like in the trailer.

is that sickfu?

Not really,this looks awful

Saying Ready Player One is anti-capitalist is like saying Star Wars is anti-fascist. Technically you're right but it's really just a means to fight a bad guy, the story isn't looking to indoctrinate you.

I keep forgetting this is a movie until user posts it on 4 Chan, so probably not.

Hardly anti-capitalist. The man behind the contest and his partner are both major capitalists. The incentive to win is capitalist. There isn't a single socialist message in the book. It's all about competing to get rich.

Yes the book is literally nothing but pop culture references strung together in a very generic and loose story. I have no idea how it gained a fanbase or how Spielberg got behind it. My only guess based on the trailers is that Spielberg wants to cash in on the nostalgia people have for his movies.

Is that the official poster? It's terrible
>make a movie supported solely by pop culture and fictional characters.
>Make the characters no one cares about take up the most space
>make the pop culture characters/vehicles so blurry and small you can't tell what the fuck they are
I smell a blunder


Jesus fuck this is like something from reddit/writingprompts. Even the fucking syntax is like a reddit post

Is that Spike's ship from fucking Cowboy Bebop? Who even remembers that any more? Kids don't know that shit.

I honestly can’t think of a movie I’ve been more immediately put off by than this, and I saw The Emoji Movie out of morbid curiosity.

This is made for manchildren that grew up in the 90s, not kids now.

WB will never get my or anyone else's money for this or any other piece of shit they put out

so this is the power of autism

If by see it you mean not see it then yes I will see it

How could they drag poor Nas into this?

>the turbo autist character I came up with, that has a book bound in Red LeatherLOTR, with "Don't Panic" on the back, which actually is a computer containing a huge library of cult classics is actually a realistic one
I don't know how I feel.

Did they actually cut his best friend the fat black girl pretending to be attractive white boy?

oh never mind, that is the girl, right next to the japanese brothers.

no they just put it in the poster so everyone would know it's not all white people in the movie


What are some characters in past Spielburg features like this guy?

That's a girl.

I honestly can't tell if you're shitting me or not

It tricked me at first, too.
Thought the dreads were the collar of the jacket.

Wonder if they cut the "twist" and the social commentary involving the character

Yeah, but I see every new movie that comes out.

>I have no idea how a book filled with nothing but pop culture references gained a fanbase

so the main character is nothing but a self insert
how horrifying

they are totally keeping that in, a black female dyke who has to pretend she's a white straight male just to get a head, if that doesn't fit the sjw narrative i don't know what does

Can't wait to ignore it.

i'm already ignoring it

I haven't seen a single movie or tv show in about 2 years now so I highly doubt that user.

It's RX-78-2, pleb.

I'll torrent it.

I'm really not. Why would I? because it has "MUH GUNDAM" fanwankery? only plebs fall for that shit-tier bait

Hollywood was a mistake. Can't wait for this to bomb.

it's ok if you're a literal teenager that doesn't read books

my brother in law keeps on buying me books on obscure european philosophy because he saw I was reading Sartre once

Spielberg should know better

Nah. In fact, this poster alone makes me not want to see it.

he's never known better

The age of Spilebergo is over

Oh it gets far worse than just gundam and delorean....

The book was trash, but admittedly comfy at times. This movie will redefine the meaning of "reddit"

Wouldn't some loser form 2045 obsessing over the 80's be the modern equivalent of some loser obsessing over 1950s pop culture?

>I studied I Love Lucy, Leave it to Beaver, and Ozzie and Harriet. I didn't stop there - etc. etc.

Never in a million years. I'm not interested in bug culture

yeah it looks pretty freakin epic my dude!

>Buckaroo Banzai

Can't entirely hate him.

>>I have no idea how a book filled with nothing but pop culture references gained a fanbase

They like it "ironically", user.

this is what the insides look like

I wouldn't mind if it were made like the VRchat videos with people fucking with each other or being degenerate with trap lolis. This shit just looks terrible though and I genuinely think it's going to kill the 80's nostalgia wave for good and that's the only thing I'm looking forward to involving this movie.

to be fair someone from 2045 who is obsessed with the current year would be obsessed with the 80s because the current year is obsessed with the 80s

pop culture references is the only thing the author knows, even his other books are full of them so it's not like rp1 is a one off case

I mean there's nothing wrong with a poster here and there but this is just so sad and unhealthy.

I can't speak for anyone else but it seems deliberately targeted at my specific age group, though I'm on the younger end of it. (35)

Also, neo-80s 20ish-year-old fans of today.

it gets worse, he wears nothing but old atari and rush t-shirts

Briefly. The DeLorean pops up right before Wade attends the B-Day party of one of the Oasis' founders. It has ECTO 88 license plate, the Ghostbuster logos on the side, and KITT light bar added to the front. He shrinks it down to a Hot Wheel to carry on him into the party so no one jacks it. Almost never really mentioned again.

The Gundam is one of the prize options offered at the end of Puzzle 2. The Iron Giant is mentioned here but never seen afterwards. The squad's prizes of classic robots actually face off against Mecha Godzilla which has been replaced with whateverthefuck that purple thing on the left is.

>printing out a DVD cover into a poster
Doesn't this dude have money?

He didn't own the DeLorean until years later. He bought it from GRRM and it can be seen in the Digging up ET the Video Game doc from Microsoft when he's picking it up

I have a Spielberg fetish, so yeah.

>being so devoid of friends that you design the inside of your car around the fact that nobody will be sitting in the passenger seat
Christ that's sad.

So much autism in one picture

Fuck me, it also has the phase device from Buckaroo Banzai to go through objects.

I feel like choosing to pay and see this would make me lesser as a person. I’ll watch it on a stream to bitch and enjoy the neat-looking action sequences.

>Dude, I ripped off The Last Starfighter and no one noticed!

How much have they payed for all those rights to characters ?

ha, nope

>If Spielberg embraces the above themes, and really works hard to embrace the inherent existential horror underneath the glittering 80's virtual wonderland (and Penn isn't afraid to play rough with the script), it could legitimately be a good movie, even an incredible movie.
>Is that likely though? Absolutely not - It's going to be a sparkly looking pile of shit with an expensive, ill-fitting soundtrack.
Agreed. My worry is that the film will end up saying "eh don't worry about life 'n' shit, go live in your artificial reality created via references and cultural icons".

No I'm really not and fuck you for saying "Admit it" in a desperate ploy to always be right no matter the response. How about this you stupid faggot? Admit it you're nothing but a FUCKING loser who needs to learn how to suck a few dicks cause oh boy I'm gonna have a night with you and trust me buckaroo if you mess up you're in for a world of trouble....

does that still work?