Other urls found in this thread:


>With all due respect, T, I don't think we're in Jersey anymore

Paul Al Tieri, Welcome my friend

You know you can call me Leland, right? So say it. Lemme hear you say, “What’s up, Leland”.


>Ay, not for nothin', Tone, this place is givin me the creeps.
>That little guy over there, for instance.
>Why cant I fuckin see him?
>It's freakin me out

>fuck me, T, I forgot the fuckin pic related.

>ay marone, this place is making me dizzy
>you know what this is don't you?
>It's some of that satanic black magic shit
>I bet Charlie Pagano is behind this

>You! Little man! Where the fuck are we?
>?!rooooooood eht tush esaelp uoy nac, alemraC
>What the fuck are you saying? Speak fuckin' English!

>it’s a Paulie browses /x/ for four hours and can’t sleep episode


>It's the Mothman, 'Tone! I saw him outside my window!

What’s up, Leland?




Watch it, Dougie

I love this daring synthesis. Better than season 3

>"You're still with me. That's good."

Those are nice tities.

>Paulie replying to a ghost thread
>yeah, I saw a ghost once so what
>I think it was your motha and she was going down on me, hehhehheh
>did you hear what I just posted Tony?
>I says I saw a ghost once and it was your motha going down on hehheh

Watch it with the owls Chrissy. I keep tell ya, they ain't what them seem


Boney Soprano, I sentence you, to a match. In the HELL IN A CELL. Against the Boogeymane.

Case dismissed.

twin peaks: the sopranos is my new favorite crossover

Jackie Jr a gud boi, he dindu nuffin

Ralphie is about to whack the whooore. Get in here boys.


Holy shit hahhaah

Watch it laura

go back

no u

im in here, where the hell is everyone else

We're cooking kinoa
We're going to start over on the counter and I'll talk you through it


your ilk disgusts me

uh...i meant the other season 3 haha

Sopranos: The Return when?

reddit: go back when?

b-but i just wanted to watch my favorite show and banter with other people who like that show, it would make me feel like i had friends

i'm so lonely... :(

The actor who played Patsy's ratemyprofessor profile.


>i'm so lonely... :(
kill yourself

m-maybe i w-will, user... :'(

Whaaaaaat no way. And he's a CS professor? Fuck my life, the CS program at my school is nothing but feminist SJWs

>Johnny Cash - "Hurt" starts playing
>"Junior... Tony... he's gone"
>"Mafia is not that it used to be."
>"One last job, Paullie. You need to whack one rat motherfucker in Florida."



>hey tone we gotta get on on this gangstalking thing

can someone superimpose the interior decorator's face over one of the bob owls

>Aye Tone, you see that blonde over there?
>Yeah, she's the one.
>I'm gonna get her to suck my fucking dick, whatta think a that?



Diane, 11:30 a.m., February Twenty-fourth. Entering New Jersey, 498 miles south of the Canadian border. I've never seen so many wops in my life. As W. C. Fields would say, I'd rather be a nigger than a wop. Fifty-four degrees on a slightly overcast day. Weatherman said rain. If you could get paid that kind of money for being wrong sixty percent of the time, it'd beat working. Mileage is seventy-nine thousand three hundred forty-five, gauge is on reserve, riding on fumes here, I've got to tank up when I get into town. Remind me to tell you how much that is. Lunch was, uh, six dollars and thirty-one cents at Hobby's Delicatessen & Restaurant. That was a pastrami sandwich on whole wheat, banana Split – Whipped and a cup of coffee. Damn good food. Diane, if you ever get up this way that banana split is worth a stop. Okay. Looks like I'll be meeting up with, ah, Detective Vin Makazian. Shouldn't be too hard to remember that. He'll be at a local brothel. I guess we're going to go up to intensive care and take a look at that girl that was found beaten to death outside the Bada Bing! that's a notorious strip club. When I finish there I'll be checking into a motel. I'm sure the detective will be able to recommend a clean place, reasonably priced. That's what I need, a clean place, reasonably priced.

Paulie posting is my favourite Sup Forums meme


Brilliant. I can't tell whether this is a Twin Peaks thread or a Sopranos thread. Is this peak Sup Forums? Maybe the first wave of Bane-posting beats it but still...


someone shop in the ring from TP

I miss watching soprano. I used to make kraft mac and cheese but with ketchup. I'd pretend to be eating at the table with Tony and carm

I always read a creepy thread on Sup Forums or something that gives me the spooks and I want more so I go to /x/ but it's like an even more retarded version of Sup Forums. They just believe fucking everything and post the dumbest shit.

Did you see anything good?

>Did ya hear about that girl got popped and trown 'n da lake, Ton? Girl's no olda than my niece, god forbid. At least Italians got fucking rules. These Pacific Northwesters kill teenage girls for nothin'.


I think it's about time I watch this show

/x/ died in like 2008, one of the first.

david face lel
