Which Alien movie is the best?
Which Alien movie is the best?
Alien, obviously.
alien covenant
Alien, and no sequels were necessary
Alien. Anything else is pleb tier
Alien and Aliens are the two best Alien movies and all the others are utter shit.
i know it has flaws but i still love it
>mfw my boss’ office is full of alien merch
>mfw my boss could be in this thread right now
Both Alien and Aliens are good movies.
If you want more isolation-horror, you watch Alien.
If you want more action-horror, you watch Aliens.
been thinking about signing up for the next run of colony missions, how's the work ethic there over at weyland corp?
Could someone unironically explain why Alien 3 is allegedly shit.
The directors cut is not bad at all, and I quite thoroughly enjoyed the whole bloody thing.
I think that's a good place to end the series, it ends Ripley's story with finally ridding the universe of the Xenomorphs (I feel like it's implied the derelict is destroyed by the explosion from the colony on LV-426)
As far as I can tell people only hate it because it killed their waifu's Hicks and Newt.
On top of that I felt that Alien 3 was more similar in tone with the first Alien movie. So if anyone would like to actually explain why the 3rd movie is allegedly a pile of dog shit, I would very much love to be enthralled with the reason why.
3 isn't bad
Alien=Aliens>Alien Covenant>Alien 3>Prometheus>>>>>>>Literal shit>>>>>>>>Alien Resurrection
Be aware I've only ever watched the theatrical cut of Alien 3.
They allow coffee on the desks so breddy cool I suppose. Don’t let the big boss see you tho
Theatrical release was garbage and while the director's cut was better it still wasn't up to the high standard left by the previous two movies.
theatrical cut is poop
Nothing else should have ever been made, yes including Aliens, which just shat all over what made Alien great
Alien 3 was a good bookend to the series and didn't need to go further than that, no prequels or any of that shit
I enjoy alien 3 but I think the main reason many people don't like it beyond the hicks/newt deaths was the lack of any new stakes when compared to the first and second films. A3 has a bunch of people with little to no protection running and trying to trap the alien and the bit about the company wanting it was something both 1 and 2 has already done. The theatrical release also has some characters simply go missing during the later half of the film which isn't a terrible movie fault when it's a horror movie with people being picked off but it does make the audience feel like there's something they are missing. Prometheus had me scratching my head trying to account for all the crew members, there's some extra crew that just aren't accounted for by the end of the film if you count each death. IMO - the film would have been better if the convicts and their religion was fleshed out, if the rapist convict had his assembly cut scenes left in. There was something there that was really cool with all the convicts actually starting to rally behind Ripley as if she was some kinda savior but the film really toned down all the religious overtones from the earlier drafts.
Non-provocative bait.
>the director's cut was better
Why? I hate it for cutting the shot where Ripley embraces the newborn.
Predator 2
Alien 3
Alien is too kitch and Aliens (2) is too murican
Alien > Aliens > Prometheus > Alien 3 AC = Covenant >>>>>>>>>>>>> Ressurection
Its either the first or the second. And the other will be your 2nd favorite
my man
Alien>>>>>>Alien3>Aliens>Covenant>Resurrection>>>a raging haemorrhoid>>>>>Prometheus
Aliens is the best. Alien is good too. Rest is garbage.
I think Alien 3 is just as good as the first two
fight me
Official Sup Forums Ranking
Predator 2
Alien 3
Alien Covenant
Alien vs Predator
Alien Resurection
Alien vs Predator 2: Requiem
Batman: Deadend
Alien 3 is shit, Prometheus and Covenant are worse.
But the worst part about this franchise is how acclaimed Aliens is. What an overrated pile of shit.
3 or 4
Alien > Alien 4 > Aliens > nobody cares about the rest
the beginning is great, the ending is kino, the middle sags and there were a lot of weird decisions.
Alien > Aliens > 3 > 4
He needs to know everyone in the office is taking turns stealing his shit.
We should all be fired, to be very forthright and truthful.
What have you stolen and who are you?
It's the only kino in the lot.
Unironically I enjoy the Ridley directed movies more than any of the other ones in the series, with Aliens close behind.
Alien > Prometheus > Covenant > Alien$ > Alien 3 > Resurrection
Alien > Alien 3 > Aliens
I can live with this
>I've only ever watched the theatrical cut of Alien 3.
You should get the blu ray box set. All the theatrical cuts with director and alternate edits and tons of bonus content.
I know it's the one that's directed by Ridley Scott.
Alien>Aliens>Isolation>Prometheus>Covenant>Alien 3>Resurrection