Is this the most reddit movie in existence? The Bohemian Rhapsody of film.
Is this the most reddit movie in existence? The Bohemian Rhapsody of film
>brainlet can't comprehend kino
How old are you, kid?
it's not even close
saying fight club is reddit is like saying pizza is reddit, it's just something most people like
>cabin in the woods
>scott pilgrim
>the martian
>hot fuzz
>guardians of the galaxy
those are reddit
im 57 *teleports behind you*
your move kiddo *unsheathes plasma blade*
Not OP but 19 year old "kid" here. I loved this movie but I'm not sure why it was such a cultural phenomenon.
>is this movie that existed years before reddit, reddit brahs? lmao!
kill yourself kid
Cabin in the Woods is the most Reddit film of all time.
People pretending to not know what that film is so their reddit-pals will get karma points by mentioning it in threads is the most annoying fucking thing.
kek that's because you were still in nappies you little poofter.
Hey fuck you my guy I only saw it 3 months ago, I'm just curious as to what was happening at the time that made this film relevant in retrospect.
nothing it's just a good movie you retard
it doesn't have to be relevant to anything in history for it to be good
>my guy
just fuck off you little homo
You're a millennial. There's the reason.
>reddit is helpful, empathetic, educational, and tries to make the world a better place
>this is bad according to neckbeards on Sup Forums
>>guardians of the galaxy
Yes this one
Look how triggered people get here when you make fun of reddit. It truly is a damn colony
what was the significance of tyler's dick?
If anything it’s as relevant as it was then
yeah this place sucks, let's go back
let's go back and never return
>Is this the most reddit movie in existence?
How Newfag can one OP be?
Fight Club is the opposite of reddit. What a fucking idiot.
tumblr is more of an issue currently
>reddit is helpful, empathetic, educational, and tries to make the world a better place
On Sup Forums, Reddit is perceived as a bunch of naive tools who believe that being a nerd is cool. As a result, they're childishly enthusiastic about their hobbies (which they've only barely scratched the surface of), find random humor completely hilarious, and are notoriously pedantic. This is due to the fact that they believe that nerds are some kind of "cultural elite" simply because their interests aren't completely mainstream.
BUT, since they don't see themselves as particularly alienated by society, they haven't developed the pleb/patrician paradigm, unlike Sup Forums. Consequentially, they also have the prudish, politically-correct mentality that goes with the delusion that they can still be normal members of society and accepted by potentially anyone, or that they have moral standards to uphold. This makes them very prone to being shocked or amused by the cheapest transgressions and subversions.
Baby Driver struck me as being extremely Reddit
Cry more you senile faggot
I just heard that it was a cultural phenomenon with a message that wasn't realized until a while after it was released, If it wasn't all that then I guess I was mistaken. Still loved the movie
Yeah, fucking obviously, are you gonna bitch about me being a millennial or are you gonna give me an answer? Im here for a discussion, not to be bitched at because I'm "young and couldn't possibly understand".
>19 year old "kid" here.
fuck off youngfag
It's all so fucking dumb.
It's deflection for the insecure.
I liked it
Eat a dick old man
he's gen z, millenial stops at early 90's
reddit is corrupt, advocates censorship and mob mentality
>senile faggot
>I just heard that it was a cultural phenomenon with a message that wasn't realized until a while after it was released
how do fucking idiots like you exist in life user?
>are you gonna bitch about me being a millennial or are you gonna give me an answer?
why do you kids need to be spoonfed everything?
>but I'm not sure why it was such a cultural phenomenon.
same as the Matrix and American Beauty, it came out at the right time, it's more about context than content, they call it zeitgeist
Fuck you chode juggler
lmao brah don't trust any one over 30 haha!
>>hot fuzz
Fuck up cunt hot fuzz was tops
>hot fuzz was tops
spoken like a true homo
Pants down boy, I'll make you moan like a true homo
the day of the rope is coming faggot
Yeah you were asking for it though
>How do fucking idiots like you exist in real life user?
Sorry man, excuse me for asking a fucking question about the world you grew up in, I'll go back to begging for 15 an hour
>Why do you kids need to be spoonfed everything?
Because if I bother to ask, I get the above response.
Apocalypse Now is the Bohemian Rhapsody of movies.
Although I wouldn't consider it the best movie, it slowly descents into madness.
faggot child, lurk more or fuck off.
Then Start a Fight Club/cultural impact thread or quit your bitching.
>lurk more
>More whining, got it.
>I cry on Sup Forums because I can't use google.
are you Implying that young people are the ones that hate this flick? because it's only young shitheads that think this movie is mind blowing, everyone that was young and saw this movie when it came out has now grown up enough to realize it's a piece of shit.
>I'm the one who's actually crying because answering a simple question from someone who's younger than me won't allow me to incessantly whine about how their generation has a lot to learn from ours
I don't know what kind of epic revelations youre trying to uncover kid, if you want to know more about the movie read the review from when it came out, read the wiki, read the book plenty of shit has been written about it over the years. stop being a lazy little faggot
>hot fuzz
They nut at the sight of anything Edgar Wright.
>hot fuzz
>you’re an embarrassment
>yeah lol but you deserved it
Jesus Christ you’re dumb
It's kino you redditfuck
I rewatched it recently and made a lot of sense.
Kinda profetic, if you forgive the whole internet thing being nowhere
>Bohemian Rhapsody
What are you implying about the song Bohemian Phapsody, it's bad or it's popular on reddit?
> it's a piece of shit.
They just don't think it's the best film ever made like they used to. I don't think I have ever met anyone who has said that it's shit, only online edgelords like you who can't get over its most;y adolescent fanbase. In terms of filmmaking, it's pretty good too.
It's still a good movie even if pretentious faggots call it a masterpiece though.
This movie started the trend of “He was the guy the whole time!” Movies. It was an excellent movie made in a time where style and substance were hitting their stride together in culture. This movie isn’t a revolutionary mind-expanding euphoria-engine. A lot of people like to think it is, but when it comes right down to it Fight Club is just one of those movies that defines the style of its generation. Fun quips, manly action, some illegal shit, sexy people and fast paced pseudo-intellectualism shot through a neo-grunge filter.
It’s a cool fuckin’ movie that a lot of people identify with for a lot of reasons. That’s basically what it comes down to. You’re not special for liking it, you’re not special for hating it. You’re not special for misunderstanding the movie. Get over yourself
>Fight club is reddit!! - typical Sup Forums
>Posting amounts of capeshit, disneywars shill threads - typical Sup Forums
hmm makes you think
no donnie darko is
im pretty sure star wars is as reddit as it gets, entry level pleb """"geeks""""
you're not your posts on Sup Forumss
you're not your (You)s
you're not your anime reaction images
*stares directly into the camera*
you're not your fucking dubs
>You’re not special for misunderstanding the movie
no that just makes you an idiot.
The internet at that time was definitely not the internet that it is now. It was an entirely different culture surrounding online communities, and an entirely different image made up the “geek” community. The “techno and sunglasses in the dark” image had yet to take root in the collective subconscious. Totally different vibe
>>the martian
>>hot fuzz
Fuck off.
the martian is 100% grade A, purebred reddit
I'd like to share with you a revelation, that I've had during my time here on the internet. It came to me when I tried to classify your website; and realized that you aren't actually internet users. You see, every online community develops a certain equilibrium with the surrounding environment - but you redditors do not. You move to a certain trend and you multiply - multiply until every natural meme is ruined with cringe. The only way for you to survive is to spread and ruin another corner of the internet.
R*ddit is a disease, a cancer of the internet, and we, autistic manchildren are the cure.
And what is it that makes it such a reddit tier experience huh? Care to explain?
I'm gonna have to science the shit out of this
redditoid fascination with anything space. fuck yeah science!!!
every dramatic moment disrupted with quips
>Is this the most reddit movie in existence?
No because it was a movie recommended by Sup Forums, and only plebbitors dislike any movie on this list. Maybe it is you who are the redditor you were looking for.
>>the martian
>>guardians of the galaxy
>those are reddit
Looks like you and OP got yourself caught!
>The Bohemian Rhapsody of film
Surely the most reddit piece of "music" in history is the Sunscreen Song
deadpool is by a large margin the most reddit film in existence
and it literally isn't even close
>I'm gonna have to science the shit out of this!
The only thing that was missing was Damon's character saying "We did it, reddit!" after getting back to Earth.
Reddit is pure narcissism fuel for people that crave attention. This comment is proof.
Hellooooo from 2018, how is it back there in 2013
tldr reddit is normies larping as Sup Forums autists
>django unchained
>sandler shit
>cape shit
>no triumph of will
>no essentials like master and commander, top gun, starship troopers, early guy ritchie stuff etc
>hobbit instead of lotr
whoever made this list should hang himself.
Sure thing, champ :^)
I've never understood this list. Like it's going well until it wastes half a row on Adam Sanler. Up until then it was fine, one Sandler movie per row. Then they blow their whole load and by the end there's no Sandler movies in the last few rows.
>tldring 2 fucking paragraphs
what a waste of trips
It's bait, idiots. That list purposely has films like 8 1/2 and Rashomon in with adam sandler trash as a joke
People under 25 should not be allowed to post on Sup Forums