allegory for being blacked

notice how the monster has a huge dick



>features a gay, a tranny getting blacked, a black friend and an evil white male
>13 oscar nominations

"N O"

>you will never be an ichthyochad and make a spiritual connection with qt sally Hawkins then have passionate aqualove whenever you can.
Why live

how tall is she? if she is 5'5" or under she might be perfect


That's Noah Taylor in a wig, OP.

shes tiny

Lol what a fishdicklet

Unironically thank you Sup Forums for talking me out of watching this garbage
I'm not going to pay to watch literal left propaganda that blames me for everything because I'm a white caucasian male

Google her feet. fucking disgusting.

I thought she was cute when I first saw her in godzilla.

I don't care about her feet.

>fishman doesnt seem to have human intelligence, only really smart enough to motion with his hands to communicate like a chimp

was it rape?


i find all feet disgusting so i wouldn't be looking at her there anyway

It was like letting the dog hump your leg, but worse

I don't understand this sentence

This is the most repuslive, disgusting, gut wreching movie i have ever seen. I dont know if the directors and prdoucers were on crack or some other drug, but everything, EVERYTHING in this movie is a fucking disgrace to the entire movie business, for everyone involved and mankind. I hate it with such a passion and I dream of the thought of destroying every single copy of this movie and torturing every actor and director that was part of it. It fucking sucks, its despicable, and I dont like it

I just read an interview with del taco that said he made this movie because as a kid he watched The Creature From The Black Lagoon and was mad that the girl doesn't get to fuck the monster, so he made this movie to rectify that. So this is literally his like 12 year old wank fantasy which explains a lot.

that's what i thought when i watched pans labyrinth.

why is it so disgusting? fishman fucking some puss doesn't seem so bad. how do they even shoehorn in white cis men are evil?

I kind of fell in love with her in Blue Jasmine even though they made her look really homely in that. The way she talks is CUTE. Then in The Shape of Water I find out about the shape of that ass. Weeew

>This movie made me feel strong emotions that means its bad and definitely not the mark of effective film making
>I'm mad because the white guy was the villain, a gay guy and a black woman were the supporting roles and it romanticizes fantasy inter(racial)species romance.

Im that fish dick daddy I make mute pussy wet

now tell us how you really feel about the movie.


it was pretty hot desu

looks like a cool pipe

what is this movie?

read the thread and take a wild guess, or use reverse image search.

I don't get it. She looks like she's 70.

So I guess we will see some pretty disgusting hentai love movies in 10-20 years ?

Whats so bad about it

I love it

Its shiet in every possible scenario, both of your statements are correct. The cinematography is also garbage, someone must have slept at quality control.

I digress i didnt read your argument clearly and i shouldnt have...

I guess every movie that gets emotions out of you is a masterpiece in your eyes ? What a faggot