Would you see a live action Batman Beyond movie?

Would you see a live action Batman Beyond movie?

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Depends, from what i remember some arcs were stronger than others. Bruce taking some drug and going BATshit crazy after becoming young was the best one.


R rated with all that horrifying stuff yes. Never gonna happen tho.


It it had an R rating and didn't shy away from its edge/aesthetic, sure.

This. Dark and harsh, futuristic, stylish.

Only if it had been made 15 years ago. Today it's guaranteed to be capeshit

Batman Beyond was pure kino. I've always wanted a film based on it.

>Batman Beyond was pure kino. I've always wanted a videogame based on it

fixed it

There was a Gameboy game I think or some other Nintendo shit

i wanted a prototype like game - i will never get it tho

Ben was reportedly going to make one but you faggots didn't want him to.

Never going to happen. The costume would look too weird for it to work.

ben shouldn't be making batman movies period, but i've never heard of him mentioning btman beyond

true. they'd cgi the shit out of it like the spiderman movies. it would not look good.

jgl would've been a good terry....15 years ago, it's too late now.

Wonder what happened to him after TDKR

Only if it stars both Bale (or Birdman, or Hopkins) and my Danefu.

think again

>Never going to happen. The costume would look too weird for it to work.

What is re-imagining comic outfits for the big screen?

>or Hopkins
That bald pedo?

Goddamn that's cool.

That looks fucking retarded.

That's exactly what Marvel would go for, it looks childish.

Just play Arkham City wearing the Beyond suit.





looks better than any gay suit marvel ahs made


was gonna post this. looks fucking cool

Looks Red Hood inspired. I dig it.

I don't even know which of these looks worse
The Arkham City suit was an almost perfect translation though

would rather see mask of the phantasm phamalam

No. Terry is shit.

Like the eyes in this one, but I'm verypartially to the slender and muscular look of the animated version.
This one is nice except for the face. Too robot, needs a human shape with no mouth/less distinct mouth to get an angrier look.
I do like the different colors on mask and suit. Its appealing and somehow makes it more realistic, like an actual uniform.

Prove me wrong.

This one reminds me of Doctor Manhattan

Perfect look for Bruce, not so sure about the kid.

Pedo? Did I miss something?

You take that back, cia nigger

Keaton returning would be amazing, espacially if it is a canonical sequel to Batman and Batman Returns.
>Imagine a blend of futuristic neon cyber punk and Burton's Gotham

Here's my big question.
So lets say we get a BB live action. Does it start like all other capeshit and we get the full origin story and Terry' transformation from random fag with potential to hardened crime-fighter (of course this is likely in reality cuz muh sequels) OR do we start somewhere later where we get a more hardened batboy still grappling with his convictions (still leaves room for prequels and shit)?

It would have to be an origin. Almost have to adapt the first few episodes. Honestly, how many people actually know Terry's story whereas we've seen Superman and Spiderman nearly a dozen times...

It could be just a continuation of Season 3

>It would have to be an origin.
Could just do a few short flashbacks to explain/give an impression tbqh famalam

>Joker comes back
>its Jack Nicholson

Tbh the movie was beyond retarded (how he came back)

I like this design, people can relate to it more, going full nanotech fiber will be a bit too much
I hope it gets a killer industrial rock soundtrack too

>Honestly, how many people actually know Terry's story
Didn't think of that, good point. However, I doubt it would be hard to convince normalfags to see it. Its capeshit, sci-fi, and Batman all rolled into one. If its done right and is nice and gritty they might not like it, but you could reel 'em in pretty easy.
True, but I figure if it ever happens they'll start at the beginning.
I personally think somewhere in the middle-ish would be most compelling and conducive to a series of films, since you'd introduce the main character at his most dynamic and interesting, leaving new viewers with questions as to how he got here and where he's going (since a resolution would see him stepping into the role of batman even further).
And even if there were only one movie, it'd be pretty satisfying for fans.


not really



No, I don’t watch capeshit.

tough luck, bub

obvious shoop is obvious
I can tell by the pixels and by having seen quite a few sneeds in my day

Le redpill me on this
What's 'beyond' and why does he look different?

I rather get a new cartoon show or cartoon movie, or a game instead of live action movie, specially nowadays where WB wants realistic, grim and super serious DC films, but also wants the ridiculous stuff and cgi fest to be in it, and also wants that to be taken seriously. You can't have your cake and eat it.

I mean, we already got the best movie for that Batman, and live action will just look awkward with how stylized Beyond suit is and how much it relies on pitch black shadows, and I don't want a cgi fest, which they most likely will. I can just have the better looking stylized cartoon show or movie which looks infinitely better and not awkward or trying to pass off as something it's not, like bad cgi or altered outfit.
And if they take it to a different direction, why bother? I won't be surprise if they do take it to a different direction, they'll take so many liberties with the design, look and feel that they might as well make a new batman:(insert gimmick) like Beyond already is. They're better off just making a new future batman unrelated to Beyond.
I think a game would better fit this version of batman than a movie.
I would welcome a new cartoon show, maybe taking place when Terry is older and more grizzled and old Bruce still alive and even more miserable, perhaps like a more adult show like Samurai Jack's return,aimed at teens and up instead of children and up. It would be a great comeback for the DCAU.
The whole thing about this batman, the core of it, is the iconic futuristic suit that bathes in shadows and the relationship with Terry and old Bruce, if they can't pull that off correctly, then there's is no point in revisiting this concept, stick to the boring nu-Batman Beyond comics.

In the near future (which somehow has year 3k technology) a teenager becomes the new Batman with old Bruce as his mentor/sensei.

The one with Ras disguised as Talia? Kino

This moment alone was worth it: