That woman in blue is pretty cool-looking, is she a lesser known superhero of some sort?

That woman in blue is pretty cool-looking, is she a lesser known superhero of some sort?

I voted for Trump out of spite.

So you're stupid, is what you're saying.

Not stupid enough to make a comic idolizing a warhawk like some kind of paragon of peace and virtue.

I think a lot of people did that on some level. Like, I didn't vote for Trump, but every person I dislike was a huge Clinton supporter. There was much pleasure to be had in their tears. I can get why someone would want to facilitate that.

If this country was smart people would have realized neither major party is good, voted Gary Johnson, and finally put the two-party system to an end, but nope, everyone's an idiot who is scared to DO something. So this complete moron is now in charge and is going to have the shortest term of any president.

Americas problem is that they keep trying to pick between Betty or Veronica when the rest of the world knows that Sabrina is the best girl.

I like it. Perfectly succinct and in a language that I as a Sup Forums poster can appreciate. Have a (You), sir.

>voted Gary Johnson
That's the problem, he was objectively a bigger idiot than both of them. He knew he wasn't going to win, but he also acted like he knew he wasn't going to win and just didn't give a fuck. Even if voting for him would've helped the Libertarian party out, you can't in good faith say voting for Johnson, who was completely unprepared for the job, was better than being able to pick your poison.

>voting third party.
Might as well vote for Vermin Supreme.

No he's not.

He's not going to have the Shortest Term of Any President.

Not unless we just stop considered Harrison or Garfield to be presidents.

Super villain actually. She's one of those big kingpin type characters who puppeteers everything from behind the scenes. Then she manipulates public outlook so that she appears to be in the right.

The shortest term of any living president, how about.

>If this country was smart people would have realized neither major party is good
put any country's demographic in there and this still would never happen
there's a huge number of people who (smartly) votes for the lesser evil that's actually likely to get votes than go for the hail mary that is Gary

Its not a problem of the voters but of the voting system. I can appreciate what the Electoral College does but I think it could also get a rework that fixes some of its problems

>Not just saying "She's like Kingpin."
Wanna know how I can tell you don't read comics?

>Alt-Right sentiment is gaining heavy support
>Trump throws them a bone every once in a while to make them stronger
>The opposing force gets bigger to counter them
>Trump is clearly Putin's puppet
>Putin wants to destabilize the US without starting a nuclear war
>When Trump loses the 2020 race he'll bitch about how corrupt it is and finally get the Alt-Right to start Civil War 2
>Putin wins

Screencap this shit.

I'm sure people said the same about Obama, and Bush before him, and every other president in living memory that more than zero people disliked.

Kingpin is an actual word, retard. Not everything has to be a reference. You're like one of those fags who kept comparing Bernie to Gandalf.

The Republicans would never allow a rework of the electoral college. It has allowed not one, but two of their presidents to squeeze by and get the presidency despite losing the popular vote by a huge margin. They aren't letting go of that. Well, too bad for them, because supporting this idiot of a president is losing them the country.

>still can't name a comic book character
Wanna know how I can tell you don't know anything about comics?

What we really need is a military coup led by Mattis.

I certainly have more faith in military men than I do in Donald Trump. They know what's good for this country. Not these fragile old men who have never served.

Is this traced art?

>Voting for Gary "What is Aleppo" Johnson

>>Alt-Right sentiment is gaining heavy support
Already flawed. The white supremacists got cocky because they got together for their little tiki torch walk, but we outnumber them significantly. And they already destroyed their credibility by literally running over people with a car. Nobody wants to support that.

I somehow misread that as wanting Psycho Mantis to lead a revolution.

What the fuck is with this post? What do you hope to gain by downplaying how hated Trump is compared to those two?

>Losing them the country
Every time I hear this then they win some shit again.

no more stupid then all the people who voted against trump out of spite

because none of the people who voted for him hate him? only people like you do.

and how do you supposed he will stop being president. you have to do something illegal and being hated is not illegal