

The 5GB Amazon rip is out. Have you watched this award winning movie yet, Sup Forums?

Nah. Bluray will be out in a few days.

I watch good movies in theaters because I'm an adult with a job.

who cares
it's mediocre dishonest filmmaking\

I've never heard of it before. What's it about?

It's about White people looking bad and Black people looking good.

Typical movies these days.

I watch pirated quality movies in my home theater because I am not a good goy.

why spend your hard earned money on things you can get for free?

how so? i enjoyed it a lot but i have to admit it has a lot of flaws

>Teenage girl with daddy issues wants to get raped, her mother hopes her daughter gets raped.
>Girl gets raped and killed
>no witnesses or enough evidance, to find a suspect
>Mom goes full punisher on every male

It's not a good film.

The cinematography is nothing, the story is meandering, the editing is nothing. The only good thing about this film is Sam Rockwell because he's the only one who has a complete character arc. He goes from a racist, idiot cop who beats up innocent people to a real detective, and that was nice.

The only reason this film is getting buzz is because of the politics. This film jerks off Black Lives Matter, it jerks off #MeToo, it jerks off stronk feminist who dont need no man but is simultaneously playing the victim card. That's the only reason this film is getting praise: it hits the key issues liberals want you to talk about, and it presents it in such a childish, stark black and white fashion that a child could grasp it. The film is propaganda. It literally ends with the racist, homophobic cop (who has now changed his ways) and the angry feminist going on a road trip to kill an innocent man who they THINK raped someone, and have zero evidence against. That's why this film is being praised. It's 2017's "Traffic."

Why did they burn the girl's body and how did they know she was "raped while dying" if they found a burnt corpse?

could not be further from the truth

I'm not going to ague against what you are saying about that being what retards read into the film and is the reason it's getting praised by jewlywood, but I don't interpret the movie that way at all and I think it took a shit on BLM and MeToo and feminism and the quality of all political discourse over the past few years.

They didn't have to have a single Black person in this movie and it would basically be the same movie. They added Blacks simply as a victim class and those with the highest moral character. Nothing more. Meanwhile, the White characters were ranged from good to downright murderous and rapey in a ghoulish way, which would have been fine if there were no Black characters to contrast them to.

All 3 Black characters in this film were basically perfect and their roles could have easily been played by Whites as there was nothing Black about their character.

so you can pirate Three Billboards

Well that depends if you think Mildred is supposed to be a hero or not. I asked that myself once the film was over: is Mildred heroic?

I guess you could argue she is or maybe she isn't but what sold me was the dentist scene, which painted her as a victim of senseless oppression and punctuated an act of brutal violence with some comedy.

If Mildred was supposed to be a condemnation of BLM and MeToo they did a really shitty job by making the cops racist caricatures and Mildred an innocent victim of white male society.

>is Mildred heroic

No, but liberals think she is.

>dishonest filmmaking
The worst meme t b h.

And one more thing: there's really no reason at all to make Mildred's ex-husband abusive and dating a teenage girl. It has nothing to do with Mildred's beef with the police. All of his scenes could be removed and the story would be exactly the same but... Mildred wouldn't be the victim of a white male anymore. His character is only in the film to make Mildred look more like a saint.

There was definitely comedy in that scene, and the whole movie basically, I don't think that negates Mildred being a retarded cunt, she was arrested for it was she not (IIRC)??
I didn't feel the cops were racist caricatures, they were what I would consider normal people, everyone who isn't a soyboy delves into some harmless race/sexuality banter like that.
Sam Rockwell's character "beating a black man" was only presented as a rumor in the film, Woody said there was no evidence, Sam denied it happening. These kind of rumors go on irl (99% of the time they're unfounded), and are basically the basis of what the film is about; people getting mad about things they don't even know anything about, their anger is based on rumors or irrational emotions, and they use these as excuses to lash out in a way where they feel morally justified (sound familiar - blm, antifa, etc). The result of these outbursts, whether it was Mildred erecting the signs, attacking the dentist, burning down the station, or sam beating up that white guy, is that this shit bites them in the ass, as it causes retaliation, which fucks things up even more.
The moral of the story was summed up by the 19 year old girl the ex husband was dating - hate begat hate. But we never see the main characters learn this, as they supposedly went to kill a possibly innocent man again, basing their actions on rumor.

Not sure about that because Mildred's husband was a cop and he was the one that burned the signs.

Including the Black characters was literally pointless, however.

Again, we don't know if her accounts are legit, their scenes together show that they were both shitty to each other, and she instigated a lot of it.
Basically a lot is left up to interpretation because we only see so much. I'm sure your classic retarded liberal woman will think Mildred is a saint, but that's just a sad reflection on liberal women.

>we don't know if her accounts are legit
Are we ever lead to believe that they aren't?

This isn't a very ambiguous film. Everything is presented very matter of fact. If the director wanted us to doubt the legitimacy of her accounts maybe he should have included something that made Mildred seem unreliable. But instead all we see are scenes of the ex-husband dating a teenage girl and trying to punch Mildred, and Mildred playfully flinging cereal at her kid. Gee. I wonder who the director wants me to side with?

Well he did present her as an unstable psycho that attacks people and makes everyone's lives shittier.

The craziest thing she does in the film is talk about starting a database that records all the DNA of every man in the country so they can't rape anyone. Something that's so crazy I'm certain the democratic party is trying to push it into law right now.

Everything else she does, even assaulting the dentist, is justified. The director made sure that she was never the instigator, only the victim.

Exact same thread and replies as yesterday. Meanwhile genuine threads are getting pruned for no reason, kek.

Swear to god there's something fucky going on here

Already saw it in the cinema. Liked it a lot. Refreshing to see representations of communities which are actually suffering, rather than middle-class hipsters and tumblr twats.

>trying to punch Mildred

All he did was grab her by the neck into a wall without doing any harm to her whatsoever. Hardly a punch or even a strike. Not saying it wasn't an attack but it wasn't hitting.

She put up the signs based on the assumption (later proven wrong) that the police don't care.
She attacked a dentist based on the assumption that the dentist was going to attack her.
She burned down a fucking police station.
And went to kill some guy she knows nothing about.
Nothing she does is justified, it's the point of the movie.

Judging by the discourse ITT, this doesn't sound like a very good movie.


I made that thread. I'm just continuing the conversation with the much better 1080p amazon rip. Take your tinfoil hat off, fag.

It's not. Watch it thinking Sam Rockwell is the main character and Miss Coen is the city's retard.

>Everything else she does, even assaulting the dentist, is justified. The director made sure that she was never the instigator, only the victim.
God I can't stand this shit with female characters. Directors and writers coming up with excuses for their horrible behavior. Same shit in TV shows like Everybody Love Raymond for an example.

It has its moments just like in bruges and 7 psychopaths, but mcdonagh was clearly not born to a filmmaker. Its basically one of his plays on film. Which is fine if you allow it.

Sam Rockwell's character wasn't racist though.

>yfw can't say nigger torchens no more

This movie is 6/10 at best. Incredibly overrated with plot holes and stupid shit the size of Uranus. Sam Rockwell is great though.

Perhaps, but he was depicted as a retard who read comic books at the police station and lived with his mother.

She lived with him, and there's nothing wrong with reading comics.

How is burning of the station is justified in any way? And what the the dentist did wrong exactly?


She is such an obvious fucking tranny. So disgusting.

>I'm an adult with a job.
What's it like to be single with no children? 3 years in and I rarely go to the movies, the movies i watch at home are mostly kids stuff. Theres no time or energy for other things.

It has good moments, most of which belong to Sam Rockwell and Woody Harrelson, but the plot is dumb as fuck and the jokes are out of place.

There's nothing wrong with any of that, but he was clearly depicted as a person who wasn't very smart or independent, basically a stereotype violent redneck cop, until the mediocre plot eventually decides he has to shape up and he basically becomes redneck CSI.

>Everything else she does, even assaulting the dentist, is justified.
The scene with the dentist can possibly be justified, since the scene makes it clear that he's hostile and is going to make her hurt. But trying to burn down a police station is a crime and was not justified in any way. The fact that a person was inside the station and nearly died makes it even worse.

Can police just take suspect's DNA without his knowing and then use it in court? Sounds retarded.

>based on the assumption that the dentist was going to attack her.
That dentist was though. Recall the conversation about a women with a weird and the fat dentist

No he wasn't. He visibly disliked her but still was just going to do his job.

the concept was alright but everything else was meh, that would be good enough for me if the dialogue didn't sound so fake holy shit

In my country it would be considered illegal evidence. I guess they could possibly piggyback it on top of the assault charges but it's doubtful. There's a lot of problems with the police work in this movie, and essentially only Woody Harrelson and Clarke Peters are depicted as competent police (though Peters for "whatever reason" decides to completely overlook the fact that Frances McDormand tried to burn down his police station and kill a man). Otherwise the police are shown to either be complete jokes or violent assholes.

remember the days when you'd have to wait at least a year for stuff like LOTR to come out on dvd

Really? But why?

He initially refused to give her anesthetic and didn't wait the necessary time for it to work properly. Maybe stabbing his finger was a bit too much but I also would have bolted from that chair. Fuck that shit.

thats just how it was, shit took ages to be released on dvd in the early to mid 00s, tp build rehype i guess?

I was waiting ages for Lion King vhs to come out. I love internet

You are the only one in here that understood the movie. Congrats.

>remember the days when you'd have to wait at least a year for stuff like LOTR to come out on dvd

Lol yeah I don't even go to the movies anymore unless people make a group activity out of going to the cinema.

It's all free, all in HD

yeah as another adult with a job, i would advise you to pirate this movie

>waah i have cancer and wife and kids. better kill myself
>waah my boss killed himself better throw someone completely unrelated out of a window
>waah theres a bad cop in my city better burn down the police station

Everyone in this movie is such a drama queen

>They didn't have to have a single Black person in this movie
>Including the Black characters was literally pointless, however.
Imagine being this much of a Sup Forums crybaby that you're upset over black SIDE characters in a southern town that get maybe 10 minutes of screen-time combined not acting like niggers enough.
you stupid nigger they are side characters not central to the story. There is no reason to take them out or replace them with white characters because it's the director's vision and it's a made up fucking po-dunk town in the south you brainlet piece of shit.

Didn't they accuse him multiple times of "harassing black folk" instead of "doing his job"?

Town rumor. We never see him treat black people unfairly compared to white people. He's pretty much a dick to everyone until the grand awakening near the end of the movie.

> accuse him
yes, and nothing else

>But we never see the main characters learn this, as they supposedly went to kill a possibly innocent man again, basing their actions on rumor.

Did you just leave before the movie ended? Because there's explicit dialogue in the end of the movie that makes their lesson learned.

Accusations are worth their weight in gold, recently, in case you haven't noticed.

this movie was just silly

i'll give it a 5/10

>We never see him treat black people unfairly
In the opening scene he threatens to arrest a black person for putting up a sign like the previous person he was talking to was doing. He also arrests the black shopkeep under false pretenses and treats the new chief with disrespect.

And we saw him fly off the handle and throw Red out of a window so there is high probability that he did have a tendency to snap. There's nothing that suggests those were just rumors.

>In the opening scene he threatens to arrest a black person for putting up a sign like the previous person he was talking to was doing.
That was a spic worker. Not the nigger.

>He also arrests the black shopkeep under false pretenses
He busted her for weed. He didn't plant it on her. He just knows she has it and used it to get Mildred angry.

>and treats the new chief with disrespect.
He doesn't call him a nigger or anything but the new chief called the entire police station a bunch of cracka asses.

Why didn't you mention that Rockwell wasn't too keen on Mildred saying nigger when Mildred said it in front of him in the interrogation room?

For all you know, he was just a powermad lunatic who treated everybody poorly, including the niggers.

>That was a spic worker. Not the nigger.
no it was the nigger, watch again. your credibility is now shaky.
>He busted her for weed. He didn't plant it on her. He just knows she has it and used it to get Mildred angry.
>He just knows she has it and used it to get Mildred angry.
exactly my point, he arrests her under false pretense. he arrested her to get to Mildred, he doesn't care about the weed.
>He doesn't call him a nigger or anything but the new chief called the entire police station a bunch of cracka asses.
doesn't matter, he treated him with disrespect

you basically just agreed with all 3 of my points and even got the basic facts in the first one wrong.

>he arrested her to get to Mildred
Yes, just like his mother told him. How does it make him racist though? He arresteh her because she was Mildred's friens, not because she was black.

If i loved Lady Bird, will i like this?

No, it's actually a decent movie.

holy fuck you are stupid. read the posts and subsequent replies. I'm not even arguing over whether or not he's rayciss. I stated facts that he mistreated blacks in the film (which you agree to) and that the instance of him "torturing" a black suspect was not just a rumor.

Not him but the point of the debate was whether the character was actually racist and it sounds like he clearly wasn’t but instead was slightly abusive of his power in general.

He also mistreated whites. If he did tortured that nigger it doesn't mean he did it because he was black. And I'm different user, retard.

Which one is?

Blade Runner 2049

Movies ran much longer in the old days because fewer movies were made.

Ah i see you're a fellow patrician

Great post.

hello samefag, you said
>Town rumor. We never see him treat black people unfairly
I said
>In the opening scene he threatens to arrest a black person for putting up a sign like the previous person he was talking to was doing. He also arrests the black shopkeep under false pretenses and treats the new chief with disrespect.

>And we saw him fly off the handle and throw Red out of a window so there is high probability that he did have a tendency to snap. There's nothing that suggests those were just rumors.
then he proceeded to agree with me and strawman my point.

calm down nigger

Didn't sheriff himself said that there isn't any basis to that claim?
So this statement
> There's nothing that suggests those were just rumors
is wrong.

I-I'm calm.

Not necessarily true. People considered 2001 to be ludicrously long at the time and it's now on par with your average Marvel flick.


>he arrests her under false pretense

weed isn't a false pretense if she has it and its actually illegal to have. he just knew it was a way to get her in custody.

i think he means they were in cinemas for a longer duration, not that the movies themselves were longer on average.

In my town movies ran for 2 weeks as long as i remember.


You are a nigger, hmm.

>fucks up using inspect elements
>calls other people niggers
last (You)

> using inspect elements
I don't even know what you mean, Tyron.

The fact that this movie spawns so much discussion in opposite directions shows actually how great it is

lol no

both of you are nigs

McDormand's character is kind of a cunt though. She's pretty unreasonable and I don't think the writer expects you to be on her side. It's not the filmmaker's fault that the trailer depicts her as some bada** womyn just so they can sell more tickets. The movie itself treats her character totally differently. There are no 100% good or bad people in the film.

Are u crazy woodys character was one of the main good guys of the film. Everyone loved him