Why did PTA think cinema needed this film? Was it purely for character study...

Why did PTA think cinema needed this film? Was it purely for character study, or is there a deeper underlying theme in missing. The last 10 minutes were shit and completely out of character. I wish Reynolds threw that omelet in her fat face.

>No one watched it.


i was also hoping he threw it in her face or made her eat it. but after thinking about it seemed like he found what he was looking for, overall good movie.

>and completely out of character.
No it wasn't. It was set up earlier in the film

You’re a pleb who can’t even understand how the final ten minutes were set up.

A simple question so you can understand it better : why did he ask her to remember what he ordered when they first met?

>why did he ask her to remember what he ordered when they first met?
He wanted to see her handwriting and it was a way to foreshadow that Alma was an obsessive psycho, she's a clumsy waitress but she remembers his weird ass order and then she offers him a note introducing herself that she had already written before she knew she was interested.

>if you get into a staring contest with me, you will lose

He found someone that was better than him and he loved that about her

everything about it was kino. Last 10 minutes were great.

Is she was able to remember what he ordered, that means she would be able to take care of him.

He just wanted a mommy gf to cuddle with every now and then, and she offered him just that

The order was too see if she can pay attention. Hence the calling out of measurements later on. The ending wasn't out of character either, it was secretly embedded in their character the whole time. He was a server control freak and his fetish would of course be to become completely helpless and have someone else take care of him for once.

fucking ghastly film

Wow. I didn't expect "Phantom Thread" to be so good, as I generally dislike PTA's pseudo-intellectual hack-fests. For once he seems to take his own nihilism light-heartedly (the movie can be read as a satire on the grotesque edginess of "There Will Be Blood"), and makes a full-on metamodernist romantic comedy. Sure, the direction and the acting are as kitschy as always (by the final 10 minutes the movie reminded me of John Waters movies the most), but I feel like for the first time in his career, DDL actually deserves that Oscar.

ban all trips

Why does it feel like Renault fucked his sister

Why do trips always have the shittest opinions?

Given the stupid plot I thought that it was written by a woman, but not, I guess men too can be horrible.
Beautifully shot flick tho. Fuck wymn.

because you're perverted, also its reynolds

This was great but The Master was better. Also Phantom Thread needed to be longer. I wanted to see more Reynolds outbursts.

The biggest subs at home are often the total control freaks at work or elsewhere.

Dude needed to control everything, which is why got off on giving up control of his body to her.

It's fucking basic human nature you autists

best PTA film for sure and that is saying from his big fan. kinda hated underdeveloped mum stuff but overall masterpiece it was.

lads am I in the wrong if I see the oscar nominations and think all the movies nominated are total fucking garbage except Phantom Thread? Yet for my friends this was boring mumbling. Am I too deep in the Sup Forums hole of discarding almost everything as shit?

I still need to see CMBYN and Darkest Hour but so far I think this and Dunkirk are the only really good ones. Out of those two I'd probably give it to Phantom Thread.

I have seen all of them and i liked 3 Billboards and Shape of Water but overall Phantom Thread really stands out. It's also best directed film without any doubt. PTA should win best director.