What did I think of it Sup Forums?
Black Panther
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You've suffered enough.
>Area STD
What the fuck? I know the movie takes place in Africa, but I didn’t think they’d actually give you AIDS ti make the experience more immersive.
How muslim are you?
You didn't enjoy it because of all apes screaming through it
girly hands
You thought it was shit. Despite being an ethnic gentlemen, you were able to recognize the inherent flaws of the movie.
Now you regret supporting the film, because you know that although small, your financial contribution will only cause more poor quality films to be produced in the future.
oh you poor bastard
Was the CGI better than this? youtu.be
The cinema was very fucking loud, i watched Jumanji there and it was fine but here people were rustling their food constantly and whispering, blacks weren't deep enough on the screen either.
A lot of blacks and south asians were laughing at some scenes because they were just corny as fuck and complained to their friends about how it was shit after.
Why aren't americans discussing it yet?
>blacks weren't deep enough
Nah too much ragdoll like effects were people starting actually saying "wauhhhh" when it was so obvious. Improved since that webm people keep posting though.
Greenscreening was pretty bad just like Thor Ragnarok and it takes you out of the emotional scenes in both movies when killmonger and odin die for example
> Management reserve the right to refuse admission
Thor Ragnarok was a comedy though so it wasn't too distracting in that
How bad was the WE WUZ political message in it
Never have I ever seen as many black people(single mothers with niglets) queueing up for a movie in Luton where it's mainly brown people.
I expect the box office drop off to be quick though word of mouth won't be that great and there's not enough demand left
>How bad was the WE WUZ political message in it
Not that bad there were some criticisms about isolationism and how they don't care about refugees or do their fair share, they save some muslim women from people that I assume are Boko Haram or similar they were saying arab muslim words.
Martin Freeman is called a coloniser as a joke and told to sit down and be a little white boi sometimes
Andy Serkis has the best performance and people enjoyed him from what i heard
The actual We Wuz isn't that bad it's explained that they became rich and powerful through hoarding vibranium not anymore we wuz than krypton would be.
The villain actually complains about how wakanda doesn't share it's resources with other downtrodden blacks but it concentrates too much on american blacks rather than african blacks which they could've done seeing as they had the boko haram guys at the start.
World building was a bit lacking as well they just used some establishing shots, should've explored the different tribes
Literally this. Man up, OP, you pussy. Those are the faggiest hands I've ever seen.
It’s there, but they don’t beat you over the head with it too hard except for a few moments. In the prologue, they show the history of Wakanda, and slave ships in the background. The bad guy’s plan is to steal Wakandan tech to declare war on the rest of the world for the crimes against “his people.” Particularly when Michael B. Jordan kills himself instead of being brought to justice. His last line is “Bury me in the ocean, with my ancestors. Even they knew that death is better than living in chains.. No, I’m not joking.
you thought you were cuck for watching this nigger shit
Hang on, do you think OP is white?
How old are you? Why would anyone over the age of 12 see a super-hero film?
Hang on, do you think only whites are cuck?
look at his hands, he is a shitskin this movie was made for him
oh i got that i was just asking why you assumed only whites are cucks kek hav whites accepted that they are cucks
>his kinoplex doesn't have a warlock casting AOE herpes over the cheap seats
Upgrade my man
That wont save you from the rope
As a date with their gf
I have soyboy hands i know
Luton isn't bad desu
You probably loved it since you're half black.
You ever been to Luton? The 'england is basically Muslim' thing is a bit of a meme sometimes but Luton is the prime example.
>Implying all the other races don't hate the niggers too
are you the guy who punched tommy robinson? if so let me buy you a maccies
I've been to Luton plenty of times, filled with Muslims and poor white people, in the town centre anyway
Kys OP
>two sissies n a black'd bull
smdh welcome to kuk america
>He spent time making reddit shiet.jpg
user tell people in your city to stop burglarising houses in my town.
Also another Luton fun fact: they have been coming here breaking into peoples gardens killing their pets and throwing the corpses around the street, gotta love the nigs and pakis empathy towards small creatures
Would suck on those fingers desu.
When i said loud I meant the audience not the speakers.
The speakers weren't loud enough desu
just started SS 2 weeks ago desu i'm a wristlet so my hands will probably always look small though