Punches alien in the face

>Punches alien in the face
>"Welcome to Earth"

Never happened and never will. Fuck yourself and your shit humor.

name 5 movies where this happened

>the aliens were the original inhabitants of Earf all along

original Indepencende Day with Will Smith


>we're gonna teach 'em not to mess with earth

>damn, earth go hard

>you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us

I'd watch that

>not welcome to earf

Lityerally one film

That literally never happened.

>take us to your leader

>Space X sends you to an alien planet.
>You happen to land next to a Xebulon 5 space nigger.
>He punches you to death and steals your shit.

>aliens land on earth
>"fuck off space niggers we're full, you can crash on the moon though"

>Punches city slicker in the face
>"Welcome to Sneed's"

Independence Day
Independent's Day
In depending day
Impending Day
I'm Dependent Day

>the aliens are more advanced than us
>we are never the aliens fucking their shitty solar system up

>he's so goddamned underage that he didn't see the original Independence Day in theaters


>getting jiggy with it starts playing

>Aliens speak American

>punches alien in face

>meet new species
>Their entire culture revolves around insulting and negging each other

Blade runner 2049
2001 a space odyssey
Close encounters of the third kind
The hobbit

they were space injuns, hardly advanced

>teleports behind alien planet
>nothing personell kid