Since it's Valentine's Day: Are you going to see a movie with someone tonight?

Since it's Valentine's Day: Are you going to see a movie with someone tonight?
What was your first movie date like? How was your best? How was your worst?

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I got a blowjob at a drive in theater during a showing of Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull

20p short for 2 tickets so went to mcdonalds instead

If you're taking a girl to a movie on Valentine's Day you've already lost. You don't want to go see The Notebook with her, you want to BE the Notebook with her. What woman wants to do something you can do any ordinary night on supposedly the most romantic night of the year?

That's the corniest shit I've ever reddit

No I'm going to go to work with the worst hangover I've ver had and then come directly home and go to sleep.

comfiest was with an ex girlfriend at an open air theatre, they showed Pulp Fiction
nicest were with a girlfriend who gave me blowjobs every time we went to the kinoplex. the one she couldn't we fucked in the toilets after the movie
worst was with a girl who started giving me a blowjob and stopped midway through

You are either a roastie or the biggest soyboy in the world.

>Are you going to see a movie with someone tonight?
Nope, never had a girlfriend in 26 years of my life.
>What was your first movie date like?
Never went to a single one.
>How was your best?
See above.
>How was your worst?
See above.


>on supposedly the most romantic night of the year?
>he fell for the valentine meme

Here’s a tip. Gifts are for children.


Don't ever take a date to a movie anons. That's for middle schoolers trying to get a handjob before their parents pick them up. In fact, dont even watch a movie with a woman, they won't get it anyway.

Zizek tears it up though

is this from an actual zizek video?

>Since it's (((Valentine's Day)))


Be like the girl in OP's picture and turn yourself from quasimodo to a turbochad using surgery.


Fake quote, Zizek is a chad

I actually look pretty standard in the face region, take care of myself, don't dress like an autist, lift and eat well regularly.
It's just the fact that I'm socially inept and pretty much don't leave my room besides going to the grocery store or the gym at all.

I'm going to fap to Lexa in the 100 tonight.

My first and only movie date was when I lost my virginity 5 years ago. We were sitting on my bed through the entire paranormal activity while I was too autistic to make a move. Finally she had to tell me to lay down and spoon with her as we watched some shitty comedy, put my hand on her tit and started making out with me. I kept spilling spaghetti but we ended up fucking. She was grumpy the morning after and then texted me she doesn't want to see me again. I sperged out about her for months and didn't leave her alone until her brother almost beat the shit out of me. After that I had sex once with an Asian girl. Since then I've been an incel.

same, except im 24

Oh and I'm 23, this was when I was 18 and 19 respectively

Movie dates at home aren't movie dates.

It's a girl but she used to look completely different.

Everything this is true for me even the age.

>used to look completely different
we're in an age of female to mtf tranny

It's my first valentine's alone in 3 years. Yay.
lol, even in a relationship I never really got the hype. If I was smarter, I would've used this as a chance to try and fuck some insecure girls but that didn't happen so...

It's about what I want to do user

How did it taste?

>Are you going to see a movie with someone tonight?
>What was your first movie date like?
Never took a girl to the movies because it's a shit first date, and I've only got a second date with one girl.
>How was your best? How was your worst?
Tfw no gf

I am 28 years old.
I have never been on a date. I have never had sex. I have never had a gf.

Oh maaaan

Excellent kek
>her face when she's talking
boner why

>Since it's Valentine's Day: Are you going to see a movie with someone tonight?
>What was your first movie date like? How was your best? How was your worst?
never been on one, there's way better ways to spend time with someone


Is her face 100% plastic? What does touching a face like that feel like?
Has anyone here ever had any plastic surgery?