ITT characters who were absolutely butchered
ITT characters who were absolutely butchered
Who is she
He's much more fleshed out in the extended version. Shame they had to cut it for time in the theatrical release
He's not even the worst alteration Hackson made, to be honest. His argument that making Faramir unaffected by the allure of the One Ring would neuter it as a threat thematically is fair.
fleshed out in the wrong way.
I do agree
>the ents
>Legolas and gimli
Were all worse. I also wish they had made boromir a bit more sympathetic instead of just an easily dislikable bad guy. But given the amount of time they had I can forgive them for that especially since his redemption was well done.
>waaah, i don't want to be king
All the Jackson Tolkien films are fucking garbage. He should have stuck to comfy funny shit like The Frighteners.
The butchering of Jamie Lannister's character is unforgivable. D&D are the hacks to end all hacks
>hey let’s fill this movie up with scenes of Arwen and eowyn instead of developing the characters that actually matter
Oh no! Aragorn needs to help save the world of man! But more importantly, he needs to work through the emotions of being in a love triangle and we the audience needs to see it!
The scene in the extended edition really helps Boromir's character.
This scene really shouldn't have been cut from the theatrical release.
Complaining about this masterpiece. PAHAHA!!!!!!! fucking hilarious crybabies
>pinnacle of beauty and womanly perfection
>cast a potato-looking gormless horsefaced woman
what did jackson mean by this?
Faramir is a generic Mary sue in the book. He resists The ring because hes tolkiens self insert. Movie made him more complex and nuanced as a character.
i unironically liked this. his character evolves a lot more than in the books and he would probably seem pretty unlikable to the non book readers if he wanted to be king from the start.
agree on denethor. legolas and gimli arent that great in the books either. i didnt think boromir was unlikable at all, there are a lot of scenes that make him great even in fellowship theatrical. he cares for merry and pippin. his scenes in lorien where he confesses he lost hope to going out like a boss (my brother, my captain, my king). EE make him even better.
not really a love triangle since aragorn never makes any advances towards eowyn, he is just friendly to a member of the royal house of rohan.
the problem with arwen is that she is not only supposed to look 10/10 but also virgin mary like pure. try and find that.
this. faramir not even really being tempted by the ring was one of the bad parts of the books
They were just breaking his balls
>he is just friendly to a member of the royal house of rohan
>oh she's asleep lemme rub her shoulder for a sec
Yeah, friendly is a nice word for it.
>this. faramir not even really being tempted by the ring was one of the bad parts of the books
Aragorn didn’t try to take the ring and the book says they are similar
>Faramir is a generic Mary sue in the book.
aragorn is superhuman, faramir is not. it makes way more sense for aragorn to withstand it. dude wrestles away control of a palantir from sauron.
They have less than four lines between them in the books. You would have no women at all if you cut them out, and if you kept it as Tolkien did it would make for a shitty film. Or are you that much of a magapede that you actually prefer female characters have absolutely no development or fleshing out because it suits your retarded agenda?
>beta middle man lover who gets chads sloppy seconds
hes done perfectly
>Or are you that much of a magapede that you actually prefer female characters have absolutely no development or fleshing out because it suits your retarded agenda?
This makes no fucking sense and you know it.
aragorn and faramir and boromir and denethor are all numenorians of royal blood. faramirs and boromirs even has elven blood in it more recently than aragorn has
the stewards of gondor is past on by relation. boromir and faramir are literally prince charmings and the farthest you can get from an everyman character
plus we all know that boromir is such a boss that WOULD have only used it for good and then destroyed it when he no longer needed it
Probably. I'm trying to find some explanation of his stupid opinion. Jackson's fleshing out of the female characters were one of the adaptation's strong points, how is it possible to disagree with that?
Please don't remind me of the butchering that happened after S4
boromir and faramir are my favorite characters in the books but they arent close to aragorn. aragorn is 100% pure numenorian, denethor, faramir and boromir may still have a little bit of numenorian blood but they are "normal" men. their lifespan isnt nearly as long as aragorns and they arent shown to be able of superhuman feats like running 3 days straight. and im pretty sure its stated in the books that the gondorians with the most numenorian blood are from dol amroth which would make imrahil the closest thing to aragorn. i agree with you that they are far from an everyman character but they are still below aragorn by a mile when it comes to mental strength or endurance.
>characters are hardly in the books
They are hardly featured in the books, but you cannot deny they have a pivotal role. Arwen and Éowyn are interesting characters with backstories and character interactions integral to the plot. How do you convey that in a film without giving them larger roles? Have Gandalf exposition the hell out of it while they stand silent behind their respective father figures?
might aswell use comic sans on both sides
The Palantirs basically have a "run as administrator" mode reserved for the kings of Gonder and Arnor and their descendants, so it makes sense that Aragorn could take control of it.
>I also wish they had made boromir a bit more sympathetic instead of just an easily dislikable bad guy. But given the amount of time they had I can forgive them for that especially since his redemption was well done.
Say what? Movie Boromir is much more likeable and sympathetic than book Boromir, who was kind of an ass from the start.
youre wrong. they have the same amount. boromir and co even have magic prophecy dreams of the future because their blood is so strong. they are ROYAL. im not talking about a random gondor soldier. they also have similar life spans, the only reason denethor looks old is because his mind battles with sauron over the palantir has just recently aged him
boromir is stated to be one of the greatest living warriors in middle earth and the single greatest general gondor has had in something like 2000 years. im not saying hes better than aragorn but he is roughly equal. their attitude is somewhat different though since boromir is used to leading and is desperate. its also repeatedly implied that boromir is the strongest member of the fellowship
Don't resort to ad hominems now, or I may down vote you.
Damn, Adam Driver looks like that?
im not talking about raw physical strength, im talking about the mental part. when it comes to the difference in purity of numenorian blood im basing this mostly on the difference in age at the time of death between faramir (130 iirc) and aragorn (more than 200). both of them died of natural causes so theoretically aragorn should have way more numenorian blood than faramir (and boromir and denethor). faramirs lifespan still indicates significant amounts of numenorian blood.
The way Tolkein had it originally. Honest people prefer accuracy over revisionism you roastie
I thought Aragorn took his own life?
agreed, Jamie is my favorite character from the books
they fucked him up badly and turned him into a rapist, despite having the perfect actor for the role
yes and no. he apparently sensed his death was close and decided to go out on his own terms with dignity instead of falling off the throne. he essentially just said goodbye, went to sleep and didnt wake up. guy was more than 200 y old at that point
You have had opinions and should feel bad. I honestly wouldn't be surprised you were Hackson himself considering how much you're shilling for his alterations.
they made him look like a retard and a cuck by sticking with cersei for so long in the show. in the books he is out almost as soon as he hears about her fucking their cousin. anyway, shoutout to the guy who plays him, he makes the most of the shit the writers give him. also played a decent aryan brotherhood member.
Can you make an argument without resorting to ad hominem?
>“I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.”
what a bro. read the books you babbys
I just told you what Tolkien had in the books, you should try reading them sometime. Also film is a visual medium, you cannot make a word for word adaptation and expect it to be good. Jackson took some creative liberty and some of it was executed perfectly, not because Tolkien was wrong, but because books and movies are different things.
>Can you make an argument without resorting to ad hominem?
Try to keep up friend
Wrong, he wanted the ring until Samwise told him it was what led to Boromir's death. Faramir spent his entire life in Boromir's shadow and finally had an opportunity to exceed his brother.
It's actually very well written if you're not a complete brainlet.
What the fuck are you even talking about? I'm talking about Tolkien Faramir you retard
Also Denethor
>Faramir spent his entire life in Boromir's shadow and finally had an opportunity to exceed his brother.
there is no evidence of faramir ever being jealous of boromir or wanting to exceed him in any way. tolkien makes that pretty clear. they had as good a relationship as brothers can have.
That's beautiful. I've worked with old people and it made me a big supporter of dying with dignity while you've still got your soul.
Look at this passage from a letter Tolkien wrote after his wife's death.
>I never called Edith Luthien – but she was the source of the story that in time became the chief part of the Silmarillion. It was first conceived in a small woodland glade filled with hemlocks at Roos in Yorkshire (where I was for a brief time in command of an outpost of the Humber Garrison in 1917, and she was able to live with me for a while). In those days her hair was raven, her skin clear, her eyes brighter than you have seen them, and she could sing – and dance. But the story has gone crooked, & I am left, and I cannot plead before the inexorable Mandos.
im pretty sure tolkien and his wife have luthien and beren on their tombstone.
on another note: am i the only one who would have loved more backstory for the nazgul? their life as men and their eventual corruption would have made great stories.
Then what are you arguing? Faramir was tempted by the ring in both the book and the movie, but he realized that he would've ended up dead like his brother because of it. This was the one time he had a chance to prove he was better than Boromir and sent the hobbits on their way.
Yes, although with Tolkien dead it's best if the LotR mythos remain as it is to prevent further tainting. It's a shame he didn't have a Numenorian-tier lifespan.
>"But fear no more! I would not take this thing, if it lay by the highway. Not were Minas Tirith falling in ruin and I alone could save her, so, using the weapon of the Dark Lord for her good and my glory. No, I do not wish for such triumphs, Frodo son of Drogo."
Go read the books.
He wasn't jealous of Boromir but he wanted to prove himself to his father, who neglected him and only cared for Boromir's accomplishments.
he was jealous of how much attention Boromir got?
>boromir and faramir stood side by side holding off invading orcs until the rest of the men had time to collapse the bridge behind them and ended up 2 of only 4 survivors to jump into the river and escape
boromir has tons of awesome story take place outside the narrative. his journey to Rivendell alone too
thats because boromir is awesome. as is faramir. the men in general are by far tolkiens best characters.
boromir had the numenorian gains, faramir had the numenorian soul. denethor even had spooky sorta-kinda mind reading powers from his heritage. i think it says in the books that they are all exceptions in their family tho and that most other gondorians are mostly just normals
>tfw your autistic husband devotes his entire life to writing mythological fan fiction and making up 3 different languages for his mary-sue waifubait "elves" alone
>tfw you don't escape his obsession, even in death
tolkien came off as very non autistic and its obvious he hated his hippy and obsessed neet fans
>Husband is deified as the greatest creator of modern folklore ever
was worth it desu
>how is it possible to disagree with that?
By not being an idiot and realizing there is no inherent value to having female characters when it comes to making a good story or a faithful adaptation. It's literally a demand for others to cater to your political beliefs.
Females act as motivations in full testosterone stories, too.
Which is BTW what Arwen is.Her presence in the movie is actually old fashioned.
It doesnt matter if it was or not an insert of tolkien.
The character was great and interesting not for its human like traits but exactly for its inhuman characteristics and the important part is in the feeling you get when the character speaks and what it says.
All else is not very important about faramir. He represents a certain ideal.
t. incel
lmao this.
Aragorn story is full male. Is about power, responsibility toward the partner and the nation.
Only a failure would not connect.
same could be said about pretty much any man in lotr.
boromir and faramir: responsibility towards gondor
denethor: despair because of failure to protect his people
theoden: responsibility to rohan, gondor and desire to meet the standards of his house
eomer: responsibility towards rohan, gondor and friendship to aragorn.
imrahil: gondor
Tolkien was that kind of man.
Nowadays of course you are on the "wrong part of history" if you think that is good.
I felt he could have had an additional scene in the film to expand a little bit on.
Oh well
Him and his father were absolutely massacred as characters.
And what about all of dorne? man that show really went to shit in the 5th season.
No, you're just a paranoid retard.
>not gimli
>writing women, niggers and numales will never understand
What a funny characterization. Thanks for the laugh, user.
the worst part about dorne was that they had a great oberyn in s4. he even says to tyrion that they dont hurt little girls in dorne. the very next season his supposed lover shits on everything he stood for. kills the brother he loved and the little girl he promised safety. she couldnt have done anything oberyn would have despised more. it made no sense at all. have the sand snakes be cunts but at least not ellaria.
book boromir only askes his questions at the council of elrond because literally just got there a few hours before from a 9 month long trek in dangerous lands alone and he legitimately didnt know what was going on or who bilbo was and why everyone respects him and why everyone only wants to destroy the ring instead of use it
hes also only unsure of aragorn at first because hes dressed like a hobo and he has no idea who he is. once aragorn introduces himself boromir apologizes and shows gladness of the thought of aragorn and the line of kings coming back to gondor even though that could mean he wont get to rule anymore
in the movie they make it seem that broamir is jealous of aragorn and doesnt want his help from the start
Same goes for Boromir. The movie depicts him as being some kind of rival to Aragorn, "Gondor needs no King", when in the books he has nothing but great respect for him.
*inner monologue stops*
Think about the cynical view many adventures are written with. Like TLJ.
movie boromir is awesome. i dont know why everybody thinks he is shown as a straight up bad guy. he has a lot of great scenes that show him as a good, selfless guy. i would also think that they couldnt make his corruption too subtle because normies wouldnt get it.
>"You've got that right, sister."
This is too perfect.
I was not /po/posting, just comparing the values.
Our modern world IS more cynical, no matter what.
the difference betwee lotr and tlj is like the difference between eating a perfect steak and a pile of shit. tlj doesnt even feel like a story at all, it feels like they had a bunch of retards locked up in individual cells, have them vomit shitty wannabe cool scenes on paper, threw all that shit together, mixed in sjw propaganda and hired a worthless NEET to "direct" that abomination of a film. lotr on the other hand was written by a genius, copied by every fantasy writer since, has great backstory and the movie adaptations while not as good as the books are still among the very best films of the last 20 years and better than everything that the star wars franchise ever released.
he really was an absolute soycuck
I of course agree wholeheartedly, but even if TLJ was better written, for sure would have been nonetheless something from a mind with a less firm moral compass.
Then one can argue, and have a point, that is written like shit because of that, too.
Legolas and Gimli are pretty boring in the books. Movie versions are better and makes them more relevant with the extra screen time.
>commands armies
>second in command of the most powerful nation of men
>manages to withstand the ring
>willing to die out of loyalty to his father as his commander and his country
>marries hot blonde who just happens to be the sister of the king of your closest allies
yeah absolute soycuck
having a moral compass is not cool anymore. maybe 2018 is the year where the age of men comes crashing down