Yfw teacher rolls one of these in

>yfw teacher rolls one of these in

Was there a greater feeling, lads?

>bill nye

fuck off tumblrite

>missing a school day so you could sleep in and be comfy

>not staying home sick and accidentally watching all the scary ghost or alien shows on scifi by accident because you didn't want to watch another I Love Lucy rerun

>missing a school day
>everyone asking where you were
>making up cool excuses

i wish i was allowed to still be an idiot today


>got to watch 911 on one of these
>"When is Spiderman going to turn up?"

I actually recorded eps of Bill Nye and brought them in to my teacher to show in class.

He used to be cool and not a sellout to social "science" hacks. Used to be.

maybe the first time after that i realized it was ruse and kino would never be played. fool me once.


>>yfw teacher rolls one of these in

>not staying home sick and 'accidentally' watching all the adults only channels because you didn't want to watch another I Love Lucy rerun

I wish. Those shows haunted me as a kid. I still remember the episodes for some reason.

>not having cool parents who knew school was a load of shit and let you stay home basically whenever

At least in highschool. I probably missed 50 plus days in my freshman year because I just straight up hated it and didn't want to go. My parents were fine with it since they knew highschool isn't what it used to be and it's basically a propaganda machine. Felt gud staying home playing 360 and watching kino while my friends learned about the best way to prep the bull lol

>not staying home and watching the DS9 marathons on Spike

How's the trailer, Cletus?

>playing 360
Are you old enough to be posting here?

There are about to be faggots on here who were born when the first Xbox came out

>Remember this?! xD
Fuck off normiebook fag, this is a board for real discussion like how bad Chloe Moretz looks and the intricacies of the opening of the dark night rises.

I went to one of the richest schools in the state, lived close to it in an expensive house, and am now living in an even nicer place. I'll give you a protip, soyboy, education doesn't mean shit in the real world, all that matters is your connections. If you have good connections you'll be making 5x the amount some stupid cuck will be making after 8 years of college.
360 came out over 12 years ago user. You're getting old.

People who were 9 when Avatar came out are old enough to post here

I wish I could still do that, but if I miss work I get fired

Old Bill Nye was kino user, maybe you’re too young to remember. Just because he started going to Hollywood smoking crack and sucking dicks doesn’t invalidate his older stuff

>is your connections
Maybe you should've went to school those days desu senpai.

>everyone asking where you were
Is this what it feels like to not be a outcast?

I was skipping school sniffing my moms panties

No, just friends.

You can't miss ANY days? How does that work? We have a point system at my job, 12 points and you're done but prior points expire after 60 days of no absences.

You're part of the problem.

>Miss school because I'm sick
>Mom runs off to work with the cable for the N64
>I'm stuck watching Pup Named Scooby Doo all day

>tfw had strep throat on 9/11

Sick AND watching endless broadcasts of panicking news anchors and the towers burning. Not one of my better days.

let me guess... you were one of the cool kids....

Yeah because other teenagers my age were the connections I needed, not connections I got from working jobs and meeting people while they were at school. All my friends my age are in college and in debt while I'm laughing making good money living where I want to live because of the people I met working jobs when I was 17.
Oh yeah? Please tell me more Mr. Goldberg. Am I part of the problem because I realized that I can make my own success through working, starting my own business, and using my connections as resources? Was I supposed to follow your nice jew scam and be in debt with a degree that means absolutely nothing?

>tfw I convinced my Spanish teacher at my Christian highschool to let me show the class Pan’s Labyrinth

>laughing and making good money
>still needs to lie to people on Sup Forums

>laughing and making good money
>still needs to lie to people on Sup Forums
>implying turning trix doesn't pay well

I guess my teachers were on top of their shut, because the tv was already rolled into the classroom before I got there

>watch zefferelli's romeo and juliet
>instantly waifu juliet
>suddenly, unexpected boobage
>dick is diamonds
>walk around all day with a massive boner dreaming of juliet

That was a very special time for me.

I have what you call a "passive income".

I can do whatever I want with my time, especially shit post on Mongolian cave painting forums. Essentially I get paid to shit post :^)

>teacher rolls in one of these
>9/11 starts playing

>get a load of this fag

Did any of you actually watch 9/11 on TV at school? We just got sent home right away after the news started breaking.

Are you me?




How could we comprehend what was going on? It was like a movie to us.

Don't you have class today goyim? Gotta put that tuition to use and get your daily brainwashing :)

>inb4 Romeo & Juliet

Yeah. Honestly in retrospect it’s kinda weird they didn’t send everyone home. Basically you had an entire school full of elementary kids watching 9/11 coverage non-stop all day thinking it’s a movie or something while the teachers periodically start crying for some reason.

Our teachers rolled them out for the acc tournament every year. Where I'm from college basketball was king

it was all shit anyways, might as well have some fun with the boys while watching a random flick

best kino you saw in school? mine is pic rel


>teacher slides one of these in

I think I just got sent home without understanding why.

People were nice to me because they thought i was going to shoot up the school.

P.E. Class where there was no theory, just indoor soccer or handball tournaments for two periods.

>9th grade
>Creative writing teacher is a Jewish lesbian
>Literally has everyone take home special permission slips so she could show Schindler’s List and have us write poetry about the holocaust

either that lady needs to shave or damn that guy isn't well endowed.

>The first 75% of Dunstin Checks In
>Never saw how the fucking movie ended

Were they right?

>Mom runs off to work with the cable for the N64

It was a different time

>Ray Bradbury Theater

Fucking god bless the genius who put that shit on every weekday morning.

>Mom runs off to work with the cable for the N64

I mean i didn't, so i guess?

I did fap a lot in science class and got caught by this girl jess a few times.


The Patriot

>senior year of high school
>skip school at least once a week near the end of the school year
>skip the day i'm supposed to take an AP exam
>somehow the entire school knows about it the next day
>everyone in my classes teases me about it
>teachers i hadn't had since sophomore year asking why i missed it
>principal who i'd never spoken to in my life talk to in my life knew about it and asked
I wasn't even popular, so it was surreal having so many people talk to me.

I ended up having like 40 missed days that year.

>Never saw how the fucking movie ended
Dunstin dies from aids :\

>I did fap a lot in science class and got caught by this girl jess a few times.

Never change, Sup Forums

I remember watching this shit. Me and several other kids in the class tore those losers apart, it was like seventh grade RiffTrax.

We were so obnoxious I remember the guidance counselor telling me someone was going to "clean my clock" one day. I took pride in knowing I had frustrated someone who was supposed to help the students to the point of making threats to me.

Our school had TV's mounted to the walls at that point. They did roll them in for the OJ Simpson verdict though.

he checks out

What the fuck is wrong with this guy? He was totally different in the 90s.

Got elected in 08

>teacher tells you to take notes during the episode

>i'm stuck watching pup named scooby doo all day
are you me?

>grow up thinking bill nye was kino
>turns out he's just a flick

It was teacher's day in my country and a holiday.

>tfw wake up after a comfy day in of noschool at 11 am
>my older brother is watching news about some boring shit
>"hey lil bro come watch apparently some buildings got blown up in murrica"
>think it sounds boring so I skip it

I did get called in for when the second plane flew into second tower and that made me stay and watch for a bit longer since I didnt wanna miss others.

>playing 360
>tfw my childhood memories involve a Sega Mega Drive (Genesis) and a Game Boy.

Jess never saw anything she didnt want to

>The pedophile said to the courtroom, referring to the incident when the defendant exposed himself to the children at the kiddy pool

I was in 9th grade and during 4th period the teacher said "Just so you know a plane flew into the world trade center" and I shit you not we all laughed like in our heads it was some comical hang glider or bi plane like he was an idiot. I to this day still feel really weird about that reaction. Perhaps it was some kind of mob mind coping mechanism? The period after that they turned on the TV and we watched the second plane fly into the second tower and everyone just started crying.


One time the teacher sent me and this chick erica who had great tits that i got to see once when she flashed my bud to the media center to get a tv and cart and when we arrived to the door of the classroom there was that little weather strip thingey (in florida a lot of classrooms are in doublewide trailers) and the little 2 inch caster wheel got caught on it like when you go over a pebble on a razer scooter and the whole thing tipped over and we broke the TV.

There was another time where a teacher passed around her old pacemaker and my buddy stole it just to be a dick.

Same here. I think we were allowed to miss 90 days and still graduate so I would literally take most of the week off my whole senior year because I had all my credits anyway.

I was in the 4th grade and had some really cool micro machine gundams, and like 3 days before my mom caught me and this kid eddy skipping school (we totally made out with eachother no homo tho) and she took the gundams away. I know, right, what a fucking cunt.

The day the towers fell i tried to use that to guilt her into giving them back and it totally worked and i was super stoked to play with gundams.

Thanks osama?

Schools had a bizarre collection of non-education movies in vhs and dvds

All movies are ((education)). Get a clue.

What about backdoor sluts 9?

I hope Olivia don't age like milk

Are you confused because your mom is in it and she's not Jewish? The guy who paid the black guys was Jewish, sweetie.

yep. turned on TV after first tower was hit. shit went crazy when second tower was hit. then we went home.

I would always fap under the clothes and nut in my pants.

Ive been fapping in semi public places for almost 2 decades with no negative results. Its not that weird. I mean the only way you can get caught is if they pull down your pants and inspect the cumstain. Just say that you were scratching your balls.

>teacher gets the fattest kid to carry in the CRT TV because we post Soviet and fat kid is always strongest

>tfw having a full block of spares in grade 12 so I half the days I slept in until 11am and the other half I left at lunch time

I love that my school board allowed grade 12s with high academic loads to do this

>implying my mom isnt a jew with big dirty jew milkers

I fapped to those things daily since i was 9, faggot.

The XBox 360 was out when I was in highschool and I'm 26, that console came out 13 years ago you doofus.

>not skipping school to lay in the field watching the clouds go by with her

As someone who actually touched a female during highschool and not since I'd say any moment with a teenage girl in highschool felt better.

Shes fucking somebody else and forgot about you. Her valentines day will be happy while you're alone user.