Can we get a thread of Batman getting dressed down?

Can we get a thread of Batman getting dressed down?

why would david spade call him kal instead of clark

This was before Infinite Crisis, so Kal considered himself Kryptonian, instead of human, at the time.



Don't even like Bruce, I'm more a fan of the Robins, but this always fucking suck. It always reeks of insecurity or spite from the writer.

This particular one sucks. I like some of the other times.

well bruce is basically the centre of the light and dark Multiverse now so I guess we can allow a dressed down thread

>threaten to TWO Superman-tier powerlevel people and three of yours
Batman supposed to be smart, no?

Dude, how does Ollie not have a point? His parents were eaten alive by lions while on safari, he was stranded on a jungle island and lost his family's business because he's an adrenaline junkie who had no sense of responsibility for a long ass time. His background and upbringing was just as fucked as Bruce's. And sure, he didn't see his parents eaten in front of him, but that's still a hell of a thing.

Not to mention that Sinestro was partnered with Parallax at the time.

True that. Damn, what a wounderful lantern Batman should be...But DC prefer to give fear ring to Superman, symbol of hope. TWICE.

This. I don't mind it when someone calls out Batman, but not like this.

It’s remind me of how modern writers treated Prof X.


I always believed that the reason why Bruce has such a problem with Ollie and Hal is because he can't accept that their past trauma could match his own and that in Hal's case, could be overcome.

In his eyes, Ollie was just a liberal brat playing at being a hero and Hal was some meathead who lucked into the most powerful weapon in the universe.

But here's the thing about these two: Both of them turned out to be more positive, hopeful beings than he is. They have loving relationships and can trust in people. To still have that much hope in them forces Batman to see them in two different lights: They're either wannabes whose dark pasts couldn't compare to his, or that he's not as great as he thinks he is.

T. Has never read Batman

I like how polite he is about it.

I liked how Forever Evil was basically just Johns assembling his villainous husbandos (Lex, Deathstroke, Black Adam, Sinestro, Captain Cold, Black Manta) into a team
Wish they'd get an ongoing, illuminati-like comic with this team

this comes across as a dumb way to react to me.

So what if Hal doesn't know who Bruce is, why treat him like he's a nobody? Did he expect him to be a household name?

>Loving relationship

what did he mean by this?

>comes across as a dumb way to react

The entire angle establishes Hal as the team's cocky dumbass. Granted, he's always had shades of that, butit was exaggerated here.

It's because Bruce was super dramatic about it, and just expected Hal to know who he was.
So it's like when Lex was in Flash's body in JL.
>"I'm...Bruce Wayne!"

smart enough to know he has plot armor