New TARDIS edition.
New TARDIS edition.
What audio would you like to see as a TV episode the most? Imagine it was actually produced in the era it fits into.
Oh fug I forgot about this. Give me a while.
Fuck that, I want a Dalek Empire TV show.
Pretty much any First/Second Doctor era audio
wait a fucking minute
is the top light BLUE? As in actual blue, not just cool white light?
Hard mode: you have to swap it out with an episode that WAS televised
Reposting for giggles
too match her socks
Zagreus, swap it with the tv movie
>mfw it's a sign the show really is going to turn into a police procedural
Zagreus instead of the RTD team up fuckaton
>/who/ presents:
- The Anthology -
>Are you a true fan of Doctor Who?
>Have you ever written down a sequence of words?
If the answer is yes or no, then you are ready to contribute a literary masterpiece to the third /who/ collection of original Doctor Who-based short fiction, because following the success of Shit Trips 1 and 2, /who/ has started another anthology of wondrous tales. God help us.
This time, the rules will be a tad different, as in we actually have rules now. The stories must be about:
> alternate Doctors (original Doctors, fanmade Doctors, Unbound Doctors, Doctors of wild divergence from canon)
> spinoff characters from audios, books, comics, etc (Torchwood, Erimem, Faction Paradox, Vienna, Sarah Jane Adventures, Iris Wildthyme, etc)
>companion focused stories (stories with the companion facing a threat, or dealing with life, WITHOUT the Doctor)
Besides that, no limits (and your story can be in more than one category above).
>Can still be in any style, whether it's "legitimate writing", "pisstake", or "shitpost".
>the story must be at least 1 word long, and preferably not in excess of 10,000, it's short fiction you fuck
Anyone can contribute, no signups/pitches required. If you have ideas, feel free to broadcast them.
Rest is self-explanatory. Format for uploading your work is up to you, as long as it can be conveniently copied across (and ideally don't spam long texts in /who/ directly). (Pastebin or google drive works well.) And remember to mention, preferably in your work post, what you want your author moniker to be, which doesn't have to be your real name.
Remember, it doesn’t matter if it’s shit, just have fun! Deadline is April 2nd
The Space Pirates -> Literally any 2/Jamie/Zoe audio
just finished an illustration for my story and ooh boy it's a whopper
I'd go with a story featuring the War Master.
Reminder that Zoe is the new Lym's obcession
btfo Jess
Zoe is kino, good on him
Nah, I'm all about Jamie.
Fucking hell, you trip worshippers are literally toddlers.
Lym is a fag confirmed
even more patrician taste
Nah, I'm kidding. No one could ever replace based goth Jess
I’m going to put a collar and leash on you. Walk you around the house naked, breaking you in like the pet you are. On all 4’s
Why jess tho
Why not someone like Rose
twink companion W H E N
Finally, some accuracy.
How fucking based would it be to have a televised version of Wreck of the World?
Is it actually a really good story? I was mulling over getting it, I'd seen the positive reviews but they often overhype stuff.
chill out Lym
what the FUCK is neo doing
Wow that tranny chick's box is bigger on the inside - she must be a coal burner! I bet that vagina-bag she wears has all sorts of sonic things that vibrate in it.
"this show will be DOA"
Fuck Neo
imagine having a mind this diseased
I hate all trips equally
Most of them are fine. It's just the new bunch that joined last year who act like this is their blog.
Why hasn't Lym or Oncoming banned him from the stream yet?
What has he done worthy of a ban?
New TARDIS interior leak
okay I'm actually glad it's not him and it's just your threadshitting ass, thanks
Becuase Neo likes Judy and Lym likes to suck Neo's dick.
Why does Neo like Judy?
ruin the general
What has he done on the stream worthy of a ban on the stream?
Yeah man it's a good listen. Does a good job of feeling very much in the spirit of the era but feeling modernized in areas at the same time
TARDIS interior leak
What did Gareth mean by this?
jesus christ
doctor who is bad and you should feel bad
imagine being this naive to semiotics, mise en scene and gender politics
If you could truly, unironically erase a season or series of the show, like it never existed, what would it be?
Series 2
Key to Time or Davison's middle series (Five Doctors is exempt).
Would you rather the show just like randomly skipped the series in history, or that the series right before and right after it were slightly tweaked to fit?
Different stories or completely skipped.
imagine using all three wrong by calling "pulling shit out of one's ass" semiotics, attempting to reinterpret a scene with clear interpretations to fit a certain agenda, and using gender politics as cover for the resulting poor thought.
Series 7. While I loved Matt Smith's performances in the show, and I enjoyed Day of the Doctor, I think the introduction of the War Doctor and counting the Meta-Crisis regeneration was a stupid move by Moffat, as it unnecessarily confuses the ordering (Jodie's the 13th Doctor/14th Face/15th Regeneration) and seems only to have been done to get the matter of the 12-regeneration limit out of the way (which could easily have been done with Chibnall, or done when the Doctor went back to Gallifrey in series 9).
I enjoyed John Hurt as the War Doctor, but he could have been an older 8, or we could have just had 8 end the time war.
Some of Series 3 as I'm not fond of Martha.
For Series 2 I wish it was more in tone with Series 1. I think this also would've led to Series 3 and 4 being better as well.
Tennant's specials.
Lose Waters of Mars but also erase End of Time from canon.
Doctor either regens at Stolen Earth, Parting of the Ways, or just start The Eleventh Hour with Tennant on the floor, Sixie style.
ugh racist
Chaos on the stream, folks
Will Thirteen ever reunite with Rose?
If I had the choice between erasing something or nothing, I would keep everything.
If I had to erase something judging by its impact on Doctor Who as a whole, I would pick a Pertwee season after the first since they're not very innovative. I think season 9, there's nothing Doctor Who history couldn't do without there.
If I had to erase something based on personal taste, it's goodbye series 9.
Series 9
imagine being this retarded at communicating
> calls a still image of a police box a scene
> clear interpretations
> character that owns box has no gender?
LMFAO - you should go to bed now, you've got high school to go to in the morning.
key to time you pleb
bad post
series 6
dubs confirm
series 4 because it doesn't have any good episodes and was boring
day of the doctor isn't part of series 7 though
so the war doctor would still happen
So in the new series the feminist Doctor mets Civil Rights campaigner Rose Parks & has the very bus she give up her seat on.
This is worse than Black Panther.
He was introduced in series 7.
And for all intents and purposes, it is part of series 7. Either that, or it's part of it's own mini series with just itself?
Series 7 and 9
>it's worse than a movie that isn't even out yet
It's not part of a series. It's a special in between 7 and 8.
She was a commie looking for motives to cause trouble
People have seen it. Series 13 is basically feminist frequency's women in history with monsters of the week.