Was this really Kubrick all along?

Was this really Kubrick all along?

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why would they bring kubrick to the moon to fake a landing? Makes no sense


(((they))) brought the moon to him, dumbass, it was part of his terms & conditions


Moon Landing is a hoax and only idiots still believe NASA.
>Waving flag
>No impact crater
>Slo mo walking
>No stars visible from the moon
>Various rocks and terrain with marks
>Backdrop used multiple times

all debunked

try again

t. Nasa shill


Try reading a fucking book you brainlet. Believing that Apollo was a hoax is implying that you believe there's a grand multinational conspiracy that everyone but you is in on. Russia confirmed that the signals we're coming from the moon, and anyone who had 3 radios and could do some math can independently confirm that the signals were coming from the moon. It would have been discovered that it was fake in '69 is it was fake.

Nevermind the garbage list of bullshit you stated that's been debunked for 30 fucking years.

explain the "waving flag" meme to me

Kubrick didn’t have jack shit to do with the moon landing hoax. Roman Polanski was the director.

Brainlets think that the flag & pole oscillating from being let go by astronauts that it's proof that there was wind...in a controlled studio. None of it makes any sense, they're all retarded.

are there telescopic photos of the buggy that was left there?

>all this damage control

Not even HST (Hubble Space Telescope) can resolve any of the landing sites with any clarity. The only photos we have of activity at the sites is from the LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter).

Not an argument.

There’s no wind on the moon, so the flag shouldn’t wave. That’s the claim. However, the flag doesn’t wave, and the reason the flag sticks out is because it had a plastic poll in it so it wouldn’t just droop down

The buggies are still there

thanks friend, what I always wondered wouldnt there be a shit-ton of dust for hours after they landed still lingering in the photos?

The flag is on a springy rod thing and there is a little bar that runs along the top of the flag so it doesn't just droop down, when they planted it, the rod vibrated making the flag wave.
They didn't land hard enough to make an impact crater and when leaving the rocket would have disturbed the area directly below the lander.
They were wearing large movement restrictive suits in an environment with lower gravity, of course they moved slowly.
The camera's exposure didn't pick up the light from the stars.
Marks on rocks? What?
You can't just claim that a backdrop was used as evidence, you would have to prove the existence of a backdrop, which hasn't been done, because it was filmed on the moon. The number one most convincing piece of evidence that it wan't faked is the fact that the USSR was observing Apollo the entire time and confirmed it. Why would they do this if it was faked? And if that was faked, why bother sending the rocket without a crew? You cannot tell me that the Soviets wouldn't have called the US out if they believed it to be faked, which they did not because they literally watched it through their telescopes.

>Adam Soyvage

somebody kickstart a project to build a drone to fly to the moon so we can settle this once and for all

>Entire world was too dumb to notice it was fake
>few fags on the internet who don't even know how basic photography works figured it out

If you believe moon landing is fake you deserve to be euthanized.

Yes goy, never questioning the TRUTH. And if you are questioning the TRUTH that the Government is telling you you will end in jail.
Good goy, soft goy.

They were going to fake it with Kubrick but he was such a perfectionist it was easier to do it for real

Nobody gives a shit about "resolving" it because only complete retards take this conspiracy shit seriously.

It's almost as bad as flat Earth crap.

t. schlomo shekelberg

>Nobody gives a shit about "resolving" it
Resolving in the optical sense, user. Not a resolution for retarded conspiracy theorists who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

Dust can't linger in the air when there is no air.

how ironic. faking the faking of the moon landing. very good job

Kubrick was a crazy perfectionist and forced NASA to shoot on location for maximum realism

>drones can fly in space

Kubrick would probably make them actually send people to the moon along with the film crew so he could get it just right

There's already a private company working on robotic moon landers.


Also the USSR and China have already landed robotic rovers on the moon.

it takes 360 days for earth orbit the sun. This fucking slow as shit ball of dirt can travel 940 million km in a year. Are you telling me we can't send shit to the moon that's only 384,400 km from the earth? All of this stinks off fuckery

Yes, user. They hired a Hollywood director to film 2 and a half hours of continuous fixed camera footage

ITT: shills hoping for NASA coins

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Responding to flat earthers is pointless. They are either trolls or retards so fucking stupid nothing will convince them.

>tfw both the russian and us government were colluding together to fool bad goys just for keks while at war with each other.

How about there is no fucking way 60's society had anything remotely close to the technology level to get anything of that size and weight to the surface of the moon. We still have a lot of trouble landing a probe on it today and we have computers that can make the insane calculations necessary to accomplish it.

Or the fact that if we were to ever have the capacity to do this, what is the reasoning for only doing it three times then never again for another 50 years? We apparently had the technology to land people on the moon before we had calculators and power steering, but somehow labeled this forbidden technology and never used it again despite all the fantastic benefits (During an existential Cold War no less) that come from the capability to land things on the moon when the Soviets apparently could not.

And then no other nation on Earth even made the attempt as well for the same 50 years. No one anywhere in all the nations, in all the administrations, and all the political posturing has been able to recreate a feat fucking 60's technology accomplished.

Kubrick made them do it 100 times and was very careful with authenticity.


t. brainlet

I guess the Saturn V is papier-mâché because some underage faggot doesn't understand. Or any of the other countless accomplishments achieved by guys with slide rules.

To the rest of your infantile post, it's called politics and it's one of the reasons space exploration in a democratic society sucks. Every time a new leader is elected the goals change, and long-term goals like Apollo rarely make it past the drawing board.

>Resolving in the optical sense, user.
But why? There's no reason to spend that time and effort to take a better picture of the landing sites unless your point is to prove that it happened to retards who are just going to scream "DUDE JOO KUNSPIRACY LMAO" anyway.
There are mirrors left up there that lasers are regularly bounced off to measure the distance between us.

This thread belongs on >>> /x
> conspiracy theory

Just because Kubrick is mentioned does not make this about film & TV

>But why?
I'm not arguing with you user. I agree with you. The brainlet retards will claim conspiracy no matter what. It's the nature of a conspiracy theorist, the more evidence you give them the more they retreat into a hole and claim that said evidence is further prove of said conspiracy. It's an endless cycle and pointless to argue with retards. Yes, conspiracies exist and always have but not everything is a conspiracy and people need some critical thinking skills to sift through the bullshit.

Hopefully a private enterprise lands a rover or probe near a site in the near future though. It would be a nice fuck you to all but the most schizophrenic of conspiratards.

>Hopefully a private enterprise lands a rover or probe near a site in the near future though. It would be a nice fuck you to all but the most schizophrenic of conspiratards.
In the late 90's I remember some japanese company wanted to land a bunch of tiny rovers the size of a big RC car onto the moon, and then let people drive them around via remote for a while - like a theme park attraction kind of thing. They wanted to drop a load off near tranquility base.
I always thought it was a neat idea, and the cost of getting to orbit is decreasing drastically, moreso if BFR gets into operation at which point you will spend more on developing the payload than you will the cost of transportation.

The moon isn't real nor is Kubrick.

Red pilled my ass.



Yeah that guy is pretty based. Here's another good vid.


>what is the reasoning for only doing it three times then never again for another 50 years?
It was actually done 6 times with a failed attempt.

>And then no other nation on Earth even made the attempt as well for the same 50 years

The reason is money. It took the 4% of the richest country of the world's GDP to fund the Apollo program, it could be slightly cheaper to go the moon nowadays but there isn't any reason to spend that amount of money since colonizing a place with no oxygen or water is a retarded idea and the moon has no resources that can be exploited more easily on Earth.


>It was harder to fake a moon landing than to actually go!

Who is this fat retard? The actual footage was played on a screen so TV stations could record it with their own cameras. It wasn't actually live-streamed. Also, why the fuck did NASA lose and then figure out they taped over their own footage?

>Who is this fat retard?
A camera expert.
>Also, why the fuck did NASA lose and then figure out they taped over their own footage?
Any number of reasons. Data storage was really expensive back then, and there were copies everywhere. Maybe they thought they didn't need the original. Maybe it was just an actual fuckup. Who knows, but it isn't proof that Apollo is a hoax.

Basically they go 'THERE IS NO ATMOSPHERE ON THE MOON SO HOW IS THE FLAG WAVING?!?!??!?! DEBUNKED THERE IS WIND!'. No. There is no atmosphere, that doesn't mean physics doesn't play out. The act of slamming it into the ground would create a similar effect because there is no atmosphere to prevent that from happening. People who think NASA faked the moon landing (a moon landing confirmed by 7 independent agencies, including the USSR who had nothing to gain by going on with the lie) are retarded.

It's a defence mechanism. Humans, especially Americans, believe that there is nothing their government cannot see and cannot do. They believe the US Government has the power to perform such acts, it makes them feel safer because wow, US is sure powerful enough to do this! Same with 9/11 retard 'truthers'.

>Wow, if the US Government is willing to blow up it's own buildings, imagine what it would do to an enemy state! I feel so much safer now. Of course such random acts of terrorism could not be performed on American soil! It was our government doing it all along! Of course. How powerful they are and how other nations should tremble at our might!

The flag actually waves because it has some wires inside of it to make it look like it's waving

If you didn't post it, I was going to. Guy knows his shit.

The latency would make it not fun. I built a rover that could drive around earth and it was difficult to drive because of ping.


china's robot was faker than fake

Space is three dimensional.

Brainlets can't comprehend that.

Nice webm btw.

This is the biggest proof the landing was faked.


>Curators at Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum, where the rock has attracted tens of thousands of visitors each year, discovered that the "lunar rock", valued at £308,000, was in fact petrified wood.

>Xandra van Gelder, who oversaw the investigation, said the museum would continue to keep the stone as a curiosity.

>"It's a good story, with some questions that are still unanswered," she said. "We can laugh about it."

>The rock was given to Willem Drees, a former Dutch leader, during a global tour by Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin following their moon mission 50 years ago.

>J. William Middendorf, the former American ambassador to the Netherlands, made the presentation to Mr Drees and the rock was then donated to the Rijksmuseum after his death in 1988.

>"I do remember that Drees was very interested in the little piece of stone. But that it's not real, I don't know anything about that," Mr Middendorf said.

>Nasa gave moon rocks to more than 100 countries following lunar missions in 1969 and the 1970s.

>The United States Embassy in The Hague is carrying out an investigation into the affair.

>Researchers Amsterdam's Free University were able to tell at a glance that the rock was unlikely to be from the moon, a conclusion that was borne out by tests.

>"It's a nondescript, pretty-much-worthless stone," said Frank Beunk, a geologist involved in the investigation.

Moon landing was a set built on site to hide the fact its a hollow space base for the aliens observing us

>One rock is lost or stolen, replaced by bullshit
>The other hundreds are verified lunar by independent institutions worldwide
You didn't really think this through, did you?

>Some Dutch got their moon rock stolen so that means that the moon landings got faked 6 times

What's really funny is that the camera technology didn't exist to FAKE the landing. Top irony