Ruins prison break

>ruins prison break
>ruins justified
whats his fucking problem ?

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CBGB's happened

prison break was already bad at that point

I like him as a person. Terrible actor though

That time he showed his high school students "Niggas vs. Black People" was pretty good.

>White rapper
He's mentally ill.

His only good role was true romance.

>ruined The Herd

jigger (jewish nigger)

he's a homo, the bible is clear how he should be treated

Pasty white fuck from Brooklyn

I don't understand the hate for his Justified character. He ranks low as far as the show's villains go but he does fine in the role. His accent is also better than the young kid's or, say, Alicia Witt's.

I only remember this guy for this video rant and that Boston High show back in the early to mid 2000s


This, I didn't mind him desu.

Wow Rob Dyrdek looks like shit

Looks like he ruined his head too

He thinks he black


ava did more to ruin season five than he did

>implying Justified was ruined at any point

And he has a undeserved sense of self worth

didn't he hire some guy to pretend to be his son on twitter

I like him as an actor. Terrible person though

All I remember is this movie were he becomes a nazi and kills a bunch of people.
It was a good movie not because of the black people in it [\spoiler]

I can barely remember him in either of those shows. What did he do again? All I can remember is him becoming a vegetable in Prison Break. Bit harsh really, it's not like he was the most evil villain.

Stop criticizing black men, cracker

I will forever associate him with childhood memories of a nude Dean Collins, so he's alright in my eyes.

Looks like Logan Paul

Literally liberal propaganda.

He is a jew that literally got paid to play a neo nazi in a movie.

>white fuck from Brooklyn
Kike from the upper East Side*


I think maybe it's just because he was the worst season villain

he didn't ruin justified. only dulled it which in turn magnified my erection when based dillahunt and elliott showed up. that boon kid was pretty good too though i remember seeing that actor play that character at least twice before.