What's the objective best way of watching these kino films?
For me, it's
>Fellowship Extended
>The Two Towers Theatrical
>Return of the King Not at all
What's the objective best way of watching these kino films?
For me, it's
>Fellowship Extended
>The Two Towers Theatrical
>Return of the King Not at all
Other urls found in this thread:
>Doesn't finish the trilogy
>Doesn't watch only the non frodo and Sam parts in the extended cuts
Are you suggesting I watch the only parts of the series that don't matter? I knew this board was just Sup Forums-lite but come the fuck on
nah man return has the endings. Also many other great scenes. Id say
>Fellowship extended
>Two towers extended
>Return theatrical
but if you do the other two extended you will probably do the same for return
Actually the non frodo and Sam parts are very important. The others are covering for frodo. By battling saruman and and Sauron's orks, it distracts Sauron from his approaching doom, which makes it a safer trip for frodo
You're a disgrace.
Return of the King is the best part of the series you fucking retarded mong.
>I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you
>misty eyes
>hands tremble slightly with excitement
>dick achieves half chub
We aren't getting something like this again until all commies are slaughtered, are we?
So... you end the story with Frodo and Sam panicking, freaking out in Osgiliath while Aragorn and Gandalf hug it out?
Okay then.
>ITT : contrarian reddit shitheads trying to fit in with retarded ideas
Fuck off, take a day off to watch all three extended in a row and stop babbling like morons about which theatrical cut sucks less.
Honestly I could stop after Fellowship Extended.
>Return is bad because I'm wayyy more hip than you plebs
no one listens to you fucks
Watch them all. Extended or theatrical, it's your choice.
Just watch Fellowship and pretend the other two don't exist
are you retarded? Towers benefits from the SEE more than any of the others, in fact it's made much more watchable because in the theatrical you don't really get Faramir's deal and what his motivations are
>>Return theatrical
>"Lol Saruman can stay in his tower and we'll just leave him in there until he learns his lesson, okay let's go."
Such a satisfying conclusion to his narrative.
Just be happy it exists
>ywn be able to show your value like that
>ywn be fighting for ultimate good against ultimate evil
>ywn sacrifice yourself for something meaningful
>ywn save anyone
>the world is gray, instead of black and white
>nothing has actual value
>everything is meaningless
I wish I was making this up. I wish the world was something more than this. I don't want to do this anymore. I'm not cut out for this shit.
Even if any of those things were the opposite you, you personally, would never do any of those things, because you'd be the same spineless loser in Middle Earth as you are on regular Earth
>fan edit of Fellowship of the Ring that uses Deepfake, stand-in actors, and CGI to fully recreate the books as Tolkien envisioned
>the same for the Two Towers
>the same for the Return of the King
this is the true patrician way
someone do this
fellowship extended
two towers extended
return theatrical
rotk extended is seriously bad. everything they added back in was shit.