Who did it better?
The Punisher
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Me when I punished your mums bumhole last night
War Zone was the best adaptation of the comics. Good movie minus the parkour Jamaicans
Jock in season 2 of Daredevil.
The actual stand alone series was shite
Action: Lundgren
Acting: Jane
Insanity: that other guy
Utter joke: that one on the right
minus frank hanging from a chandolier
minus very lame action sequences in general
What's bad about John Bernthal's Punisher?
bernthal with his stupid over the top growling grunting screaming when he is about to kill someone is a joke. lundgren was totally weird in that they made him religiously meditate in the sewers. tom janes punisher is always a bit too whiny and a raging alcoholic I know I know he's not the punisher yet and all but still it's a bit too much. plus his elaborate plot is shit. I expected him to actually use a torch burner on the gay henchman but meh. stevenson looks the part and is physically actually very imposing. his lack of acting skills is totally fine since he only needs to pull of a stone cold face. movie is overrated though.
Jon Bernthal, with Thomas Jane is a close second. Dolph's was the worst, but that whole movie was crap. War Zone was good though.
Jane reprised his role for a short film a few years ago. Pretty good.
Sorry but I don't buy him a the Punisher at all, he doesn't meet any of the criteria for me.
It just feels like Bernthal is acting out as Shane from TWD, but more aggressive.
Thomas Jane looks more like he should be Superman instead of the Punisher. There's just something about his face that says justice and virtue instead of unmitigated violence. Bernthal was alright I guess, but the Punisher series sucked dick.
He was a hero cop, basically was justice and virtue, so I thought Jane fit the bill well, and his acting was great
I didn't mean to imply he was terrible or anything, and he is a good actor. But it felt like it would have been better as a standalone movie instead of Punisher. Maybe I can't find the right words for it, but I see Punisher as an angry wrecking ball more than a kind step-dad looking figure.
Funny thing is, the worst of War Zone isn't even the as low as the best of the other movies.
I don't know but Micro's wife is hot.
Just picture Naked Snake in Peacewalker but instead of tactical fighting skills he fights with brute, aggressive force. That's how The Punisher should be portrayed.
Certainly not Crixus because he is an obvious manlet, you canĀ“t even use camera tricks to hide it.
He definitely would be a good Superman.
>It just feels like Bernthal is acting out as Shane from TWD
Which is really just him playing himself. he has absolutely 0 range, to the point where he cant stop his own personal ticks from creeping into every role he takes
For me it's Thomas Jane. Yes, his story was a bit underwhelming, but still the revenge he set upon Travolta's character was great.
War Zone is an absolutely terrible movie though. Legit trash and one of the worst movies I ever saw.
Stevenson, though he should've packed on at least 20 lbs more muscle mass for the role. The film not being utter dogshit would've helped too.
I dunno if Titus Pullo is a great "Punisher", but that was a damn fine movie.
That's actually a sad realization you gave me.
>tfw there will never be a show adaption that's basically just MAX issue 1-72
Dolph's Punisher is obviously last, as it's a mediocre 80s action movie. War Zone felt the most Punisher of them all, but too much of it was silly. Tom Jane's movie had a hilariously silly end, and was a mostly basic action movie, but he was great and there were a lot of memorable moments in it. The TV show was a rock solid government drama with a sprinkling of excessive violence, but it did little for me in the way of what I wanted to see from the Punisher. That said, I really liked Jon in it.
Overall, I rewatch Tom Jane's Punisher more and enjoy it more, so I have to say that's my favorite one. Jane > Bernthal > Stevenson > Lundgren in terms of actor performance.
Bernthal was very good in Daredevil, standalone was a joke. I'd say Jane was the best one, but my opinion is swayed by the short movie Dirty Laundry he made.
I dunno, but Wayne Knight was great as Micro
Thomas Jane also voiced Punisher in a video game.
In best timeline..John Hamm is punisher in reboot film r rated.
Bernthal is t manlet
I like the one with Lundgren.
Ray > Midget > Jane > Dolph
Bernthal in DD season 2 had the best showing. The standalone series was weak, but not the fault of the actor, just had mediocre writing.