You know what annoys me? Not that films or shows have political agendas...

You know what annoys me? Not that films or shows have political agendas, but that the creators will be completely open and up front about what those agendas are, and people will still dismiss you for noticing them.

Is it a form of social conditioning that makes people unable to see or are they simply liars who wish to see those they disagree with looked on as paranoid?

I look forward to being called easily offended or triggered for just pointing out what's happening.

>Moffat said the show must find new ways to get ethnic minority actors on screen in future.
>"We've kind of got to tell a lie. We'll go back into history and there will be black people where, historically, there wouldn't have been, and we won't dwell on that.
>"We'll say, 'To hell with it, this is the imaginary, better version of the world. By believing in it, we'll summon it forth'."

Other urls found in this thread:

>We've kind of got to tell a lie. We'll go back into history and there will be black people where, historically, there wouldn't have been, and we won't dwell on that.

It's called "whitewashing" when you do it the other way around.

Good poltical comedy needs subtlety, look at The Crucible or Animal Farm.

No one dismisses you for noticing them, they dismiss you for giving a shit. All art is political, congrats on figuring that out

>Animal Farm
so subtle that people don't understand the message is pro-socialism?

>All art is political

Wrong Marx

OP ride the tiger.

I will tell him i mostly enjoyed lost and fringe as i bayonet this rat fuck if i get the chance.

Well if you want to discuss politics maybe you should find a board where they do that.

J.J. Abrams "There's too many white people"

Doesn't give up his own position to make room at the table.

>discussing the motivations behind tv and movies when that motivation upsets me shouldnt be allowed

Ok chomsky

No one said it's not allowed, you child. No one cares if you're upset about something that even you agree is separate from movies and television. So if you want to talk about that take it to a place where they talk about it.

>No one said it's not allowed, you child.

>maybe you should find a board where they do that.

He is Special White.

If you weren't a fucking idiot people would actually engage you in a meaningful way, but it's obvious from the OP that all you want to bitch about is seeing minorities on screen because you hate minorities. It's not about historical accuracy and you fucking know it.

Why you have to be mad for? Cause you're wrong? It's not a contest. Just let people talk about the influences in tv and movies.

Lefties are niggers which is the why they do this

To me it's more the cynicism of the marketing.

Black history month
Muh secret wakanda
Rt shilling

They exploit niggers and liberals to sell their movie and do not care about the blowback.

please don't tell me you think the pigs represent capitalists

Hg Wells was a socialist. But he was also Le Based

Art is about the human experience and how to find meaning in life. Political propaganda is not art.

No. Stalin. The book is about why communism is awful.

Did you know Jj said that on a podcast show called "By The Way A Conversation with Jeff Garlin" and it has been completely erased from the Internet, you can't buy it either on itunes.

>HG Wells wrote animal farm

>all art is political
Holy shit you're a moron

A lot of episodes are missing now that I look. That was one of my fav podcasts years ago. I might have the file somewhere.

It would be cool if you can find it. JJ was episode 4


>all shitty art is political

Hi my name is not-that-user and I care entirely because of the historical accuracy.
Would not normally comment on such a thread but you left a wonderful opportunity to be disgraced as the logicially fallacious butthurt liberal that you are.


Brainlet discovered

Everything is political to some degree its just some politics are stupider than others. JJ Abrams beliefs are very stupid and shouldn't be put into a film. Johnson's political beliefs are alright sociopathical and he should get his head examined.

Yeah found it.

He's talking about the emmys being a white room. Then goes on to say it'd be cool to make the characters POC because he didn't even consider their color during writing. Then he says the show failed and he was upset at himself because then commentators could say a POC show failed because of the actors and not because of him.

You are an idiot.

that's a fake quote you retard and the fact that you got so fucking worked up over it without even checking to see if it's real shows how much of a gullible brainlet with a victim complex you are

>being this retarded, uneducated slob


The quote is real.

But isn't it more of an attitude of "Not everything needs to be political commentary?"

Sometimes people just want to see a flick and not have to learn any hard lesson from it

>All art is political, congrats on figuring that out
Yea but before 10 or so years ago this was not 100% true, and a lot of us remember that nice time

It's a real quote, I just listened to it on good old mp3. He says it towards the end of the interview with Garlin.

He does not consider himself white.

It's not much of a Sup Forums conspiracy that a vast amount of white people are trying desperately to grasp at any label they can so they can claim to not be white. Somehow being gay or trans means notwhite to a lot of people. Any level of Jewishness also means they can claim to be not white, even if they are the palest white guy that burns in full moonlight. It seems like the main definition is anything not perfectly viewed as norm in the eyes of a caricature of a conservative is not white any longer and gets to claim the coveted minority status.

Can you upload it somewhere? Vocaroo for example

And yet.... You're not annoyed by agendas or politics in movies that you believe in. Right?

Isn't that strange. It's almost if you only like the smell of your own farts.

ok then

You're a cuck. Most people don't follow the pre release hype that's all marketing shills, most people only ever hear second hand bull shit that the media got told sarcastically most of the time.

ofc you're picturing a guy with a quote that white washed one of the few non white characters originated on television with star trek, that's probably just him acting like a weinstein liberal in that quote. Why didn't they get someone like m night shamalan to direct that star trek reboot?

limousine/champaign liberal, I just call them Weinstein liberals now. They can go off and rape a bunch of people and do all sorts of scummy stuff, but it's okay if they make the "correct" political donations and statements.

No it sort of sounds like op might be calling JJ on being a hypocrite.

Where have you gone, upload the mp3

>/pol is wron-

>Not that films or shows have political agendas
good goyim!

let them freely subvert your youth and weak minded etc. and take over and destroy everything your ancestors built for you

Stop noticing things.
(((contain))) yourselves, g-g-go... guise.

>CM: As you mentioned, another preoccupation in America is race. I've noticed that there is a certain reoccurring theme of the wise black man in your works, such as the ebony-hued wizards sleeping under the volcano in "Stormbringer" or the protagonists in "Breakfast in the Ruins." Does race have a certain symbolism to you, or am I reading too much into this?

>MM: The reason I made Hawkmoon German was because of the levels of anti-Germanism in England at the time I wrote it. The Pyat novels, only two of which have been published in the U.S., deal specifically with the elements which allowed the Nazi holocaust. There is no question that I deliberately made black people authority figures, but they were based on authority figures from my own world—Americans have no understanding, I think, how important and popular Paul Robeson was in post-war Europe—and most of my early American heroes were black—whether mythic like John Henry or actual like Muddy Waters. So I tend instinctively to see black men and women in general as having more authority (not more power, but more authority) than white men.

>he doesn't see where rewriting history can lead

All art is inherently political, but not intentionally. For example, I present Tolkien. This man firmly denies that his work is allegory, to his death you will never hear him give an inch on this subject. But he is Christian, and he is a man of his time, and so comparisons and parallels can be drawn anyway because you’re picking apart his implicit bias. The work itself is pure, made for the love of making it, just like the characters in his books. When art is made for the sole purpose of politics, that is what we call propaganda. Propaganda is not art, it is a corruption of art, much like the orcs. Basically what I’m saying is that you’re an idiot.

>tfw Irish American, so people probably didn't consider me white to begin with

They are lying on purpose, admitting to it and in their lie they claim everyone else is lying.
That's how fucked up the mental gymnastics of the left is.

well that kinda hits close to home

>Animal Farm is pro socialism
Just how fucking retarded can you be.

Less pro-socialism and more a critique on the management of Russian and Spanish communists
Orwell did identify as Democratic Socialist but he detested the authoritarian dictatorship of Stalin and the hypocrisy of the Spanish socialist party


I've had seven of these arguments used on me by the whitest motherfuckers Ive ever seen.

All art can be twisted to seem political by morons. Doesn’t mean Bach was thinking about politics when he wrote his chorales.


my skin color isn't on the sheet.

>those niggas so black they blue

Tolkien said his work was not allegory - and it's not - but he never denied it was Catholic in nature.

>All art is political
That's a gross oversimplification if I've ever heard one

He's (((white))), not white

Welcome to the current year. Where everything has to be a gross oversimplification so the brainlets think they're being smart.

>hurr ur a hippocrite
Yeah, so? Fuck you.

laughably bad

>Not that films or shows have political agendas,
then I don't care about your opinion.

NEXT thread
>closes tab

it blows my mind that more normies still don't get this in 2018 after all we've seen in the past couple of decades

>All art is political
spoken like a true jew

People will dismiss you because everyone is okay with this "agenda" other that racist wh*te "men".

How fucking stupid do you have to be to think all art can only have one meaning

Holy shit you're a stupid fucking cunt. Kill yourself.

>art has meaning
>t. racist shitlord

There's a lot of bullshit in this list. Jews weren't expelled from arab countries, they moved out by themselves when they took over Palestine. Jews weren't expelled from Algeria after the independence they left because they had the same privilege as the french occupiers, once the independence came they would no longer have any privilege, they didn't want to stay. They like to play the victim all the time. Even now the israelis are pretending to be suffering palestinian terrorism. of course they never do anything wrong. They invented the holohax for a reason, playing the victim has been their endgame all along.

>People will dismiss you because everyone is okay with this "agenda" other that racist wh*te "men".
This is EXACTLY what is happening.

e.g. college educated whites went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.

"Muh suburban retards" that we see posted here all the time is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their large black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.

Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.

***We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (immigrants, blacks, radicals etc.)***

Pic related to all above.

It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Any update on this? I want to hear the podcast as well

op your an idiot
political agendas only work on the weak willed faggots and if any of those faggots eat up anything theysee in a movie then those faggots are not worth a piece of shit so there is really no harm done.

Think of it like this: we're identifying Jews by using RUSSIAN and GERMAN last names. They've been playing this game for millennia.

>political agendas only work on the weak willed faggots and if any of those faggots eat up anything they see in a movie
i.e. about 90% of the population, shlomo, as you know

What's wrong with being racist?

Weak willed faggots ,women, and children. It's a problem.

What are you replying to? Those jews self-ID'd themselves.

>political agendas only work on the weak willed faggots
>a fucking communist almost beat killary before she clamped down on him behind the scenes
>killary almost beat Trump

t. Irish/Italian American

People seem to love to telling us (and the other Catholics) that we're White/not White. Fuck em.

>t. jidf trying to gaslight and confound jews with actual white people
you guys are amazing, you really are

>I look forward to being called easily offended or triggered for just pointing out what's happening.

And then you fucking do it like clockwork. The fact is most people are easily influenced by what they see and won't snap out unless they are shown it is an agenda being pushed. You're a lying sack of shit who just happens to agree with all the leftist nonsense. That tactical nihilism of yours is pathetic. Go jump off something tall.

Show me this quote where he admits his work is a religious allegory for Christianity. There are similar elements and his worldview is informed by it but there is nothing overtly catholic about it besides having catholic themes and archetypes which is the implicit bias I was talking about. He did not intentionally insert the Christian god into his work, that was just his conception of what a god is and so his idea of a god is catholic. He did not intentionally write his work as religious propaganda ala the “Left Behind” series or similar things.

It fundamentally corrupts the work which leads to it being fundamentally shit before even getting into specifics

>All art is political,
>t. marxist propgandist

true art speaks to everyone... a man, a woman, a commie, a nazi, a buddhist, an atheist, a believer etc. etc. etc.

that's what art is

pushing an agenda or targeting an audience is the very opposite of art

>All art is political

liberal´s favorite phrase

"Jews are white" - Mike Stoklasa

brought to you by british taxes

>Show me this quote where he admits his work is a religious allegory for Christianity.

Did I not just say he did NOT say it was allegory? He ackowledged the Catholic influences, is all I'm trying to say.


Man, I fucking love the self-proclaimed white Argentinian meme. Sup Forumsposting is the true source of good race relations.

Even though Force Awakens was a rehash, Last Jedi made me wish he did the whole trilogy.
