>IIT: times critics got it completely wrong
Unironically a great movie.
>IIT: times critics got it completely wrong
Unironically a great movie.
It's embarrassingly bad and out of all the things Sup Forums tries to force a contrarian love for this might be one of the worst
Giving you the benefit of the doubt though the only reason you like it is because you see yourself in Henry, but just like the writer you lack the self-awareness that instead of being smart you're just a fucking child
is this the movie where the cancer kid plans to kill his neighbor?
Caligula, one of the most accurate portrayals of Roman social dive into degeneracy but it got panned because of nudity and the affiliation with Penthouse.
>This movie has everything: quirky families, a precocious prodigy, child abuse, brain tumors, premature death, a love story and a murder plot!
Literally every Marvel movie ever made. They all magically get a 9x rating. Laughable. Critics are a joke.
I wish DC was any different, but it's all the same.
>one of the most accurate portrayals of literal historical falsehoods
got that mickey money
Does the little gay kid shoot Hank or not?
No he dies and makes a plan for his mom to shoot him but then the mom doesn't shoot him and then he shoots himself.
This is honestly one of the greatest movies I’ve ever seen, but it has horrible ratings. Ignore the shills and check it out
Oh and the whole movie has this "Henry is Jesus" symbolism for some reason
He's not gay, he's in a relationship with Sarah Silverman.
Also no.
And here I am thinking this is some quirky family/kids movie.
Imagine it being the other way around, everyone would lose their shit.
It reminded me of Tommy Wiseau's The Room.
desu senpai
Racist assholes.
Usually I agree with Rotten Tomatoes on what movies are bad, but the way their system works has a lot of very mediocre movies getting 90+%. I genuinely think the current crop of critics having grown up in the 80s with Spielbergian blockbusters are just a lot dumber than critics of the past were.
I mean I could look up a bunch of old movies with low scores that I like such as Fire Walk With Me or various 90s lowbrow comedies, but their scores are a little meaningless seeing as their rating came in a pre-Rotten Tomatoes world.
It's almost like RT is a measurement of how many critics think the audience would like the movie, not how good of a movie it is
Saw this in theaters, very decent.
I would but
>listening to Sup Forums
Chronicles of Riddick is abominable. Easily the worst of the trio.
It's not the best but it's fun.
wrong, it's by far the best one
Most stuff from marvel / Disney in the last 10 years
If this was released today it'd get an automatic 90%
Pretty much every capeshit movie.
It's quite literally just an average of positive scores. I'm sure some critics rate their movies based on the average consumer's taste and not their own, but it's definitely not all of them.
My nigga. CoR was so fucking good.
t. pleb
Came here to post this
Insightful. Thanks for the bump.
No problem. Let others see how retarded you are op
This isn't Reddit buddy.
You should know that pleb. Back to your shithole with your shit taste
This is /myshithole/
I am totally the same guy you are talking to btw
THIS OP, it's maybe not great but has an original idea and a pretty unique tone. The shift in genre make you feel uncomfortable maybe but I thought it was an interesting choice.
The movie surprised me and felt unpredictable that way. A thing most movies from Hollywood can't do anymore for me. The acting was also pretty good.
>difference between user and critic score is 1%
Nah man, it's not the critics - it's you who got it wrong
Apologies mate. Don't mind me, I'm little drunk and lonely.
I'm sorry for being like that. My father won't accept my homosexuality and it frustrates me. I tend to take it out on other people.
No it wouldn't. It portrays blacks realistically, i.e. stereotypically.
they were pretty off on this one
This movie is criminally underrated imo. I liked it better than LotR. It was actually a story and not just people walking around for 10 hours.
Damn, that's fucking low, even for RT
They banned negative reviews of the movie, my man
>I liked it better that LoTR
Unironically kill yourself
>liking the inferior middle earth universe
>liking the movie where funny looking kids go hiking for 10 hours
yes please kys as well m8
Just a reminder that in-universe, Adrianna blew trashman in The Sopranos.
this. the director's cut is even better
this is not even good bait
I'm with you on this one OP. I really can't understand all the hate it seems to generate. The music was great, the acting was very good for the most part, and it had an original story, which is something most Hollywood movies don't have these days. I don't get the hate for tonal shifts either; I thought it worked fine in this case. It's definitely an underrated movie
Proof or youre just talking out of your ass.
Y'all posting fucking bullshit. I'll show you TRUE injustice.
Caligula was a great emperor loved by his people. He had a feud with the senate and he lost so his name was demonized. I know you probably just read his wikipedia article
How can you say this is a bad film?
Eh it's not great but it's pretty enjoyable. It was around the time this came out that the rest of the Marvel movies started getting bad though. I think they saw that an unknown property like Guardians could be successful by being quirky (despite being loaded with popular actors/celebrities, which was probably the big reason paid attention at first), so they decided to double down on that quirky nature in their other stand alone films.
My only problem is that they couldn't decide how realistic they wanted to be. Like, it is live action and some of the clothing looks normal, but then you have these human outfits with ridiculously large shoulder plates, and the orcs look significantly bigger in proportion to the humans than they do in the games.
That disturbed me greatly when I saw it on TV as a teenager.
Came here to post this.
>average rating: 5.7/10
The audience has never been so RIGHT before.
Critics are a bunch of plebs with shit taste
Can someone break down exactly why this movie is bad? I havent seen it and the only thing I know is it got Colin Treverrow fired from Star Wars.
>because of nudity
The producers spliced hardcore pornography into it
what the fuck
>9x rating
The Tomatometer does not indicate quantitative quality , it is not the film's "score" via critics, rather it is the aggregate consensus as to whether the majority of critics view it positively or negatively.
There is also an average score listed beneath the tomatometer that you can use as a better rubric should you need one,
not a movie but was pretty shocked when I was the RT rating on this on a whim. Fucking kikes said it was a GoT's ripoff that wasnt GoT enough.
>I liked the Warctraft more than LOTR
Good movie but that scene with cameron diaz rubbing her pussy on the car glass was cringe
I really didn't expect that he'd die.
>Too much violence in a revenge movie
Fuck off.