Was it kino?

Was it kino?

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It's a dishonest flick genetically engineered to appeal to juvenile imdbspawn redditors with no sense of sophistication who laud pseudo visuals, which supports upvote groupthink mentality, and meme acting with a good movie pandering reddit tier "subversion entertainment" sensibilities and a wannabe classic aesthetic

Yes. Best movie since Fury Road.

Disregard this pretentious idiot.

This, but unironically.

Most dishonest flick since La La Land

i liked it

what the fuck does that pseudo intellectual nonsense mean?

I watched it twice to really make up my mind. The most jarring flaws right off the bat:
- Ford's acting is pretty bad and it doesn't seem like he wants to be there.
- The final fight scene is too long and drawn out and doesn't fit the movie well.
- The Joi "reveal" loses most of its impact, since it's done with a commercialized, unrealistic Joi.
- The male Antagonist of the movie seems directionless and at times "evil for the sake of being evil."

With that out of the way, overall it was a good movie. The music was good, the directing was solid and I actually enjoyed most of the acting.

The thing that really sold the movie to me, is how much of a story of self-determination it is. The main character is constantly forced by others to subject to their agenda until he decides to screw over basically everyone (regardless of them being "good" or "bad") and instead help the one person he got to somewhat like.

I get that it's controversial, because the Rick and Morty crowd will herald this as the new Excalibur or something like that, but it's just a solid, slightly above average movie.

one of the greatest blockbusters for sure

It's movie as fuck

nice pasta

To be fair you have to have an extremely high IQ to understand Blade Runner 2049

>people are genuinely assmad over this

>“All the best memories are hers...”
>“Why? Who am I to you?”

This is the emotional apex of the film and I was surprised to learn how many people miss the nuance and importance here: As far as K’s memories are concerned, Deckard is his father. If there’s anything the first film taught us, it’s that we are but a collection memories. Implanted or not, they are real in the mind. Remember that line earlier in the film, from Deckard to K: “to love someone you have to be a stranger”? This moment is a direct callback to that. K’s smirk says it all. By saying nothing, he shows his transformation; his ability to love selflessly. And given all the references to fairy tales throughout the film, it is fitting that our Pinocchio has become a real boy by the film’s end. K sitting on the stoop, watching snow fall around him as special unique snowflakes fall on his hand only to melt away forver is also foreshadowed earlier in the film. The significance here being the dichotomy between K and the girl. She is “real” yet she lives in a bubble with fake snow and in isolation. K, the “skinjob”, has been the one to have lived a full life, complete with bouts of Luv and Joi.
So, as ever, Blade Runner is utterly existential in its message - it is how you live that truly matters.

no its not

is this scene a tip of the hat to the end of Cowboy Bebop?

>Ford's acting is pretty bad
stopped reading there

Without a doubt.

>- Ford's acting is pretty bad and it doesn't seem like he wants to be there.
Did we watch the same film?
>- The final fight scene is too long and drawn out and doesn't fit the movie well.
Shit taste.
>- The Joi "reveal" loses most of its impact, since it's done with a commercialized, unrealistic Joi.
That's the entire point, she's just a product.
>- The male Antagonist of the movie seems directionless and at times "evil for the sake of being evil."
She's a programmed henchman striving to please her boss. There's a reason for literally everything she does.

Quit begging for views and ad revenue.

it is dzieło

no, it was fanservish and cashgraby.