So... what's the deal with this fat retard? whose dick did he suck to get on the show...

so... what's the deal with this fat retard? whose dick did he suck to get on the show? i wonder how much Conan hates him.

Other urls found in this thread:

I wondered the same, turnes out he has a bigger role when they are not doing interviews.

Ed McMahon never said or did anything funny on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, either. He just say there going "YOU ARE CORRECT, SIR! EHHH HO HO HO!" It's kind of a late night talk show tradition for the host to have a using mouthpiece to set on the other end of the couch and laugh mindlessly at all his jokes.

he has his moments.
a shame /poltv/ has to hate him now.

p. sure he's a writer and he's been writing with conan since the show started but i could be wrong

Same with Paul Schaffer on Letterman.


he blocks the path of the actresses when conan molests them backstage

He is actually funny though usually

He shows up late and doesn’t write anything anymore. All he cares about is being a SJW on Twitter.

no he's not. i'm sorry but you really have to be retarded to find him funny.


**have a sense of humor

(interrupts with stupid shit just to hear himself)

>"Are you really planning on using her, or is it like Conan with girl writers?"

What did he mean by this?

>Same with Paul Schaffer on Letterman.

Letterman's greatest sin was continuing to bring Jeff Altman on the show as an annual tradition even though no human being has ever found him funny.

>mfw automation will put him out of a job

He was better (the whole show was) on the original Late Night with Conan O'Brien

conan gives jobs to girl writers in exchange for suck / fuck and never actually hires them

Now that fat alt-kike brainlet subhumans think they have to hate Conan because he went against their cheetokike I wish I never had to see another thread about him. They went from some of the best threads we had here over a decade to absolute shit becaise of nigger cum slurping alt-kike rotund fucking crybabies. If I could come to the house where your father's live and kick down the door and put a round in the brainpan of all of you fucking pussies I would.

>Remain perfectly still. Only *I* may orgasm.

He gives them the chuck treatment? Dear god.

Anna Farris is so cute even when she's not. I want to marry her.

If you're an oldfag like me, you may remember when Late Night began, Andy wasn't all that well liked. His humor, anecdotes, remarks were met with little to no laughter or applause from the audience. Andy eventually left the show to pursue an acting career, but I think his awkwardness as a talk show sidekick may have been what really fueled him to leave. Anyway he returned to the show and its now loved by everyone. Just thought that was interesting. To be fair, nobody really liked Conan in the beginning either.

is this Andy Richter, the Swedish-German?

No, it's Andy Hitler. Unrelated neo-nazi.

The badge of the retard.


read his twitter and you'll hate him even more


I bet he said something mean about daddy Trump and he's mad because of that.

It's sad that le t. Reddit brought "Coco" the deformed freak back from the abyss.

>The badge of the retard.


He thinks that women and black men are equal to white men

>swedish german posting

please stop this. its disgusting

why is arrested development so kino?

>women and black men are equal to white men
im sure that hurt your feeling

they needed a guy who was even more beta than Conan

they are both alpha.

Late Night with Conan was at it's peak after Andy left you retard

What has Jordan have to do with this thread?

People must have realized that even though Conan and Andy are a lil annoying, they are at least better than the other, hollow late night hosts

Conan should have said "HAITI IS A PIECE OF SHIT HELLHOLE AND FILLED WITH NIGGERS!" because that would have been great for his career. I mean, everyone knows it's best to pander to Sup Forums neckbeards instead of normal people

It may feel good at the time.
But like a few minutes later after saying something like that you'd feel the negative effects..


The robot for that Scottish guy was funny

Now that guy at the very start.
THAT'S the most beta one.

there's a middle ground between that and putting on a haiti is great shirt like a little bitch

...agreed, user

Too passive agressive.

Its less to do with his dislike of trump and more to do with his blatant hypocrisy and bullshitting.

Andy isn't even the best Richter.

This is actually pretty funny because it's relateable.

>His options were being a racist or lying

Really makes me think

oh nonono
he didn't make fun of DADDY?!!?
uhm uh... excuse he's a good daddy who fills our cheeks with cummies and MAGA
he's a strong and beautiful daddy, no making fun of him you naughty boys
I love you, based daddy!

The fact that he gave that much of a shit for Haiti shows that he most likely was lying to himself at least a little bit.

hey now


This but unironically.

based anti based poster

Look at the Internet Tough Guy over here

Its not even just the lying its the disingenuous of it. Pretending to care about Haitians when the only thing you're helping is the rich resorts. You're not doing any good for the average Haitian by telling people everything is fine and dandy there.

sorry you got triggered, snowflake

I've always wondered the same, most of his jokes fall flat anyway. I think he's just there to make Conan look better



I'm with you user.

Kino in the making btw. Conan and Jordan is in Italy now.

>All he cares about is being a SJW on Twitter
ooooooooookay that's why /pool/ hates him
silly me, i thought there was a legitimate reason

A person can't dislike Conan for his SJW pandering bullshit without being accused of being from Sup Forums? You're the reason why Sup Forums exists.

ok andy sleep it off you are wasted