No Disney. No Pixar. No Ghibli.
Recommend some great animated movies
Peter Pan
Ghost in teh Shell
Macross Plus: Movie Edition
GTFO with the weeb shit. Watch pic related instead.
>"No Disney"
>Names three Disney movies.
Reminder the rise of Sup Forumsedditors coming over to Sup Forums as a result of Bane memes has led to a shift in taste on Sup Forums
99% of the anime threads here are made by Sup Forumsedditors who only watch LE EPIC MANIME shonen trash and are too scared to post on Sup Forums because no one wants to talk about the same 5 old classic anime that only entry level newfaggots know about. Then they cry about Sup Forums having shit taste and proceed to buy their next avengers movie ticket.
Sup Forums has actually done a fantastic job at keeping out you Sup Forumseddit scum and so all you faggots come crying here because no one wanted to accommodate your newfaggotry.
Also you all treat Sup Forums as a place to ask for recommendations when was made to deal with garbage threads like these that aren't actually discussing anything.
Ninja Scroll
Belladonna of Sadness
The Brave Little Toaster
>it is popular so it is bad
Jin Roh is really good if you're into spy films
This triggers the retard
Shut up and watch them
Asterix and Cleopatra
Rebuild >>>>> the TV anime
Pic related
Rebuilds, the ultimate in pleb filtering
inb4 The Iron Giant
i will never understand why Sup Forums fellates that film so much. must be nostalghia
ive never seen any anime outside of that picture and i think thats a good thing
>Also you all treat Sup Forums as a place to ask for recommendations when was made to deal with garbage threads like these that aren't actually discussing anything.
Of all the obnoxiously autistic things about Sup Forums, not allowing recommendation threads is #1 on the cancer list.
>being elitist about chinese cartoons for mentally underdeveloped
NHK was probably the most unlikable, unenjoyable tryhard bullshit Ive ever seen.
You are probably the most unlikable, unenjoyable tryhard bullshit Ive ever seen.
I remember that movie being depressing as fuck
Watch all of his movies.
>Scared to post on Sup Forums
how beta do you have to be?
Secret of Kells.
Hey now. What would you rather meet alone in a dark alley?
Your average Sup Forums-poster, or 10 silverback gorillas?
best animated movie of all time
the finale of the series is better
my man!
The Lord of the Rings
does stop motion count as animation? pic related is comfy
>Knuckles can never wear the hat again because an autistic glorified fanfiction writer screamed loud enough.
Summer Wars
Ernest and Celestine
The Illusionist
i cant even imagine being this far up my own ass. get fucked, buddy.
Do Dreamworks count? Then Valiant. Unironically one of the best WWII movies of 2000s.
Also, user, allow yourself some luxury with soviet Jungle book(Mowgli), it is on YT with subtitles. It is way better than Disney's by the numbers musical
>rule 63 Bagheera best girl
>dem Kaa teaching Mowgli about the meaning of love scenes
strange isn't it?
>still up
based janitor pandering to Sup Forums
The Prince of Egypt
autism, he said animated movies, not anime
why are you so insecure
Why not watch actual art instead of videogameized versions?
This one is a masterpiece, OP. Go watch it.
Same question for you
Unironically Anderson's best
watch with subs. dub is atrocious
do you even KINO faggots
Why not watch whatever you want to watch?Also, pay attention to the OP.
Wew that is an awful awful opinion
was about to post this
I don't really like anime and I thought this was amazing. Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust was made by the same guy and it's pretty good too. I also bought Akira, Ghost in the Shell, and Death Note on Bluray and wasn't disappointed.
i remember this, she rides a bunch of sheep or some shit. that shit was hot no joke. i dont know if that makes me a furry but if it does then im ok with it.
Why not watch actual art, Sup Forums?
pic related plus a tab of acid can't be beat
Have you actually seen the movies you post or do you just assume they are similar because someone made those images?
i fapped
im surprised more people dont recommend Millennium Actress more often, its the most Sup Forums of Satoshi Kon's movies.
have you?
Sword of the stranger was pretty kino, especially the soundtrack during the final battle.
I must have watched this over 20 times when I begged my mom to rent it from my local Blockbuster as a kid
wow it's LITERALLY the same thing
yeah thats the scene goddamn. some good shit. what was this thing called.
TTGL is fucking kino
More specifically the first part, Magnetic Rose.
lascars was pretty fun
Archie Comics published Sonic Comics in America for like fifteen years that were all written or planned by one autistic, obsessive faggot. Archie loses the rights or some shit, but the writer cries that his creations in the Sonic comics are his intellectual property, not Segas. The split up becomes an enormous headache for Sega, and because of it now nobody is allowed to depict anything that deviates from the official Sega guidelines - Including showing Knuckles in the hat.
Unironically this one
damn that was really fuckin sexy for some furshit
Redline was pretty fun.
>Sup Forums is somehow different than Sup Forums
its the same shit.
teenage 420 K I N O
I am actually disappointed that this has not been posted.
do you actually think those comparisons are so similar they are rip offs?
if you're capable of withstanding the initial furtrash in this you're in for some real kino
overrated as fuck. probably shinkai's worst but its much more palatable for brainlets.
Man, that movie fucked me up.
>You stay, I go
>No following
Simple, fun and gorgeous movie.
The original holds up pretty well too.