ITT super heroes beating up dumb commies

ITT super heroes beating up dumb commies

>the Jewish 5th columnists retconned the nazi killing captain america to being an evil white supremacist Klansman with mental problems

Sorry, the commie killing captain America
The nazi killing one is a friend to all leftists, obviously

>hey let's make a thread that's eventually going to be flooded with Sup Forumstards crying about how Nazis are treated unfairly

t. butthurt ANTIFAggot



Supporting commies means supporting gulags, no rights to vote, less liberty, the failure known as socialism, murderers.

It's not just ANTIFA that think white nationalist are pieces of shit.

I'm fairly certain that was a what if ya dweeb.

does your ass hurt from sitting on the fence?

>Hating communism makes you Sup Forums
Fuck off, you're just as bad as them.


That's literally what happened in the last thread before it got pruned


Chameleon should be used more often.




Die red scum.

>the failure known as socialism
Seems to be working pretty damn well in dozens of countries, but I'm sure Fox news or something tells you better.

nah, he's just a kid from Sup Forums but he's right about the retcon... bucky being dead is the original retcon. cap was commie smasher in the 50s.

Dozens of countries homogeneously white.
Hows Venezuela doing?

>grew up in a communist country
>loved my motherland
>also loved captain america as a symbol of freedom and antifascism


Still can't outdo usa gdp, still poor and causes even more poverty, still brings out the weakness of humanity, still causes bankrupted nation like Greece.

Yes by all means it's a failure and has never worked.

Commies are garbage like Nazis.

And you're a faggot from ussr.

How about commies beating up Nazis?

>the Jewish 5th columnists retconned the nazi killing captain america to being an evil white supremacist Klansman with mental problems
What? They just said that the super soldier serum fucked both of their heads up and made them paranoid and started seeing Commies where there were none. He was a bit of a racist but I think that was also chalked up to the serum. He was still a hero though and helped protect America. No one's ever tried to say otherwise.

Good start, but the filthy commie needs to get his throat squished by an even bigger beast after.

Woah! A Living hacker!

>make a thread because everyone demonizes white nationalist and their action are rightfully labeled as terrorism
>calls everyone else buthurt

sure thing kid.


who would win

the cold and calculated might of the USSR



>If you hate communists you must be a white supremacist.

Nice try, Stalin


>he fell for the Australia/France/Sweden are socialist meme

the countries where socialism "works" only switched to socialism after getting rich off capitalism. any arbitrary system will work as long as you can strip mine natural resources.
