>movie about the colonial era
>colonizers are depicted as the villains
Movie about the colonial era
>*genocides indians*
the weak must bend to the strong
conquers have been around forever and the indians did the same to each other
yes but you can never make a genocide seem like a good thing. may as well just tell the story truthfully. so thats why colonists are villians in some movies. first they have to clear the land of browns
consider the following: this is correct and you're an idiot with an agenda for opening a dialogue with an obvious point just so you can attempt to argue the oposite
did nothing wrong in taboo
>colonists are villians in some movies
name one movie where they are good guys
>obvious point
The strong conquer the weak. That has always been the case, throughout the entire world. Nobody should apologize for being the strongest there is.
Pochaontas. The only bad colonist is the villain
You're a nazi, aren't you?
It is perfectly expected any post modern production to paint Europeans as evil, even if they were just doing what everybody else was doing at their time.
Just make sure to never support the people who make these kinds of productions.
Fucking cringe tumblr tier post.
We really need to bring back the mental asylums.
Yeah, that is probably why the fucking Japanese have better depictions of early 20th century and even Dark Ages.
anglos are NEVER painted as evil though
That's literally the opposite of what tumblrina would say, reddit. Nobody should catter to weak faggots such as yourself.
except for Mel Gibson movies
"Might has right" is the doctrine of barbarians, not civilisation
Rome was civilized and operated on that doctrine
they didnt have electricity though
And look what the barbarians did to Rome.
the weak can't create civilisation
Every great civilization rose from crushing their enemies, you autist. From the Roman Empire to the British Empire, that's always been the case. Barbarianism has nothing to do with it.
>conquers have been around forever and the indians did the same to each other
>American Indians created facilities that abducted children from other tribes in order to drill religious and cultural ideologies into their heads, remove any sense of identity as an American Indian, and was so wrought with physical and sexual abuse that TO THIS DAY the Indian who uses drugs and alcohol to numb the pain of molestation and beatings is a widely acknowledge national stereotype
wtf I hate Injuns now
There's conquest and there's extermination.
>indians put themselves into concentration camps/reservations
Hrmmm be very careful now
Are you strong? You are spending all your time on Sup Forums. I'm pretty sure you are at the bottom of the social ladder. Don't cater to your own bullies, you self loathing cunt.
profiters are always villians.
And every empire has collapsed. We must have a different definition of what greatness is.
>And every empire has collapsed
>You are spending all your time on Sup Forums
Wow, I didn't know that. Seems you know more about me than I do. Don't project yourself onto me, loser.
That's just the natural order of things. The other user gave you a nice image to illustrate it.
*murders your family for fun*
nothin personnel kid, the weak should fear the strong xD
Maybe if you actually murdered his family rather than posting it from behind a computer screen you might have a point
>the indians did the same to each other
>somehow that excuses our doing the same thing to them
maybe if melville had atually chased moby dick he would of been a good writer
if he has a problem with it as a hypothetical, then the point is made.
Do Wild West films count.
>the indians did the same to each other
[Citation Needed]
i'm just quoting him
even in the extremely unlikely case that they had done that his argument would be retarded
Rome was destroyed by a bunch of barbaric retards with a mindset like yours
>*dies of disease*
The Indians actively murdered each other over thousands of years before Europeans started appearing, the situation regarding the indians and european expansion was inevitable from the get go, the only way those societies could continue to exist was via the indians being penned into holdings so as to stop them interfering with the territorial expansion of the United States.
>The Indians actively murdered each other over thousands of years before Europeans started appearing
Wow, sounds a lot like... every other ethnic group in the world
>the only way those societies could continue to exist was via the indians being penned into holdings so as to stop them interfering with the territorial expansion of the United States.
Not actually stealing their land and staying in your fucking country is, of course, out of the question
>The strong conquer the weak.
Exactly how foreigners are conquering America and Europe right now. Your descendants will be brown.
>probably why the fucking Japanese have better depictions of early 20th century and even Dark Ages.
Such as?
>i'm just quoting him
I am "him."
I was describing an actual practice that took place in the US that the American Indians had no means, or desire, to perform.
It was framed sarcastically in response to the assertion that colonialists and Americans did "the same thing" Indian tribes did to each other.
American Indian boarding schools. Educate yourself.
fuck off mate
It's okay when white people do it.
Biggest issue: the leaders that reject colonizers are pictured as good people
Couldn't be further than the truth
Settlers didn't give a fuck about ancient hunting lands and the animist religious areas of the natives, they killed plenty of Indians themselves without the US Army getting involved and settling it, clashes were common place and the natives were pretty ruthless in how they dealt with anyone trying to settle their land, if the Indians hadn't been put on reserves, they'd have been completely annihilated by the United States westward expansion which perservered for over 150 years, also one forgets that many indians were simply absorbed into the american population over time.
here you go user
it does. whats your point.
>American Indian boarding schools.
That shit went on well into the 60's and 70's, and until 1992 when the Native American Languages Act was passed, it was perfectly legal for the government to continue it's policies aimed at destroying native languages. Shit's crazy yo.
Exactly that's why people fight back.
>fight back
No, you''re being taken over and there's nothing you can do, except whine on cartoon forums, you little loser. I bet the big strong black kids bullied you in school
yeah, maybe in a couple hundred years when the history will be rewritten by the euromutt race of the future. hard to call it conquering now when they're invited in and treated better by the state than the citizens.
>implying im white
it doesn't take an idiot to see how white supremacists come to power. You say that but you're probaly the same person afraid of trump being the next Hitler.
I'm not going to say colonialism is good for the colonised, but indian board schools beats tribal conquest every time. When a tribe conquers another, you kill the men and children and rape the women. Zero cultural survival and even your tribes genes are bred out after a couple generations. Indian board schools may break people, forcefully indoctrinate people into an incompatible culture, all that shit. But their genetic legacy survives, if theyre strong enough of will then their identity and legacy will endure. Indoctrination > extermination
>if theyre strong enough of will then their identity and legacy will endure.
That's a nice thought, but there's a reason they target children for these things.
Even if you find a child with a strong enough sense of personal identity and willpower to resist indoctrination, they have no problem beating and raping you into compliance. Hell, you may even die and your corpse will be buried in a mass grave with the rest of the children who didn't behave and your existence will be swept under the rug.
Don't try to downplay this shit. Nobody cares if your kids are still brown if they suffer from PTSD before and since their fifteenth birthday.
yeah genocide would have been more merciful and easier for everyone involved
are you using the genetically inherited PTSD meme?
>watching a movie
>not making the underdog the protagonist
don't give a fuck about the politics in the thread but why do you guys just want to watch boring shit?
>muh underdog story
la creatura...
>wanting a conflict to be easily resolved
The systematic eradication of a culture is still considered genocide.
Like in the Vietnam War movies?
charlie was a worthy adversary though
What's with all the shitskin apologists in this thread? Is Reddit down?
indians were just really bad at it
well since theres no difference between the two then the regular version would have been ok to use more.
Lets do it the old aztec and mayan way. Obviously no difference between schools and sacrifice.
You must be bending over quite a bit ass boy.
>well since theres no difference between the two then the regular version would have been ok to use more.
>there's no difference
>one is more ok to use
So there is a difference?
evin :Ddd politics on my movie board! xD i fucking hate blacks and jews right guys LOL! so epic pol is so awesome need another redpill over here LOL :P nigg nigg nag nigg nag RHODESIA WAS WHITE PARADISE :D cortez did nothing wrong o.o
Wtf i hate wypipo now lets do it the old ways.
of course there's a difference shitty school beats killing kids any day of the week. But apparently they both carry the same weight in your eyes
How does it feel to know that you'll be hanging from a noose in a few years, kike?
id just run to israel with all my jew gold
>of course there's a difference shitty school beats killing kids any day of the week.
You know what beats them both?
I think this redditor just imploded
so fucking pathetic
well no shit, why don't you try asking the Mayans and Aztecs to knock it off with their conquest and human sacrifice.
why do people act like some groups are rightfully owed certain pieces of land? it is the strongest and those who dominate who lay claim to it.
There is no universal moral contract. Every race and civilisation is built on the merging and domination of others. if we were all pacifists we would be living in caves still. Those on the receiving end will always feel wronged, but thats just the unfortunate reality.
>b-but what about europe your grandkids will be brown haha.
if we can't even manage to organise and defend our race/homelands then we deserve to be taken over. There is no right or wrong only who wins.
if people left eachother alone society wouldnt exist
Wow, what a brilliant concept. Stop crying to people who live today about crimes committed 100+ years ago. America was going to be bleached one way or another, letting the injun live on reservations and indoctrinating their children is leagues better than just killing them all and burying their existence. Unfortunately jews keep bringing up old crimes and whites get to pay for the past 500 years all at once while the arabs and chinese get off scot-free for fucking with africa.
>movie about the colonial era
>slave traders are depicted as white
One of the biggest redpills jews desperately attempt to hide from the goyim is their role in the African slave trade.
90%+ of the Africa to North America slave trade was a jewish enterprise.
The bible on the subject: onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu
>the weak must bend to the strong
Remember that next time you get incensed by a "knockout game" video, you effete little soyboi
good trips
are you advocating expelling blacks?
I like both sue me.
When you get into details about how the Spaniards treated the Indians it makes me angry for a moment.
But I sure as hell enjoy a story about coming to a new world, enslaving da pussy, and just beating up a bunch of uncivilized apes.
Maybe its the Spanish genes in me, I was always more European than native American anyway. Also I fully support Sup Forums btw
My gf cried when we watched Avatar, the greatest movie of all times, it was so good seeing the tribes stand their ground against the colonists even though they had superior firepower. Nevertheless I would have loved the movie if the ending was all the blue fairies getting blown the fuck out by the colonists. You can't stop an empire, Indians, just give up.
btw, I wish it was legal to kill Indians too, the Indians in my country are literal terrorists, they should die tbqh, they lost the war 500 years ago, why are they even alive? Should be legal to kill them to be honest.
Just my cup of cents, random ideas regarding the subject stick together. Peace out brothas.
>still believing any (((hollywood))) propaganda in 2018
No but im saying you shouldnt get upset when a black assaults a random person because The Weak Must Bend to the Strong :^)
but if you let the strong bend the weak that wouldnt be a problem desu
i agree 100%. I feel people should be allowed to do the same without repercussion.
It's not a problem because the strong (niggers) are culling the weak (soybois and elderly leeches). Don't be such an effete bugman.
This guy gets it, and he's probably a high-test alpha who's going to fuck your GF today while you're at work, user.
they also drank lead
actually it was destroyed by the same type of people that was destroying America now
leftists, libertarians, jews, and commies
open borders killed Rome
>actually it was destroyed by the same type of people that was destroying America now