How deep are you?

How deep are you?

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Between level 3 and level 4. I only know very few directors from the bottom.

>le only uses their last name meme

kys pretentious faggot

Edgar Wright should be level 1.

It's Bragaglia retard

I don't believe in "accessibilty".

the best is level 3.

Well I mostly fuck around level 2 and 3. Slmetimes 1 and 4. This image is also massively retarded.

Level 3

I know pretty much none 5 and after.

Tony or Ridley?

How deep are you?

Actually I amend that to level 4 but only by a little bit.

>le depths of insecurity
Also I really like my boi Saruman the Great, hate Kieślowski with passion, and think that while Tarr has some really interesting ideas he's mostly unwatchable.
Also pleb'n'proud.

which one? there's two of them
both are fucking horrible directors BTW, doesn't come as a surprise because this list is pretentious as fuck
>hurr I bet you don't even know this director because he's so GOOD

Level 4.

Why are Rivette and Tarkovsky so low?

infinite i guess since I have the Brakhage criterion

Wheres Spongebob defecation (brazilian broadcast)

everything past 5 looks made up for laughs


This, Tarkovsky should be slightly lower than level 2 since he is well known in the Russian film industry.

I am laughing my ass off at some of these. In one of the last levels one bullet point just says "loveshack". What top secret knowledge is that?

lol why the fuck is jodorowsky so low? ever normie “film buff” knows his work

>he doesn't know
begone crazyhead

level four but I don't get why Wong Kar-Wai is down so low. His movies are a bit more abstract but still pretty and accessible. "Educated" types love his shit.

fluctuating through every level

3.8 but that's below my comfort zone.
Why is Jodorowsky under Godard?

All asian names should be immidately erased from that list, since they lack humanity and cannot create art.

t. 56%

Only one I know from the deep is Brakhage, I don’t really get his films though, they’re just a load of nice colours

Nice try disgusting chink, but amerigoblins at least have some semblance of soul, even if negrified and pathetic one. You are just inhuman trash.

Where does Tinto Brass fit in on that chart?

>hating on azns on a anime website
What the fuck are you doing mutt?

Most of the stuff below level 4 isn't worth watching.

Joachim Trier should be on that infographic imo.

Some level 6 is definitely real, but Big Soy is in tier 9...

kek everyone hates chinks, they are trash

Level -1 = Flight ZS-NVB

Here's the complete chart

WARNING only ascended kinonauts will be able to comprehend it

I've actually seen most of Brakhage's films and have sat down with his wife, Jane, on two occasions to interview her for a documentary on experimental cinema. She was a delight and not nearly as fucking weird as you'd expect to be married to Brakhage, but it was awkward to realize I've seen this woman fully naked push a baby from her hairy vagina in Window Water Baby Movie.

But yeah, I guess I've gone that deep.

Oh shit - it's too small for me. I am not a kinonaut then, am I?


Prove it.

lol @ Bay being in the 'divided by 0' level, no way is Bird Tier 0, Iron Giant is still a bit obscure.

IN NO WAY is Kurosawa danker than Herzog unless you mean his documentaries maybe its because I am old but in the 90s literally every hipster was on dat Kurosawa trip, he got referenced in a hit song.

Prove what? That I talked to a dead filmmaker's wife?

She came to the University of Georgia two or so years back, where I got my undergrad in film production, and we shot a little mini doc about experimental film. It really wasn't that impressive.

Here's a link about her visiting. I don't have rights to share the video - I don't think it's online anyway. But if you really want a copy, I'm pretty sure the DVD is either on the University website.

according to this guy Brakhage ripped him off

kek'ed, amazing

I watched Ménilmontant by Dimitri Kirsanoff so I'm the deepest of you all, plebs

>Hollywood directors Malle and Kar Wai are "obscure"

>Waters above Kubrick