Happy Valentine's Day Sup Forums. How are you guys going to spend the day with your gf's?

Happy Valentine's Day Sup Forums. How are you guys going to spend the day with your gf's?

Me and my gf are about to eat pic related and binge watch Stranger Things.

gonna spend it getting digits with her

Broke up with my gf 2 weeks ago so...

Get off my board normie scum

shes fucking other guys for Valentines day

Drinking champagne and watching DL of Thor:Ragnarok.

I asked her who she preferred, Capt America or Thor, she said Thor because "she prefers a man to a boy". What to make of that???

I’m sorry to hear that user, it’s been 2 years for me and I still woke up today in pain


>How are you guys going to spend the day
getting these dubs

undercooked slop

Going to fuck my grillfriend in the ass and then take an Uber home so I can watch some kino alone since women can't appreciate cinema, after all.

What kind of cuck question is that? Might as well ask he

Normie cuck

It means she's a shallow whore and you should fucking slap her.

Looks really undercooked, is that how you guys like your pizza?

I bet you meant to write soylent instead of champagne

If singles I'll get a gf by the end of this year

Me and my girlfriend of 8 years split about a month ago. It was amicable and we wanted different things, and I let her keep the cats because I can't take care of two animals right now. All that said it hurts a lot, especially today. Having to break up even though you still love someone is ass.

Holy shit. Just think about it. You are sitting at home tonight all alone jerking off. Your ex is at her place getting railed by a giant black cock and hasnt thought about you since the you broke up. You are pathetic

Recently divorced. Lost everything.
Life will be okay.

very true. I feel for ya man.

we're gonna marathon our favorite film franchise

>Not having your own car

Poorfag, wonder why she's with you.

hey, I understand, you're a virgin, it's cool

I thought I wouldn’t get depressed but I did. I would drink but I have work tomorrow. Gotta get that €3/h

>giving a shit about an ex.

spotted the "never had a gf" loser.

pizza looks gross as fuck how fat are you and your gf?

You are virgins and will remain so for at LEAST another decade

inb4 your erotic fiction about how you pumped and dumped a "roastie" just the other night

Gonna see my new girl tomorrow; tonight we were both busy. Will take her to a nice local French restaurant and then, hopefully, home for Inception and chill.

Inception fucking sucks and so do you

Broken engagement. First vday alone since we started dating. So alone. So cold.

Imagine being such a beta bitch boy that his gf is getting plastered by BBC that he has to bully nerds on Sup Forums to feel better about himself.

Just be happy you're not this cuck, Sup Forums.


Even if I had someone, chronic pain from a car accident has been a bitch since Sunday so not doing a damn thing

so everyone on Sup Forums has girlfriends now.

just fuck my board culture up pham

had a nice date night last night, and today we're gonna go see Fifty Shades Freed for a laugh.

Luv ya too! :^)

>ITT: dudes venting about failed relationships and kissless virgins making fun of them
Funny thing is that the former will move on to better things and the latter will stay here being mad

yeah cause a bunch of 16 year old losers grew up and found girlfriends. You, however, did not.

Oh I have a car, I just use her credit card to buy games on Steam and get Ubers.

Being a kept man is SO cash.



>Both busy tonight.

AKA she's getting cornholed by her three other 'Boyfriends'

Working late. Gonna watch The Ritual in between experiments

we're going to watch leftovers and then fuck while on mdma and lsd

perhaps a little fear and loathing in las vegas

i'm living a dream Sup Forums, you guys could do it too

Imagine being such a zeta male that you whiteknight other nerds on an anonymous imageboard on valentine's day


I can't trust another person enough to open up to them, so I don't have a girlfriend. I'll probably watch a movie or two and work on a paper that's due tomorrow.

>Tfw have never fallen in love, and don't feel attraction to anybody but want the concept of a gf

Thanks senpai

Fuck. normalfag's occupation of Sup Forums has been completed it seems

That's OK, because I'm flirting with another girl as well.

I'm 32 and have a 33 year old grill friend with a good job and her own condo as well as a 21 year old I met at college.

I used to get non stop sex but now I just use them for movie companions even though they have zero taste or appreciation for cinema.

Give it time user.


Get the fuck out normie scum

just because you have a gf doesn't make you a shit tier "normalfag"

normalfags are liberal cucks who behave in a conformist way

I was a 14 year old loser when I started browsing Sup Forums 11 years ago. Thing is we don't all stay the same for that fucking long, man.

HST 4 life

Drinks after work with my fuck buddy

fuck I hate people

I'm 38 years old and have never touched a female that isn't my mom.


Sup Forums has always been a place for normal people to act abnormal - more extreme than allowed in real life. The "chans are for losers" meme is cancer which spread from Krautchan spergatory.

you choose this fate user

you could have got with a hooker, you could have improved yourself, nothing is even stopping you now from fucking a hooker. It's weakness to ascribe your own failures to other people.

Fucking normies think they belong here. You've grown out of us.

Send yourselves to Reddit and do not return.

I've been here for 11 years, Reddit wasn't even a thing yet.

that sounds nice user, I wish I had a girlfriend so I could do the same

wew lad i'm 33 and have only ever had a few girls but i don't feel toasty about normies or chads, and i have no sympathy for wizards either.

i've been here since 2004, redditfugee.

Do you put it in her ass?

i can't sympathize with people who fuck their own lives up

wizards have had every opportunity to not fuck up, and they just did it anyway

>Your Real Doll is not a Real Woman

Not that guy you responded to, but there is a chance that he has an odd mixture of elephant man and other mental deficiencies entirely out of his control making him bot poor, ugly, and uncharismatic (likely just mental tho)
Or he might just have low willpower, which unless you consider that some mystical force somehow within our control, is similarly debilatative

Right now I'm eating leftover chinese food and watching Violent Cop. Having a friend (male) over to watch The Raid 2 later and drink some beers and eat some chips and salsa. Should be a fairly comfy evening.

probably nothing. it's our 14 year anniversary

Buy her flowers, twat

Working, gf is sleeping in another country.

>tfw touchless virgin

spend the day waking up at 5PM, eating a frozen pizza and watching shitty movies while getting high.

>and then fuck while on mdma and lsd

good luck staying out of the loony house

unless youa re rich and with nothing to worry of course

you're a fucking newfag who doesn't belong here

sounds like a good time. You guys should jerk eachother off. Just kidding. Kind of.

I am completely alone and will most likely eat the entire cheesecake in my fridge later on before watching some hulu

the illusion of free will

how the fuck do normies do it, how do they know when to act? I've been in so many intimate situations with girls, very close, very comfy but I never knew what to do. Did my father fail me? We've never talked about girls because we used to go to a pretty hardcore christian church when I was younger but they kicked him out because he lost his job. I stopped going after that. We never talk about anything besides the occasional conversation about my experiences with alcohol which he had been cool about.

I'm only 19 and I drink and smoke a lot and have girls that are friends but they always give me the run around.
I love parties. I'm a normie in so many ways I just don't understand the fucking way it works.


>not being MGTOW

i can't eat in front of girls

I spent my day checking my doubles.