What's your favorite joke from The Big Bang Theory?

What's your favorite joke from The Big Bang Theory?

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>Sheldon? What are you doing?
>Playing Super Mario on a poorly coded Nintendo 64 emulator
can someone explain to me why that was funny?


It's fans


bewoozpa Xd

This show has jokes?

It's unexpected, plus it is unusually specific. It's a decently written joke, but the execution is subpar.


because every nerd knows that the game is commonly referred to as Mario 64 and the fact that he called it Super Mario is just so funny and random.

*knock knock knock*
*knock knock knock*
*knock knock knock*
wat is it shelder?
schillinger's cat
>the live audience implodes into a singularity, consuming the universe and resulting in a new big bang. This was the producer's plan all along.

The Pavlov dog scene
Because it's a great pleb filter for people who think the show is stupid

>It's a decently written joke
How? How in that contrarian pebble between your ears does that have a setup and a payoff? What are you even fucking doing?

>references you can google in 5 seconds are smart writing and comedy.
Is your last name Dunning-Kruger?

Ok tell me a smarter joke in another show then, fucking genius

>schillinger's cat

It's not even a joke, you viciously retarded fuck. Where is the fucking punchline, you piece of shit?

>Positive reinforcement and operant conditioning are easily googleable and a part of popular science

Fart jokes are smarter than anything doing with Pavlov, you first year student.

The joke is that he uses positive punishment on Leonard in the end.

the show is stupid, its low brow popsci references are grating as fuck

>googling scientific terms is hard because it makes me feel special
That's the problem here and you don't even get it. It doesn't matter how obscure your reference is, it's still just a reference and not a joke.


Hold on a second. Can someone explain to me why the audience laughed after Leonard said the name of the show? And then why did they laugh again when Sheldon said "it's an anime"

Because anime is gay and you are a week if you like it

>you are a week
How will he ever recover.

Formerly sneed 64

nerd + video game reference + sciency words like coded and emulator = funny

That's the show in a nutshell. My grandma doesn't know what an emulator is, but I bet she had a chuckle at that line.

Nobody has pointed out this show for nerd shaming? Or does nobody care?

I love this show. One of the best shows ever.

no because every girl who has played a game on their iphone considers themselves a nerd.


>Hi Leonard

Most games on N64 emulators either crash a lot or have obvious graphical problems.
Mario 64 is probably the most stable game to emulate actually.

Because they had a 64 but he was using an emulator. And a poorly coded one at that. Laugh, damn you.

>Simon Helberg
Wow I never would've guessed

The guy that plays Leonard is not a zhid?

white catholic irl


because he had an actual N64 shipped back to him with his old mario saves that he was eager to play and instead had to play the game on a staircase on what is notoriously one of the most shoddy emulators out there

they have a few genuinely good sitcom actors. the guy who plays sheldon is actually really good.
and chuck lorre is a genius in that he has managed to distill the addictive formula from greater sitcoms into something that can be shit out by the mile.
the writing, themes, over-arching plots, vapid references are of course atrocious, but they follow a pitch perfect execution such that anyone can get back to their shitty home from their long day at shitty work and ignore their shitty wife and shitty kids to watch this shitty show and for a moment, just a moment, feel a semblance of joy.

Idc if Melissa Reich is a jew. I'd still vacuum turds out of her ass with my mouth

How’s about that

they are rare and some of them are worth a laugh

>TFW the most Jewish looking guy is actually catholic

this but unironically

>all jokes should have setup-payoff structure
It's a terrible joke, but you should immediately return to the subreddit you crawled out of and kill yourself.

What was the catchphrase of that lanky, funny autistic man?

Pavlov's experiments is something you learn in high-school biology unless you're from a third world shithole.

There is really no need to include a picture of Bialik. You can see that she's a jewess 720 miles against the wind.

The fact that it has been on the air for 11 seasons.


>a Jewish looking actor with Jewish surname that plays a Jew is actually Jewish


Its funny because only losers like what he likes and normies like to laugh at losers.

>contrarian faggots defending the big bang theory


the best one

BBT is woke


wtf I love BBT now


When he says "Baptism" or "Barmitsphah"!

I lose my sides unironically.

/tvpol/ btfo

It is funnies when shoulder says Jumanji! funny laugh a lot

is this bait? Sheldon is proving /poltv/ right

Back then I deducted that he was using Nemu64. Which played Mario 64 with a few glitches, because they attempted to emulate the bios, instead of illegally requiring a copy of it.

With the bios, emulators like PJ64 were 99.9% accurate and the speed only depended on how quick your system was and if it used OpenGL or DirectX.

>Steward is almost 50 years old
What the actual fuck?

"got your back jack, bitches be crazy"


>rare occasion where I'm having a conversation with a grill
>talking about tv and film
>grill "one of my favorte shows is the big bang theory, have you heard of it?"
>pause awkwardly thinking about the situation
>she starts looking confused at my reaction
>I panic
>"BAZINGA" I strike a pose and point at her
>grill "what?"
>"err bazinga, isn't that what he says?"
>grill "who?"
>we then fall silent and never talk again

Because of this scene, i knew that the audience was actually paid to laugh at Big Bang's "jokes".

there is no audience...

jesus fucking christ


Damn that user is a unit of temporal measurement?



Galecki is Italian iirc

there is
i've been to the set

Sheldon: "I forsee no large upcoming expenditures, unless they develop an affordable technology to fuse my skeleton with adamantium like Wolverine."

>(Audience begins to laugh as one. The torrent of sound that ensues is near-deafening and all-encompassing. Several audience members fall to their knees in a vain attempt to regain their compsure)

Penny: "Are they working on that?"

>(An extreme hush falls across the captive listeners. A few nervous giggles before all voices are extinguished, and faces are lit in delight and anticipation of the ultimate punchline.)

Sheldon: "I sincerely hope so."

>(6 people die instantly. A shockwave with the force of 10 Hiroshima bombings erupts from the studio, causing billions of dollars worth of damage. The surviving audience members begin urinating and vomiting on each other, all while laughing uncontrollably from the funniest joke ever told. The turds arrive. Thousands of turds, each one seemingly larger than the last, all of which slowly seeps into the eyes and nasal cavities of the hysterical audience. Their lungs are permeated completely with their own shit. They hang lax, spirits unbroken, yet defeated by the poop. They will never be the same. They are forever shit faggots.)

screw TBBT
what's the best joke in Young Sheldon?
^my suggestion

god what a boring movie

the one about soy

greatest scene

Do you think Pavlov dogs are some obscure, unknown scientific phenomena? This would be like saying Albert Einstein wasn't a prominent figure within the field of relativity.

He just did.

Pavlov’s dogs is a meme, these Reddit tier “science knowledge morsels” normies keep throwing around to seem smart but have been used so much everyone and their mother knows them now. Same with Schrödinger’s cat and others. Rick and morty tier

>Jew named Rauch
Jesus Christ Raimi

>Haha user I am such a nerd I have watched all seasons of TBBT!!!

Your response?


"that's cool, but I don't like nerds"
then I walk away

>will you go to the new Solo movie, I haven't been able to get around the singles only policy

Guy on lower right looks like a young paul giamatti

Hahaha let's fuck haha

I ask her what colour shirt Sheldon was wearing during episode 12 of season 3 at exactly 7:52
This is of course a trick question as Sheldon was out of scene at the time

the guy you replied to means that /poltv/ was btfo because they shit on BBT when it is secretly based.

Oh, but it was /poltv/ that showed me how sexist BBT is in the first place...what gives?

You know what fuck it. Happy Valentine’s Day to me, checking my own fucking dubs. Check em

haha you too

Why the fuck can't people on the internet use normal words? I've spent some time thinking why would anyone talk to a grill.

>this is what a stem degree does to you