
It's never good enough.

Holy shit, someone had a dumb opinion? WOW, I'm REAL triggered now!

>if a job is uniformly one sex then they must be gay lmao

literally a homophobic idea

>stoic warrior women
>why aren't they banging?

Leftism? Not even once

Yeah, there will never be enough diversity or progressiveness to satisfy the left, what else is new?

The article makes a good point that the comic and an earlier cut of the film had some flirtatious dialogue between them that Disney went out of their way to cut out.

russia and china will already be hurting the sales cant scare em away with the gays too

It's really important to know if a character likes to eat pussy or suck dicks.

Blacks fucking hate fags. Especially the southern blacks. It would not go over well.

>One dude writes an opinion piece
>Triggers hundreds of Sup Forumstards

>laughing at things isn't allowed, it's a Sup Forums invasion.

Reddit, you're drunk.

Niggers hate fags even more than crackers, of course Wakanda doesn't allow same sex relationships.

at this point I can't even tell shoops and real articles apart anymore

>One guy writes up something stupid and nonsensical
>You're not allowed to make fun of him or else you're Sup Forums!

Pretty sure they burn homos alive at the stake in Africa

>Sup Forums

I think they missed their opportunity to address the actual point, which is why Disney did cut it.

Pretty sure Wakanda isn't a real place.

Maybe they really are more advanced than us.


Pick one.

Based Blacks

This. Blacks generally don't like fags, sorry lefties. It's not always a white caused issue.

Neither is Belgium but people still talk about it

Niggas hate homos.

Lose-lose situation.
If they include the dialogue, they would be criticized worse.

They made the right call cutting those scenes. Ironically, people pushing for representation are a large reason why studios are hesitant to do so.

It’s based on cultures in sub Saharan Africa so homos would probably be exiled in Wakanda

How about pick two. All niggers are gay, they just have to keep it hidden because other gay niggers will kill them to keep up appearances if they find out.

If there was dialogue hinting at sexual attraction the issue would've been that it wasn't physical. No hugs and kisses.

Just stop trying, write your story, keep what's important. Black lesbians don't advance the story.

>be less than 4% of the population even in ultra progressive societies like America and Europe
>demand representation in everything
Recently Americans polled said they assumed gays made up 24% of America. You can only assume because SJW bitching accounts for 95% of """""""""""""news""""""""""""""" articles.

Sure, faggot

Blacks don't like that stuff.

There's a reason why AIDs is predominant among the homosexual and black communities.
Black women look like men already, its not a huge stretch to just go for a man.

It sounds to me fags have a problem with other fags and heterosexuals are not the issue here.

Both of these statements are correct.

Maybe Okoye will bend Wanda over and show Vision how to own a bitch.

Being a faggot is edomite history

"Don't scream"

It was taking too long.

Must suck for LGBTQ actors of color to constantly carry the weight and scrutiny that comes with constantly positively "representing" black people while simultaneously knowing their community would never accept them for who they truly are.

why do abnormal, literal human minorities think that everyone should give a shit about them? I really don't give a shit about the less than 1% populations perceived issues. they should get over themselves and realize no one gives a fuck about them.

Fuck you. Knowing that Tony takes dick up his ass is real important. Time for a parade.

Of course not. Professional victimhood is a racket.

What's a good name for a LGBTQ superhero, Sup Forums?

Seriously those royal guard spearchucking sistas were the best part of the movie for me.

Because Marvel is waiting to release a LGBTQ led movie which they'll act as the most important thing ever, millions of people will buy tickets to show support for it and everyone will forget it took them 10+ years of the MCU to finally do it.





Black panther created by two white guys. Why are they not talking about that?
Is that blackwashing?
Why are jews so obsessed with black people?
Why is Kirby a patrician comic book artist?

Milo Yiannopoulos


stan lee and jack kirby are fucking jews not white ffs stop spreading this meme

>diseased fags with GRIDS hate other diseased fags with GRIDS
homophobia was a fag on fag crime after all

The Fistress.


>only a Sup Forums tard would laugh at the person who wrote that article

With the power to transition between genders at will. Xer only weakness is gender specific pronouns.

wait so asians don't like black people right? but isn't china pretty much the most important foreign market for hollywood? curious to see how that will turn out

Captain Faggot

Meet Shezow

are those nipples molded in their armour?

>Jordan Jeffries was a normal everyday power-bottom until one day he was dragged behind a radioactive pickup truck and became... CAPTAIN FAGGOT!


Because niggers, their intended audience, are the most homophobic people on the planet

Hey, considering that both men and women in most "uncorrupted" African cultures don't have hangups about nudity, where did those isolated Wakandans develop their penchant for body stockings?

The irony is that they have one of the highest rates of homosexuality and transsexualism among American males.

>when you're women are so ugly as a race you start fucking each other and dress up like women to fuck each other


Thor sounds pretty gay to me

>strong women have to be gay
this will never not piss me off. they just cant fucking help it
>but theyre bi its alright
thats a fucking cop out and you know it

Blacks, especially the WE WUZ KANGZ crowd, hate gays.

They legit think depictions or gay black men in the media are a conspiracy.

Literal reddit-tier gag.

Marvel did the right thing. If the production didn't, the activists would bitch. If the production did, the activist would still bitch. The fact that they didn't capitulate to their demands is a good point in my opinion.

where someone sticks their dick or vagina has nothing to do with a kids action movie. If you're straight or gay or whatever that doesn't change a damn thing.

China will not watch it, this movie is a major financial flop for the studios, but Ideology cost money I suppose.

>Marvel did anything right
You are the worst of them all kys

And ironically the gayest.

The X-Men.

>out of their way
It's really not hard to cut non-plot dialogue between secondary characters.