Did he suffer from feelings of self-loathing?

Did he suffer from feelings of self-loathing?

What power did the one ring actually have? It made people invisible, but it didn't do that for Sauron.
It gave him a push back effect when he swung his mace in the movie.
Anything else?
And what about all the other rings. What did they do?

The ring only made hobbits invisible because they were weak as shit. The ring basically just multiplies the power and strength you already have.

Actually, he infused enough of himself into the Ring during its forging that it quite literally became a sentient piece of himself. As long as it existed, he couldn't die and would forever remain to return eventually. Whenever he has it he's whole and at the peak of his strength.

The Ring effects others differently; For Smeagol it prolonged his life and corrupted him both from outside and within. For Frodo it turned him invisible while showing him to its master in its desperate bid to be found. For individuals with the power to use the Ring (Gandalf and Galadriel) as well as Sauron himself would inevitable be corrupted and lose themselves to it. That's why both of them fears it.

false, the first movies opening shows aragorns great something father going invisible when putting it on.

No but he did suffer from feelings of corrupting Eru Illuvitar's creations.


believe it or not lotr is becoming more irrelevant with every passing day, 90% of lotr fans today havent read the books, and not like theres many lotr fans alive today anyway

Whether or not people have read the books has nothing to do with the stupidity of using an adaption as evidence

that was exactly my point, its not an adaption for most people that watched the movie without reading the books, might aswell go to /got/ and join the bookfag sperging

did calebrimbor from the games really forge the one ring? Or was is sauron

Don't talk about shit you don't understand user


>not wearing the ring under your armor
>not wearing it on the left hand behind a shield instead of the one exposed

sauron was a soyboy cuck

>3001 Third Age
>Doesn't use the ring of power
Were you bullied in school, retarded or perhaps both?

>I-It corrupts you!
Yes, and? Was life a competition about who stays pure the longest?

>Y-You get addicted to it!
No you don't, except if you are underage and incapable of wearing it in moderation.

>I-Its dangerous!!!
Who forced you to use it publicly, you fucking peat-gavel?

This is a really stupid question, but is it possible that the Ring could corrupt, or at least betray, Sauron himself? As someone else said in a thread a few weeks ago, Isildur cutting the ring off of Sauron's hand was like a 1/100 chance, and it's not as if the Ring doesn't ultimately betray everyone else who uses it. Even if we're going by books only, Sauron is still defeated by Gil-galad and Elendil even WITH the Ring, so clearly it didn't protect him either.

Again I know this is probably a dumb theory, but I've always wondered. If the Ring was 100% loyal to Sauron, why is it suggested in the books that Gandalf, Saruman or even Galadriel could have tamed it, even at the cost of their own morality? Never made much sense to me.

They could not have tamed it. The ring would still be the ring, and do corrupt ring stuff. That's why they didn't take it

He just wanted a little world domination of Arda.
Oh, and he wanted to live out his nihilistic fantasies.
That's all.

invisibility represents freedom from consequence, the ring is supposed to represent power

Sure but they could still have used it to make themselves more powerful, even if in the end that led to them committing evil deeds. And yet with someone like Sauron, who's already essentially as evil as he could possibly have been, the Ring STILL didn't defend him in his moment of vulnerability. It's never explicitly stated, but it does make you wonder if the Ring was in fact loyal to itself instead of Sauron.

I always liked how vague the description of the final duel is in the books btw. The TL;DR is that no one really knows how the fuck he went down, and I think it's better that way. That's why the beginning of the movies is slightly retarded, even if it was an exciting opening.

It would have led to them becoming more powerful, but would align themselves with the goals of Sauron (and thus the ring), meaning they'd lose their identity.
The ring was loyal to Sauron and itself, because it contained part of Sauron, but it was still just a ring; a tool made to amplify power - it could not prevent everything.

I agree, although if it had been written it would probably have been great too, just like Fingolfin (I think) vs. Morgoth

His ring allowed him to manipulate and corrupt those who carried the other rings. The elves saw it coming and weren't affected, though.
The the rings of the elves are
Vilya (owned by Elrond), the ring of preservation/healing (supposed)
Nenya (owned by Galadriel), also a ring of protection and preservation
Narya (owned by Gandalf), +10 in charisma, +7 in stealth and some debuff resists

Not much is known about the other rings. It turned the dwarves into ultrajews and the humans into Nazguls.

>mfw Gil-Galad was so baller that he originally got both Vilya and Narya

I'd hate to be American or any other type of brown person with no identity.

I feel like spoon feeding you when you make a comment like that but it's so dumb and this is Sup Forums. I have to assume you are trying to get into some stupid conversation or argument.

Try reading the book.

why didn't eagles just fly the horcrux into the death star?

>Me smart u dumb
What an insightful post, you sure showed me.


Read the book.

I have.


It allows him to write off his entire income

So either you are trolling or dumb. Fantastic.

He could never escape from being in the shadow of Morgoth.

Morgoth tried to weaponize the whole world against God himself

Sauron made a shitty ring

>Me smart u dumb
Just leave the thread if you're incapable of contributing anything else. You're nowhere near as clever as you think you are if this is all you have to say.

Ring of air
Ring of water
Ring if fire

Vilya was the strongest btw

Read the book.

So dumb then

I have.


No you haven't

The book.

Yes I have.


Why didn't Sauron make a set of armor made from the same material as the ring?

Are you this desperate to outruse me friend?

The book

Just read. Anything.

You mean gold? That might be the worst possible metal to make armor sauron isn't as dumb as you

t. Ahmed

How can the ring be gold? You can melt gold easily and don't need to travel all the way to a fucking volcano to do it.

Ironically you're the one ruining the conversations going on in this thread

Maybe you should explain why I'm wrong, instead if smugly insisting I haven't read the book because you dislike my idea

Then again you could continue spamming and prove once and for all that you're full of shit so I can ignore you henceforth, up to you


That stupid shit with cutting the ring off mid battle is movie shit only, isildur cut the ring from Saurons 'corpse'

why didn't sauron just destroy mount doom so that no one can toss the ring into it?

There are more Muslims in the US than the UK. Lmao.

You already know the answer, why ask the question?

Sauron also convinced the Numenoreans to go to war against the Valar which ended up with Eru slapping their shit so hard that Arda became a sphere and sent Aman flying into space.

Reading, try it

He could do it. He just chose not to. No one knows why.

But IIRC even in the book, Isildur claims in his memoirs to have struck the killing blow. That's presumably why Hackson felt justified in putting that scene in.

Woah you mean there's more people in a country that's 40 times bigger than other country? Holy shit the more you know

The ring is not made from gold.
Speaking of which, why didn't Sauron infused his armor with his soul? You then could only defeat him by tossing him into a volcano

What if he wanted to make something else?

Because he didn't want to be tossed into a volcano

It's about ratios. The US has very few white people.

You remember wrong

Yes it is

The UK has been conquered already, it's France tier now, sorry. Germany will fall any minute now and daddy will have to bail you out as usual.

Why didn't he just seal the entrance to sammath naur?

I'm not English German or French. Those are cuck nations. They still have white people in them, unlike the US.

Prove it, fag. A huge axe can dent a gold ring easily.

>The UK has been conquered already, it's France tier now, sorry. Germany will fall any minute now and daddy will have to bail you out as usual.

>isildur cut the ring from Saurons 'corpse'
No, he cut the ring from his hand after he "fell". There's no mention that he was fucked up although one could argue that he was probably in bad shape after fighting and killing both Gil-Galad and Elendil.

How were they able to resist the power of the Ring anyway? Should they not have been steamrolled by Sauron?

Well that was the last strength of men and elves. Presumably the men and elves were pretty bad ass at that point.

Humans being the only race capable of a rapid come back.

Sauran did defeat the elves. He wasn't expecting hobbits (good rural folk) to be able to resist the ring and destroy it l, saving the great men.

Then humans steam rolled the planet.

Great argument

Not the user you were responding to. The US is not white.

They didn't use any rings controlled by Sauron.

No I mean during that fight. Basically it's implied that Gil-galad and Elendil fucked him up enough for Isildur to then cut the Ring from his finger, but even if they were the strongest of their race, how were they able to take on Sauron with the fucking Ring?

He suffered from feelings of not receiving a footjob from Galadriel.

You don't have much self-awareness, do you friend?

They were absolute man men. Sauran was not the only power in the world. Sometimes men and elves go HAM.

I didn't say they did, I mean how were they able to beat Sauron when he had the One Ring?

Oh the irony

Oh the irony

So it's like fighting two wild bears and surviving and then getting stung by a wasp and dying.

So why couldn't this theoretically happen again? Destroying the Ring is obviously the better option, but the way everyone speaks, it's as if Sauron would be invincible if he got the Ring back, even though it was taken from him before.

t. An American female.

lol at these two losers literally no u-ing each other

Men and elves were greatly weakened by the war. Sauran was capable of rebuilding his military much more quickly. So he was stronger for the next fight and the one after that. Orcs can be made in an almost industrial process. Men can't. Good men are rare, bad men fall to Sauran's influence and elves were just dying out.


Sauron's body was destroyed when Numenor sank so he wasn't as powerful as before. The ring doesn't make him invincible or anything. It "merely" allowed him to know what the other ring bearers were doing at all time and allowed him to control their minds.

you must either be on of them or you're not reading the thread

That's what 'fell' means, as in 'he fell in battle'

t. Hasn't landed on the moon

I don't understand.

>low energy b8 is low energy

>Michael Collins.
>John f. Kennedy.
My people did land on the moon.

Did he swim back to Mordor?

This is the worst bait I've seen in a while