Broken to the core

Incurable. This movie fucked me up.

Other urls found in this thread:

take it easy on the soy

shut up faggot this movie is depressing as fuck

Nice shit taste

which is why "le depressed" soyboys like you are so drawn to it

what's it like being a weak soyboy?

What's the daily dose of soy per day?

>blocks your soy

Ah yes, the 65 year old black literal homosexual conservative professional contrarian who writes for LGBT magazines is so not soy

Best film of 2016, along with The Embrace of the Serpent

He's attracted to strong, masculine men, not soyboys.

>take it easy on the soy
>Nice shit taste
>what's it like being a weak soyboy?
>What's the daily dose of soy per day?
>which is why "le depressed" soyboys like you are so drawn to it

Being this edgy, young, and dumb.

t. soyboy

>Incurable. This movie fucked me up.

Me too user. Watched it a few days ago and it kicked my ass. It's 10/10

>t. soyboy

Not really


I just don't see why he would not just kys later? I certainly would.

it's the "please" in this scene that does it for me.

>I just don't see why he would not just kys later? I certainly would.

When he says near the end of the film that he's tried to get over it but he can't. Was painful but great. It didn't give you some Hollywood happy ending. It was real....

Because after the first suicide attempt you realise that you would hurt other people even more with your selfish act, so rather than easing his pain by ending his life he chooses to make his life the sentence he never got by making his life a self imposed emotionless prison devoid of any joy

This movie was shit and not sad in the slightest.

this. So tired of this faggots on Sup Forums. You can't possibly have a real discussion anymore.

Why do you think it was shit user?

>This movie was shit and not sad in the slightest.

fucking this couldn't even be bothered to finish it, DUDE I'M SO DEPRESSED melodrama garbage

Why do you think it was garbage user?

>DUDE I'M SO DEPRESSED melodrama garbage

Being this young and edgy.
Bet you're a big Stranger Things fan.

>the scene where they meet again in the street

holy fuck

>the scene where they meet again in the street
>holy fuck

No shit. That one killed me. When she says she's sorry for what she said to him and he just can't deal with it because he doesn't want forgiveness.

>You can't just die.

more like casey affleck mopes for two hours by the sea

Best movie of the decade

it was good, but not that good.

haha yeah being sad for burning all three of your kids alive on accident is for faggots haha am I rite??

Being this edgy and pathetic.

Deep down you know this kid is a virgin who hates himself, lol

some nice projecting there user

Sarcasm doesn’t work in text form I guess.

Casey Affleck delivered one of the best performances of all times. This movie is so fucking good its beyond comprehension.


As somebody who lives in Manchester, England, this movie just annoyed me, honestly.

>tfw I still haven't seen this movie

Pic related is my favourite grief/depression-core movie. Will I enjoy Manchester by the Sea?

it was pretty bad and not the least depressing, and i usually like casey afleck. watch Lilya 4-ever.

>I popped out of my moms hairy greasy snatch where an inversely related film was shot and thus my opinion carries more weight
>You sound like somebody from manchester you brain-dead wanna-be chav

Ur a worse creature than the poster I replied to above. At least he has personality, you're just a angsty teenager, the worst type of cum-stain on the entire planet. Go get laid like you're supposed to at 16.

Great film