>black panther won't do well in asian countries
South Korea Black Panther - 2nd biggest opening for an MCU movie
I just love the "asians hate black people" meme that nerdy ass white virgins keep perpetuating on this board.
Don’t listen to them. Ever. This board improves a lot when you realize this.
isnt half the move set in Worst Korea to blantanly pander to the east asain market?
>that OP autistically posting the 15k it made from the antecipated screenings as if it was the opening box office
Which one is the first?
withour checking, i bet Spider-Man
asians like him a lot
i thought it was china that didnt like black. korea loves hiphop though
Civil War
That has nothing to do with liking niggers and they only love it when twink Koreans do it.
Went to see spider man with my girlfriend just cause that is easy date. After movie all she talked about was how movie had ugly people and why America is ugly in movies when it used to be attractive.
Your girlfriend sounds like a retard and the cancer killing film
Dude, this didn't pan out so it's just on to the next one with these people. They can't wait to ride White's dick, that probably going to be it.
marry that waifu
China is the one who doesn't like niggers you dumb fucking virtue signaling libcuck piece of shit.
Why do you make up lies on the internet?
Can't wait for it to do good in China
How many Sup Forumsyps will neck themselves when this becomes Marvel’s highest grossing solo movie?
Try typing that again, this time with no buzzwords
China is the one who doesn't like niggers you dumb fucking virtue signaling libcuck piece of shit.
Doesn't SK love hip hop culture, though?
It'll probably be the second highest behind Iron Man 3, although it all depends on the international cume. It's already pretty much guaranteed $400m domestic
good girl.
as if we can trust these numbers
>It's already pretty much guaranteed $400m domestic
very unlikely, just shows you know nothing about it
yea they just don't want them living there
Hopefully all of them
This scares and confuses the white boi.
>i come here to be condescending to everyone around me
Typical american liberal.
I look forward to the day china nukes your ass, you will become the black you worship.
>t. Soy Runner shill
>Sup Forumsfags are retarded what else is new
S. Korea =\= China moron
Theyre very different countries culturally.
>virtue signaling
Can you stop using words without thinking about their meaning? You and I probably share very similar ideologies, but spouting words just for the sake of it is retarded
>virtue signaling
Sup Forums tumblr
SK has a lot of consumer markers that similarly pop in America. They are usually the litmus test for how a movie will do in the US. As such they usually get movies first because they are a test market. That is why half the rips that are pirated are KOR.
They show the movies there first, and they move to digital distribution first to see how it will do. If it tanks in SK, it will probably tank in us.
Of course Worst Korea would eat this nigger shit up, they are the cuckest Asian country that emulate everything the US does
please soy boi, take your propaganda shit elsewhere
>Wonder Woman opened with 100 million with a lot more competition
>Made almost 420 million in burgerland
This will open with 150 million and has less competition
South Korea is all about western values. Including the cucked up shit.
Black user here. I dated a chinese girl during college. Upon finding out, her parents said they'd disown her and tell the rest of her family to do the same. I was red-pilled substantially throughout the relationship as I encountered first hand and had her give me in depth details about how Chinese people are. Sorry libral fucboi, you don't get to pin this one on whitey. Also, since you're not cultured, all asians aren't the same. South Koreans are not Chinese. The US naval bases and allied state of South Korea with the U.S makes them far more relaxed and less racist. While it isn't celebrated, there are a number of marriages between military men stationed there and korean women which is why a number of blasians are korean + black. There are a number of people intrigued about the film. I'm honestly not going to see it as I find it to be gutter tier kiked capeshit.
South Korea just follows trends of America and pretends to enjoy it just to show how much more sophisticated they are compared to Japan.
They are a gimmick in Asia. Like a show pony novelty. Some people think they are cool, some think they are cute animals. But all in all, there are so few niggers in asia it really isnt relevant.
source: lived in China, Korea, and Japan. Would not want to be black in any of those places.
Interesting that the prevalence of cuckoldry seems to correlate with circumcision and the destruction of the whole male
Did everyone forget that the Olympics are in Korea right now, so it's chock full of foreigners?
I’ll take Shit That Never Happened for $500, Alex.
>very unlikely, just shows you know nothing about it
>Black user here.
Sure dude
Lmao, assblasted niggers.
where's your girlfriend from?
last week
>but of course it's making money, it's nothing unusual, they are plebs, they like to imitate the US and they never hated niggers, just wait for China
China will deliver the best Sup Forums BTFOing this year
I'll take salty faggot for $1000.. Oh and she was dating a controlling obsessive white-boi before me.
Wtf, I'm moving to Korea now!
> Chinese girls don't date black guys..
> Black guys don't go to college
Being this as blasted .... HAHAHAH
Its because the movie was filmed in Korea
I know its hilarious. There was an entire 300 reply thread over how it "bombed" in SK because it only made 15k, even though that was from advanced screenings
hapas in canada and the us really like to delude themselves into thinking asians have open and tolerant societies. meanwhile they eat puppies and hang themselves in the forest over a math test
I can attest to this. My parents were immigrants from China, and they hate black people. They think of them as savages.
fuck right off. I lived in China and if I have ever seen a nation that is against blacks, it's the Chinese.
it went so far that our promoter actually stated in messages that while us Euros, Americucks etc would get free entrances and drinks, Chinese people and blacks would have to pay or not being let in. I don't know what the exact reasoning behind it is but blacks are really not welcomed most of the time. it's not nice to see nor hear but it's happening. if you actually started to travel instead of getting your news on a nigerian worm forum, you'd know what's happening out there
This, I can't fucking wait.
it's not about hate, it's about relatability. Do you watch a lot of bollywood movies? People just stick to what they know, it has nothing to do with hate.
I know exactly what you mean. They fucking hate American born Koreans. They call us "bastards" yet when they want to virtue signal they mention how Koreans have much larger precense in America compared to Japan just to show superiority. I fucking hate my Korean ancestry.
remember, if this movie somehow becomes very profitable (((they))) gonna push more and more niggers in other blockbusters, not just marvel shits
Imagine being a Mexican shitposter whose entire purpose in life revolves around impressing neckbeards from pol.
its almost like chinese people knows whats up
they also steamrolled the mussies when they tried to stir up shit
Since you are black, how does it feel that the liberal media is treating you like a child making sure anything negative about a movie such as this is slammed as racist.
How does it feel that these paternalistic shits decide for you if you should be offended and are offended on your behalf
Now they make it the general point, "It is the best movie ever, and it is going to win 3 oscars, so progressive". Does it not piss you of how they patronize you? This is racism through low expectation getting a price for showing up.
It used to be I did not care what the colour was of the lead or if the lead was a women. So an awesome character was an awesome character and his skin colour was not an important element. I loved blade, him being black did not factor in to that at all.
Real racism comes from SJW's
Chinese people are just incredibly racist and self-centered. Even when they go on vacations they'll go to Chinese restaurants instead of trying out local cuisine. It all makes sense when you look into their history and how they think their country is the center of the universe.
>shilling capeshit
>calling anyone else soy
l o l
>it's not about hate, it's about relatability
The SJW cope.
Why do niggers love sucking Jewish cock?
shilling propaganda ironically
Its going to make jackshit in China, you have no fucking clue about the world if you think you can equate Korean cinema interests with Chinese ones.
Even the people working in Chinese movie industry know its DOA there
neck yourself libcuck
1/4 of the movie happens in south korea
My ex walked me through how its due to ignorance and robo-survival. Many of those who immigrated after Mao's revolution have warped brains. They get here and their only focus is on survival and getting ahead. As such, they latch on to the dominate ethnic group as a gateway to prosperity which are white. Their exposure to blacks is equivalent to watching shit tier shows like Jerry Springer thus they ignorantly think all blacks are this way.
What's hilarious is her mom hated me the most but fell in love with me once we finally met. Me and her dad got along because, beyond my degree, I engaged heavily in the financial world/investments. Blanket Racism is nothing more than ignorance. It gets destroyed with counter examples.
Ultimately things didn't work out for unrelated reasons but it was an interesting experience. Mao's revolution warped China for some time.
ur fucking stupid, it will reach 500m or barely touch it
If you're actually black, props to you for not seeing this massive turd. fuck, I'd be angry as hell if the media outcry started treating my race like fucking childish retards who can't think individually
Becuase they hate me.
yea they filmed a bunch on the busan strip
let me guess, the first one is age of ultron, which has scenes in South Korea as well
they just banned hip hop, so they'd have to redo most of the soundtrack to even get it out there. i bet it doesn't even get a wide release
>fucking stupid
Sure cuck
Why would it bother me? I have no interest in seeing this movie partially because I hate the whole race angle. Just think about all the movies that get made each year in different countries, or even in your own country. It's not weird that if you're a white American that you have no interest in Tyler Perry movies or movies made in India, because those movies are made with specific audience in mind that is not you. Black Panther obviously caters to black Americans, so if Asian countries have no interest in them, that's to be expected.
I meant as to why do they hate American born Koreans?
I'm guessing you are American and have never left America.
Trust me, outside of the US Asians are racist as fuck.
In china usually movies starring dark skinned individuals aren't seen in a good light but so are the Nips and Kikes (_)_)=============D~~~~~
Wrong white boi. Asia loves us.
south koreans are the niggers of asia
Sure, tumblr.
the olympics brought a bunch of tards and mcu movies actually dont do well in s korea so its a bit misleading. they like chinas flicks more than hollywood
they go too far in a couple of things but overall, they're cool as fuck. overall, they have a bad rep amongst people who have never been there but it's actually a great country. many will cry "commies" but you don't feel that at all. they definitely don't let foreigners or other countries shit on them but most of the time, they're polite and helpful as fuck. there's some of them who act like shit toward foreigners because they think that foreigners think highly of themselves though. happens in all nations but whatever
talked to a lot of Chinese people who think that Chinese people on vacation behave like fucking retards. when I was in Thailand after my semester abroad, our bungalow lady told us she didn't like Chinese people because they never even tried using the (western) toilets the right way. they just shit on the floor and somehow tried to flush it down with the shower heads which obviously didn't work. Chinese people manage to be ignorant about everything in other countries. there's lots of intelligent folks out there though
Fuck off, that doens't count
Lol whiteys keep larping.
Literally deranged autists getting a high from this.
Only trust your own experience.
Why don't you trust massa anymore, you used to listen to our advice and live a worthwhile but hardworking lives.
>make the best electronics
Yeah no. There isn't a better phone than the Galaxy S8.
I never asked as I was to embarrased, but it has probably to do with not being "100%" Korean. I'm Americanized and there's nothing I can do about it. Most brainwashed Koreans don't like Americans. I have a freind who is Mexican. He deals with it too. My cousins tease me about it all the time when I visit.
how is that what you got out of what I said? Basically what I'm saying is that you're not a racist if you have no interest in this movie.