Movie is pretentious bullshit

>movie is pretentious bullshit
>the soundtrack is God tier

This guy's movies would be nothing without Mansells music

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It's not a shit movie user, there's worse

>having the plot of the movie explained to you in dialog is pretentious and 2deep4u

what did user by this? literally one of my favorite movies ever with followship probably

How is it pretentious?

Literally best movie that has ever been made buddy.

I liked it, the nebula sequences were beautiful looking, amazing that it was nearly all practical effects


lmao what a joke list

You are a turbopleb and should be hung for posting here

>implies amelie is bad

Oh yeah, the space effects were made by compositing stuff like chemical reactions on petri dishes, and ended up being one of the most beautiful films ever.
Yeah, its outdated by several years.
Amelie and Inception are fucking kino's though, and you know it.
Here it is, up to date.

How did this idiot make something as good as The Wrestler?

fountain was waste of time
but MOTHER! was insanely painful to watch
total nonsense
My hypothesis is Aron had a seizure after Pi.

And here's a video of the chemical reaction used to create one of the most beautiful scenes of the movie:

>babby's illustration to samsara
>constantly explained by narration
>spoonfed through repeated symbolism
This is your brain on capeshit.

>babby's first foreign language film

And a picture of the actual scene.

The music is amazing, yes. But the aesthetic is also on point. The story itself is not particularly meaningful, and it is pretentious.

>it's not obscure enough
Nice one, my underage friend. Also it was dubbed literally everywhere that matters, so hardly a foreign language film.

>the vedic rebirth cycle literally spelled out over and over
>story itself is not particularly meaningful

>Wonders when next Clint Mansell score is.
>See's it's Mute next week.

Post Mansell.