Darkwing Duck

Will he appear in the reboot, bros?

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Didn't they already day he would?

Did they confirm it, or just hint he might?

He has a character sheet

Are they even allowed to make DC references?


You mean the Batman jokes? I don't see why not.

They confirmed it at SDCC, they even showed art of him in the new style.


>Didn't they already day

Why wouldn't they ? Every show does a Batman joke at some point.
Besides, Darkwing Duck is more of an extensive reference to The Shadow and he's not owned by DC.

Someone needs to update this with a Darkwing in the style of the new shorts.

Him and Megavolt, from what I heard.

And Quackerjack

>>Michael Bell (Quackerjack's VA): Jim, you weren't there. I missed you but we recorded for the new one, for the new uh...Ducktales.

Look all I want to do is buy a Darkwing duck and a Launchpad Mcquack action figure


>Megavolt and Quackerjack
>Not Taurus Bulba or Steelbeak

Maybe my memory is fuzzy since I was never a huge Ducktales fan anyway, but wouldn't characters like Bulba and Steelbeak as sort "Bond villains" fit better in Ducktales than more outlandish supervillains?

As I recall, F.O.W.L. actually did originate in a DuckTales episode.


But apparently they showed Negaduck as well, so they might be going with the Fearsome Five since they're DW's most iconic foes. Well, they're all iconic, but you know what I mean.

On top of that, there's no indication Darkwing's only making one appearance.

They probably want a strong contrast so Scrooge has something to complain about.

"This is why I never go to that dump Saint Canard! You can't swing a dead cat without hitting some idiot in a masquerade costume! Say what you want about the Beagle Boys, at least they just wear prison clothing like NORMAL crooks!"

A lot of this show and particularly any Darkwing cameos are aimed squarely at nostalgiafags and the Fearsome Five are the villains everybody remembers.

Also for the love of Christ no I don't understand why this fucking picture exists either.

>Darkwing Duck is rebooted as a harem anime
>Fem-Liquidator tries literally selling herself with salesman banter

Is it Darkwing's harem or Negaduck's harem?

I recognize those assets.

Come to think of it... how do we recast Bushroot?

As long as they give him human posture and make Rosalyn a more competent fighter than DW or any of the villains put together... sure!


Wait so they're keeping Michael Bell as Quackerjsck but not Jim Cummings as DW?

And Gosalyn. R.I.P.

She was always kind of the muscle along with Launchpad. She even had her own superhero identity. Her main weakness was she was still a kid. Also Webby is nowhere near as badass as Scrooge in the reboot.

A lot of them are highly skilled thieves that would definitely attempt to go after a moneybin full of gold.

Tuskernini, Splatter Phoenix, or Camille Chameleon would be easy villains to add in.

Without Launchpad, they might make Gosalyn into the sidekick anyway

Darkwing's villains are a lot more threatening than most of the original DuckTales villains. Not sure how they'd handle them.

yes they already posted screenshots of his concept art.

thread's over everyone go home.

When will Mabel Pines pay for denying Darkwing his spot?


No, he's saying that he recorded his part separately. Jim's one of Disney's favorite voice actors, there's no way they'd recast him.

In the pilot Gosalyn easily got through the training simulation that we had already seen DW struggle through


Also friendly reminder that Darkwing was always just one bad day from cracking and ruling the city as a ruthless dictator with an iron fist.

I imagine at any point in time when they were recording a Ducktales episode, Jim would most likely be in the same building anyway. The guy does so much Disney work.

And this guy in the video does a really good Darkwing

Most are not out of context except for a couple that were only in DWD once or twice because they were considered too overpowered for that show like Liquidator.

>Tfw current run Shadow bitches about white supremacy and patriarchy

If you've never seen this show and watching the DuckTales reboot, I would recommend finding the DWD two part first episode online and watching it. It's like a short movie and honestly worth just watching that, I think. With lots of recognizable voice actors including Tim Curry and the woman who voiced Ms. Krabappel.

>in the bad future no one outside St. Canard either tried/or was able to stop him.
just how bad was it beyond the bridge at that point?

Shorts seems exclusive to wait... nvm scrooge is there, sorry

Return of Paddy Whack when?

Don't see why not, seems like the kind of person you'd be fine with giving ultimate power, main problem with even the most wily dictators is they eventrually die but he2s a masked man, he would surely find a viable heir by then and the title of Dark Wing would be one of a God.

I'm hoping for an episode where we go into Launchpad's backstory, maybe have it that Launchpad got hired by Scrooge after Darkwing retired due to old age, but he busts out the costume for one last caper against one of his old rogues

Nah, he said "we recorded". They just didn't see eachother at the time.

That actually sounds hilarious.

They both lost out to Olaf in the end didn't they?

I smell a team up.