Why do people pretend he's good looking?

why do people pretend he's good looking?

Psy op to create more soyboy twinks


he's ugly.

jeff buckley biopic when?

Reminds me of a young Putin

Why are you posting her pre-op pics?

he's very handsome.

years ago when I first saw her in Tomorrowland, I was so sure she'd turn out to be a gorgeous woman


>His mother, who is American, is Jewish (of half Russian Jewish and Austrian Jewish descent).

why is this dumb twink getting so much attention?
are we hitting peak degeneracy?

I’m sure she still has a gorgeous penis user

I always wondered this with Chrissy from the Sopranos, why does no one tell these people they have fucking unibrows?

How interesting. Tell us more pol

Anne Frank, is that you? Also, that unibrow....

he talking about the metoo moviment was top level cringe

fucking hate this twink

I know for sure that he's gonna get the Oscar & it sucks.

He looks nothing like jeff buckley, are you literally autistic?

Gary Oldman seems more likely though, seeing how he's already got the Golden Globe, Critics Choice and the SAG

Shipka NOOOO

>watch homeland
>he's a fucking dumb kid who everyone hates
>fast forward to a couple of years later
>he's suddenly the greatest actors of our generation

the jews are behind this definitely.

hes a qt you guys are out of your minds.

there's definitely a resemblance open your eyes

same reason people act like finn is cute
they're shills trying to promote their jewish twinks

It's only fags who think he's attractive. Fags on this very board. Fucking fags

>why do people pretend he's good looking?
>Psy op to create more soyboy twinks

Cause people tend to look more at facial structure than facial features

He would be seen as ugly if it weren't for those cheekbones and jawline

No there isn't. They're white and have long hair, but that's about it. Look at Chalamet's gross ass lower-face.

Oh, so he got all this because of nepotism. Cool. Scratch another one off the list.

whys no one mentioning his fucking unibrow



for some reason unibrows are quite popular among male models

Don't like strong eyebrows user?

Yeah I clicked on pic, and WTF is that unibrow? How do you not shave that? It's some poo in the loo indian-level shit

I notice things.

Just because Oldman got the Golden Globe, it doesn;t mean he'll get the Oscar too. Many actors in the past got the Globe but not the Oscar/

I'm telling you for sure, Timothee will get the Oscar.

should i stop shaving mine?




>6ft tall
>not balding
>not black
of course Sup Forums hates him

Girls and faggots like him because he's a twink with a boy next door look. He also gave a fantastic performance in call me by your name

you're welcome

I don't know, and he's not a very good actor either. Looks like an ugly chick. Good luck getting roles that aren't queers and 17 year olds-- you will need it

Why are Jewish people so beautiful?

Because Finn Wolfhard is still a kid

every time

he's ok because he's half french
if he was full on jew he'd look like a sandnigger

Oldman is finished!

I want to sticky my dicky in Timothy

would you, really?

my point was he reminds me of Debicki

He's a Jew

if he shaved the fucking monobrow he would be fine

It's that Liam Gallagher look

ITT: Straight guys caring about what girls find attractive

yeah man I wish I could look good enough so a bunch of straight dudes on Sup Forums would like to bang me, looks are subjective person to person but if I did have to pick a group I think I'd rather have girls like me than dudes

Welcome to Sup Forums. All we talk about is how men look. their hair, their jawline, their height, their weight. It's queerville up in this bitch.

>ITT: Straight guys


>weak as fuck soyboy piece of shit face
>looks like he has decent features because he's anorexic
Look at that subhuman degenerate chin. Disgusting

He’s playing Prince Hal in Henry V but you keep whining user

Sadly this. The Academy has reached max SJWishness and will undoubtedly push their gay jewish movie as the winner since there isn't a black oscar bait movie out.

There is a higher chance for Oldman's ex wife to drag Oldman to court than Chalamet to win. Oldman losing will not happen


same reason people pretend vincent cassel is good looking


literally who

welcome to the world of hypocrites

she wasn't in tomorrowland?

Imagine my shock

He should at least put in enough effort to remove that disgusting fucking monobrow

It's the male version of
>Isn't (((Sarah Jessica Parker))) so pretty!

This kid looks like Ziggy from The Wire

you're just too pleb to appreciate his beauty

Bang on, user.
Nailed it. Knew I'd seen that collection of triangles somewhere before.

His unibrow is CUTE

>that unibrow
Has he never heard of tweezers or a razor? He's taking pictures for a fucking magazine cover at least look presetable .

No, unibrows are disgusting and you would seem like a slob.

Seems like he has no problem with his unibrow considering he got another cover magazines on the same month

He's only getting attention because he was in a movie about fags.

she's one of his closest friends actually.

Well if that's what it takes to be famous, wouldn't you do it? It's not like he's sucking real dick, he's just pretending

> just guys being dudes sniffing ur bros hair nothin gay bout it
cant wait 4 armie to divorce and live full and satisfying bisexual life he deserves

>French father
>American mother
>French names get taken for the kids
Everytime lol

We can only hope he becomes a trap in the future.

She was kinda cute in Hocus Pocus desu.

imagine how pretty his boipussy must be...

he looks like the lead singer of all american rejects

That's fitting, we already know Armie is into knots

Yes user... Children inherit the father's last name.

They dont look at his face they just fantasize about his body

Meant Timothée and Pauline for the children. Rather than Timothy and Pauleen.

Nah, Timmy deserves better. With Hammer, he'll always be the other.

He got a Hank Hill butt.

yeah too bad he thinks he cant fuck his wife senseless because she's mother of his children, says it would degrade her (he said this himself a few years ago). he has a lot of uhhh unreleased energy in him. so the only thing left for him is liking bdsm pics on Twitter/insta. but i really hope he is fucking around, it's not healthy to repress your (absolutely normal) desires.

He’s gay and Jewish. He’s literally Hollywood’s idea of the perfect male.

> gay

OP pic and subsequent pics itt

He doesn't suck a dick in CMBYN. Armie sucks his.

she was the robot girl

bdsm isn't normal. it's what mentally ill people are into because they can't get off normally.
