Poor Jimmy, he just can't catch a break..
JUSTimmy Fallon
is this an anti-fallon tweet?
God forbid you try to just make your show entertaining
it's a joke you dumb retard, not everything has to fit some agenda
Fallon is an unfunny fuck but at least he isn’t spewing the same shit every night like all the other fucking faggots.
*slaps table*
Fallon seems like he is actually trying to do his job and not turn his show into a political mouthpiece.
Dunno, don't care. Never watched any of them, and I'm not planning on changing that.
Must everything be political?
Did Johnny rail against Nixon? Stop watching TV and read a book if you want to be informed on political goings on.
lol are contrarians gonna start caping for fallon now?
And that's what makes me like him.
Fallon is underrated af, this is the hardest decade to be funny yet inclusive probably in recorded history and he is being mildly funny while not hurting anyones feelings. Even right wingers can watch this show.
It's a valid question. I see this as a compliment to fallon whereas the writer may have meant it as a jab.
>Must everything be political?
YES! Either you are with us or your a Nazi scum who needs to be doxxed!!!
Welcome to the modern age.
said no one ever, play the victim a little harder
That this is the state of affairs frustrates me. It's forcing me to respect Fallon on some level.
Man I can't wait until Trump isn't president anymore. Not because I dislike Trump, but then we might have a snowball's chance at hell of comedy actually being about comedy again.
I can hear your heavy breathing over the internet
HAHAHAHAHAHA Tell- tell the anons what you told me- HAHAHAHAHA- backstage. Tell them.
>Fallon ends up being the one with the most integrity
huh would you look at that
>Your video game isn't political enough
>Your tv show isn't political enough
>Your movie isn't political enough
>Your late night standup isn't political enough
Can we just like, euthanize this entire generation and try again?
i can hear your sad and hilarious penis getting hard when you think about how milquetoast and inoffensive fallon is
This is just further proof that the left is ruining our society.
I just want Craig back
Don't wanna burst your bubble, but even when they're not busy peddling political nonsense they're not funny.
reminder that if you don't have a twitter account with at least 10 anti-trump tweets, you're a nazi enabling scumbag
don't @me haters
Who hurt you? Show me where they touched you.
I bet you breathed really heavily typing this post
Not everything needs to be political. That's why you're ruining society. Instead of working together, you constantly attempt to tear people apart. And that's because you're full of hate and bile.
Did you know that Jimmy Fallon has a holographic ride at Universal studios where you fly around New York in a spaceship with him?
I didn’t go on it because late night fucking sucks these days
nu-Sup Forums did
Yeah, I would think this is a Fallon supporter. Imagine, a late night comedian who tells jokes instead of instructing you on building an ideal society.
I'd ten thousand times rather watch a lame unfunny standup routine than a half-baked political commentary with a bunch of faggots mindlessly applauding it like seals.
if only late night writers were funny and smart like you absolute geniuses
lol run along now radical centrist
Only someone who is miserable makes a post like this
Not everything needs to be political, and people who think otherwise are usually mentally ill.
Yes he is basically a living JOI AI robot that laughs at your jokes and talks you up. Once you realize this it doesn't have to ruin your enjoyment. When you get bitter libturds who speak their mind at every moment you get the Fall of Bill Maher.
Yeah same here. It could go either way. If he's supposed to be doing funnies, then he's the one who's at least trying.
>it should be this one thing i don't like, not this other thing i don't like!
fucking watch something else you fucking headass
Why not give Christopher Hitchens a late nite show?
>Work hard all day.
>Just want to enjoy some laughs before bed.
What a drag.
lol at least i can make it through a late night monologue without frothing about the decline of western civilization
There was actually a time when Conan, Fallon, and Oswalt actually were funny, believe it or not.
Yep. Definitely triggered.
Holy fuck, he's been dead for six plus years. Where was I? Where was the sticky?
yeah, it's fucked how we're all forced by the tv gestapo to tune in every night
lol did you forget what this thread was about?
If I want laughs, I'll watch Seinfeld.
Without a doubt triggered.
>being this fucking deaf on figures of speech
I don't watch any of it you autistic fuck.
saying that you'd rather see x than y when you actually don't want to see either of them is not a figure of speech, it's just an advertisement of what a fucking simpleton you are
Everything is all about politics with these people because politics is all they have. They're all so fragile and weak. Their leftist political causes make them feel arrogant and superior to others, and they need that because of their inherent weakness and inferiority.
actually like the death of theaters, cable television is dying too
probably has to do with the shear-drop in quality
(and that's a good thing)
>Did Johnny rail against Nixon
Yes. Johnny regularly had political segments.
I don't think he's actually smart enough to go down that road, otherwise I'm sure he we would have already. He's still unwatchable for other reasons though.
if you keep saying it then it turns into reality! almost there!
yes, it's surely because of all the shows you don't like and nothing at all to do with piracy, streaming services, etc
I've said it before and I'll say it again. If Colbert, Meyers, Bill Maher, etc actually mattered Hillary Clinton would be president. But she's not and she never will be. The ultimate proof of the impotency of the late night comedian.
i bet alot of people are streaming these shitty nightly """""""""""""""""""comedy""""""""""""""""""" shows
probably because of the backlash he got from whiny faggots when he had trump on his show
Not only are you triggered, but you're also mentally ill and starved for human interaction. Possibly because no one likes you IRL
if only i had a vibrant social life and a promising career, like all of you people who whine about late night talk shows on Sup Forums
From NBC's perspective, they win because they get both kinds of viewers
>not smart enough
Kimmel, Colbert etc all have writers that write their stuff, they aren't coming up with it themselves.
>both kinds of viewers
plebs (fallon) and patricians (meyers)
I was thinking exactly this.
Never thought there was someone less deserving of a late show, then along came Colbert, Myers and Kimmel.
Without a doubt. Deeply triggered
>gotta regurgitate the "jokes" of some pink haired balding, bearded, bespectacled soyboy who's is, and will forever, be mad about trump winning
what a job
you're doing a great job, champ! way to go, sport!
She won the popular vote
Picosecondly reminder
Deeply triggered.
Still not president.
>youre mad
>no youre mad
>no youre mad
>no youre mad
lol nobody cares about hillary anymore, why do you think centrist normies come here? the only reason people bring up the popular vote is because it's a funny way to deflate your guys' idea that trump had some landslide victory and is deeply loved by the people
Deeply triggered.
Except he was doing just that a month ago.
aww, you're not even gonna come up with new ones anymore?
As always Conan is the best of the lot. Politically restrained, that is of course until the president behaves like a complete boor. Being the student of presidential history that he is, seeing the presidency reduced to this must drive him completely up the wall. Yet he rarely ever shows it and remains composed and professional.
I honestly don't think it's pro anybody on the list.
Fallon's the least of four evils here.
Craig is still the best Late Night host who ever lived.
Emotionally triggered.
Poking fun of a politician isn't the same as a political segment.
Now, late night comedians think it's their job to tell people what to think. Despite the fact there is no evidence they know anything.
Jon Stewart started this shit. The new formula: Become a reliable source of lefty talking points in a sugar coated comedy pill. Secure the young and dumb demographic that advertisers want with low effort bias confirmations. Granted Jon Stewart had some measurable amount of talent for it. The replacements are generic butt fuckers.
i wonder if they'll use her again
probably, otherwise anyone who disagrees will commit suicide via two shots to the back of the head
Poor Conan. Not even mentioned.
every day i try to become a little more rational and logical and reasonable like you people who cry about the late night talk shows saying mean things about trump you don't like
Conan's unironically trying to convince his viewers that Haiti is a good country that's worth living in.
He's a fucking idiot.
It's fun to watch the left lose the final culture war. They worked so hard to destroy this nation from the 1960s on, and now it's all coming down for them. It brings a genuine smile to my face.
The problem is they've boxed themselves in. They can only make Trump jokes. They can't make fun of women, minorities or any victim group. I don't mind liberal comedy but it's gone too far like all liberal things these days.
Emotionally troubled.
The point of bringing up the popular vote was not to gloat but to disprove your claim that politics in popular entertainment has no effect on public opinion
This is why the media and government want you to believe the Russia meme, "no we're not irrelevant and incompetent and clueless, we would have won if it weren't for those pesky ruskies"
what are you gonna do if i just keep posting? you realize you're stuck here til the end of the thread now, right?
Seriously troubled.
who the fuck still watches late night tv?
This is the kind of thing said by an emotionally troubled internet addict.
Sucks to suck, bitch.
People who don't watch Logan Paul and """""esports""""" yt channels
i dont watch either of those though
On Colbert's best night, he pulls in roughly 2.4 million viewers. This isn't common for him, but it happens.
And that's in a nation filled with 355 Million people. It just goes to show how small and insignificant all of this is. None of it matters. Eventually all of it will be forgotten. Get on with your life and be happy.