And my tax!

And my tax!

why didn't OP just go fuck himself?


Who is the target audience here? This meme is bizarre and unfunny, but I see a lot of effort.

It must appeal to somebody. Care to spill the beans? I'm fascinated.

And my feet!

Buy, you fools!


>Bail me out
>I cannot meet my quarterly targets you'll have to bail me out!
>W-wait. Don't tell the IRS
>Not a word

It's supposed to be a response to GRRM's critique of Tolkien. The right simply cannot meme.

>lord of the rings, a story written to be mythology would somehow be improved by talking about the king's tax policy, people shitting and getting raped

>It's supposed to be a response to GRRM's critique of Tolkien. The right simply cannot meme.

lol oh i didnt pick up on that at all. wtf now i love tax posting!

The market is changed. I feel it in asia. I feel it in the uk. I smell it on wallstreet. Much that once was, is lost. For none now trade, who remember it. It began with the forging of the Great Housing Bubble. Breaks were given to the Fanny May, immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings. Seven, to the Auto lords, great manufactuers and craftsmen of the detroit halls. And nine, nine stocks were gifted to the race of the shareholders , who above all else, desire power. For within these stocks was bound the strength and will to govern each fortune 500. But they were all of them, deceived. For another deal was made. In the land of Isreal, in the fires of the temple mount, the dark lord Bilderberg forged in scret a master market to control all others. And into this market he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all stocks . One Market to rule them all


and my loan

You'll find more cheer in an audit.

>[unintelligible elvish]
>[unintelligible elvish]
>[unintelligible elvish]

and your other tax

taxposting is fun, but copposting also deserves a space here

>Forgive me.
>There is nothing to loan forgiveness.

The only people who don’t find taxposting funny are underages and redditors.

Truly the greatest meme of the last 16 months

>file, you fools