AQUAMAN (December 21, 2018)

Can it save the DCEU, Sup Forums?


>"Arthur Curry, the reluctant ruler of the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, attempts to bridge peace between the humans who have polluted his domain and the Atlanteans ready to subjugate the surface world."


>Jason Momoa as Arthur Curry / Aquaman.
>Amber Heard as Mera, a fierce Atlantean warrior.
>Patrick Wilson as Orm Marius, Arthur's ambitious half-brother and ruler of Atlantis.
>Willem Dafoe as Nuidis Vulko, an Atlantean elder and Arthur's mentor and confident.
>Nicole Kidman as Atlanna Marius, queen of Atlantis and mother of Arthur and Orm.
>Temuera Morrison as Thomas Curry, a human lighthouse keeper and Arthur's father.
>Yahya Abdul-Mateen II as David Kane / Black Manta, a mercenary obsessed with killing Arthur to avenge his father.
>Michael Beach as Jesse Kane, David's father who was accidentally killed by Arthur.
>Ludi Lin as Murk, Atlantis' military commander and Arthur's friend.
>Dolph Lundgren as Nereus, the ambitious warmongering ruler of the Atlantean city of Xebel.
>Graham McTavish in an undisclosed role.


>Cinematography by Don Burgess ("Spider-Man").

>Costume design by Kym Barrett ("The Amazing Spider-Man").

>Production Design by Bill Brzeski ("Iron Man 3").

>Written by Will Beall ("The Gangster Squad").

>Directed by James Wan ("Fast and Furious 7")


>$160 million budget.

>Based on the "Throne of Atlantis" storyline.

>Described as a fun "high-sea adventure" with "romantic adventure" elements regarding Aquaman and Mera.

>Main plot will be intercut with flashbacks of Aquaman's childhood and adolescence.

>Ocean Master is the main antagonist, with Black Manta and Nereus as supporting villains. The Trench, a race of monstrous deep-sea creatures, will also be featured.

>Aquaman will wear his classic green and orange suit at some point, probably as a gag.

The DCEU is already dead. Not even a "no one takes it seriously anymore" thing, its Avengers, a tentpole event, failed to gross enough in its theatrical run to recoup its costs and make a profit. Press S to spit on the grave.

fuck this shit man, and the DCEU too
it's not even worth posting anymore

>Going up against Into the Spiderverse and Bumblebee
>literally no hype
>mocked and insulted before the first shitty teaser is even out
>so guaranteed to be shit fucking fox moved Alita to THE SAME FUCKING DAY because they know they'll beat it
it'll save it by putting it out of it's and all of our misery

idk, dceu is shit, etc
but i want to say that JL did a good job at selling Aquaman, not so much with Cyborg

>JL did a good job at selling Aquaman

Really? All he did was job.

>it's up to the famously most useless superhero to save the franchise

sorry buddy time for a reboot.

Marvel has shown that traditional tent poles aren't required. They got started off the back of iron man.

Good movies can easily bring this shit back. Fast and the Furious franchise was resurrected.

someone help me end my life please

>JL did a good job at selling Aquaman
too bad no one's buying


Snyder ruined DC just LOOK at all the amazing DC movies before he showed up

>releasing this in December instead of the end of August or September.
It’s like they want this shit to fail.

>mfw this flops and then marvel makes a successful Namor movie

I’m interested in seeing how James Wan will tackle a superhero film.

You retarded? Cyborg is the only one of the new characters that somewhat had an arc and actually had a character or personality. They gave him something to do unlike aquaman or flash. In fact Fisher just got a regular role in true detective 3. His acting wasn't atrocious like Ezra

Shazam is gonna be good.

After the mess that was JL, DC deserves to crash and burn

This is for Suicide Squad and BvS


>a fun "high-sea adventure" with "romantic adventure" elements regarding Aquaman and Mera.

They have no idea what they're doing, just copying the Marvel formula and pray for success.

Aquaman does literally nothing. He's the most pathetic one in the fight against Superman, and all he does in the climax is being thrown around in the sky.

well at least james wan is a real director.

jesus who gives a shit about this trainwreck anymore after JUST League

He had like zero development in Justice league.. and the guy isn't an amazing actor or that charismatic. Even with his GOTs following and his panty dropper status... I don't see it being a good film.

Maybe the Rock could pull it off.. but this guy?

y'all niggas need to stfu and are clearly out of your mind if you don't think jason momoa won't attract roasties
You soyboys need to grow a pair if you really think Zack ruined JL or DC.

No our lord and savior has left us


not happening based marvel gave them CHADwick and a great movie

no one wants to see this talentless piece of shit in another shitty DC movie

Watch Aquaman have the best and most successful DCEU movie out of nowhere.

we wuz KANGZ

>MCU made Black Panther into one of the most beloved superheroes of modern time
>DCEU. A complete mess, too scared to even make a proper Batman movie, Ben is probably gone.
What are they even doing?

I’m looking forward to it. It’s an interesting storyline.


The only good ones before Snyder are a bunch of the Batman flicks and the first Superman. I would hardly say Snyder "ruined" DC.

DC has already blown its wad with a movie about Superman, Batman vs Superman, AND and the JL and youre crossing your fingers that *maybe* itll be as good as Fast and Furious someday?

>not dead
they are still making nightwing movie


So, is the bad guy Black Manta or Ocean Master? Will it be Manta then Orm turns bad at the end teasing the sequel?

This will probably the killing blow to the DC universe. They should just have WW cut ties with this shit and keep making those a separate thing.

>the killing blow to the DC universe
That was Batman v Superman.